2021-12-05 geluman 9899
11 facts you learned about US history that are false


Some things you've learned in school may havesince been proven false, and that is especially true when it comes to UShistory.Many say history is written by the winner, leaving much of the truthout. In recent years, historians and experts have been coming forward to revealthe true stories around some of America's biggest historical events.


From the first Thanksgiving to the moon landing,here's everything your teacher may have gotten wrong about American history.


MYTH: Christopher Columbus discovered America.


TRUTH: As early as primary school, most of uslearned that Christopher Columbus discovered America, but that is not accurate.In fact, the Spanish explorer never even entered North America. On his fourtrips across the Atlantic, starting in 1492,Columbus explored the Caribbeanislands of the Bahamas and Cuba. He also couldn't have discovered America becauseNative Americans were already living there. In fact, Columbus is not even thefirst European to explore the Americas. That honor goes to the Norse explorerLeif Erikson who sailed to the Western Hemisphere over 400 years earlier. Thenwhy is Columbus such a notable figure in American history? It's most likelybecause he started a new age of exploration and his trips to the New World ledto colonization.


MYTH: Christopher Columbus sailed on the Niña,Pinta, and Santa Maria.


TRUTH: "In 1492, Christopher Columbussailed the ocean blue" is a common children's song most learn in school.The song also mentions his three ships, which are usually known as Niña, Pinta,and Santa Maria. However, his ships were likely not named any of thosethings.Historians know that the Santa Maria's real name was La Gallega and theNiña's real name was the Santa Clara. It is not known what the Pinta's actualname was at the time.


MYTH: Pocahontas and John Smith fell in love,uniting two cultures.


TRUTH: For starters, Pocahontas wasn't even herreal name. Her official name was Amonute. Pocahontas was her nickname, whichmeant "playful" or "ill-behaved child." That's right,Pocahontas was just a child, about 11 or 12 years old, so it is very unlikelythere was any romance between her and John Smith, a grown man. In his journals,John Smith wrote that Pocahontas saved his life when her family tried toexecute him. He also wrote that during his captivity, the two became close andtaught each other their languages, but never mentioned anything romantichappening between them.


MYTH: The first Thanksgiving was a peaceful andjoyous meal shared between the Pilgrims and Native Americans.


TRUTH: In school, most were taught that thePilgrims came over on the Mayflower and sought help from the Native Americansto survive in the New World. In 1620, the two groups supposedly came togetherfor a three-day feast to celebrate their relationship and new lives together.But many historians say this was not the case. The two groups had a lot ofhostile feelings towards each other. The Pilgrims viewed Native Americans assavages, and stole their farmland. They also killed more than 90% of the nativepopulation with smallpox, brought over on the Mayflower. These hostile conditions,historians believe, did not lead to a celebratory first Thanksgiving. In fact,some say the Native Americans were not even invited to the feast.


MYTH: Witches were burned at the stake at theSalem witch trials.


TRUTH: While most associate the Salem witchtrials of 1692 with witches burning at the stake, the truth is that not asingle person was burned. Of the 20 people who were convicted of practicingmagic, 19 were hung near Gallows Hill and one person was tortured to death. Butthroughout history, many referenced burning witches at the stake, so it caughton. For example, a magazine in 1860 wrote, "The North ... having begunwith burning witches, will end by burning us!"

事实:尽管大多数人将1692年的塞勒姆女巫审判与被烧死在火刑柱上的女巫联系在一起,但事实是没有一个人被烧死。 在20名被判有使用魔法罪的人中,有19人被吊死在绞架岭附近,一人被折磨至死。纵观历史,很多人提到过在火刑柱上烧死女巫,因此这种说法流行起来,例如1860年的一本杂志写道“北方……已经烧死女巫,最终将以烧死我们结束!”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

MYTH: Paul Revere rode horseback through thestreets of Massachusetts yelling, "the British are coming!"


TRUTH: Paul Revere did ride horseback to warnthat the British were fast approaching Lexington, but he was not screaming.Instead, he was much more discreet since British troops might have been hidingnearby. He also wasn't alone. He was first joined by two other patriots, with 40more joining by the end of the night. Lastly, he would never have called them"British" because many of the colonists still considered themselvesBritish. At the time, he would have used the term "Regulars" to warnpatriots about the invasion. We have Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to thank forthis misconception. He wrote "Paul Revere's Ride" in 1861 and gotmost of the facts wrong.


MYTH: George Washington had wooden teeth.


TRUTH: The first president of the United States,George Washington, did not, in fact, have wooden teeth. But he did have a lotof dental issues. The former war general wore dentures made of ivory, gold, andlead. But wood was never used in dentures and it was definitely not found inWashington's mouth. No one truly knows how or why this rumor started. Somehistorians say that the ivory may have been worn down, therefore having agrainy, wooden appearance, confusing early observers.


MYTH: The Declaration of Independence was signedon July 4, 1776.


TRUTH: While many believe we are celebrating theDeclaration of Independence's signing on the Fourth of July, it was actuallysigned in August of 1776. The confusion lies in the fact that July 4 was theday the final edition of the document was agreed upon. It was the deadline theContinental Congress gave itself and wrote down, though it wouldn't be signedfor another month.


MYTH: Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.


TRUTH: In the late 1800s, Thomas Edison waswidely considered a genius after he invented the light bulb. But some sayEdison is not the sole inventor. In fact, there were over 20 inventors who hadcreated the incandescent light bulb before him. Additionally, it's rumored thathe borrowed (or stole) details from those other inventors. So, why does Edisonget all the credit? In part, he was a great salesman, and he knew how tooutpace everyone else who was working on the light bulb. Edison was luckyenough to receive the important patents he needed to be solely credited for theinvention.


MYTH: Slavery largely happened in the South.


TRUTH: Many associate slavery with the South,but the truth is that slavery existed in every colony before the RevolutionaryWar. In fact, Massachusetts was the first colony to legalize slavery, and NewYork had over 1,600 slaves in 1720. Equally upsetting is the fact thatpresidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both owned slaves.


MYTH: Neil Armstrong said, "One small step forman, one giant leap for mankind," when he landed on the moon.


TRUTH: If you examine the famous line uttered byNeil Armstrong in 1969, you realize it doesn't really make sense. Because"man" and "mankind" essentially meant the same thing, ifhis famous line was accurate, what he basically said was, "that's onesmall step for mankind, one giant leap for mankind." Upon returning home,Armstrong clarified that he did say "one small step for a man," whichmakes much more sense. Peter Shann Ford, a computer programmer, said he foundproof that the missing "a" was actually just lost in transmissionback to Earth.

事实:如果你仔细检查尼尔·阿姆斯特朗在1969年说过的这句名言,你会意识到它实际上讲不通。因为"man"and "mankind"本质上是指的同一事物,如果他的名言是准确的,他基本上说的是“这是人类的一小步,却是人类的一大步”。回到地球后,阿姆斯特朗澄清他的确说过“一个人的一小步”,这样就讲得通了。一名叫做彼得·尚恩·福特计算机程序设计员称,他发现了证据证明缺少的“A”实际上在传输回地球的过程中丢失了。

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