2021-07-24 笑容的伪装 31317
[Documentary] The Daming Palace &Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 AD) 唐朝大明宫

Fatty Boomber
This is one of the best doco's on Ancient China!!


Agree, this documentary is done very well!


Will G
Fatty Boomber LOL! This is an idealised and romanticised version that becomes insipidly fantastical. A boomer would fall for this crap, the same way boomers fell for charlatans such as Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi, the EST seminars, and Jim Jones’ church.

笑!这只是平淡无奇的幻想的理想化和浪漫化的版本,婴儿潮出生的人才会喜欢这种垃圾,就像他们喜欢像玛哈雷什·马希什·约吉、EST 研讨会和吉姆·琼斯教堂这样的骗子一样。
Imperial Commander Yue Fei 岳飛

Korea and Japan based their culture off of the Tang Dynasty. Everything from clothing, chopsticks, weapons, armor, writing, philosophy, religion, and architecture is derived from Tang Dynasty, China.

韩国和日本的文化是建立在唐朝的基础上的。从服装, 筷子, 武器, 盔甲, 写作, 哲学, 宗教和建筑的一切都来自唐朝, 中国。

ranger perng
You must be kidding , korea did not exist at that time


Perhaps many of the things were either directly based on, or influenced by the Chinese dynasties. But the Bathing culture of Japan and Korea is purely Altaic and authentic.

也许很多事情要么直接建立在中国朝代的基础上, 要么受到中国朝代的影响。但日本和韩国的浴场文化纯粹是阿尔泰式和原创的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Wandrative Modern Japanese is the Yayoi people (Chinese and Koreans) and Austronesian people and Hokkaido Ainu (gene types also belong to the Austronesian ethnic Malay) mixed race, the Koreans are the South Korean Peninsula three Han Tribe's descendants, it doesn't matter and Altai

现代日本人是弥生 (中国人和韩国人) 和南岛人和北海道阿伊努人 (基因类型也属于南岛族马来族) 的混血, 韩国人是朝鲜半岛三韩(辰韩、马韩、弁韩)的后裔, 并不关阿尔泰什么事

@ken Y I absolutely agree with you that the Japanese are composed of Korean, Chinese and Austronesian ethnic groups. But, most of the 'Yayoi' people comes from the Korean peninsula rather then mainland China. Also, the Beakje dynasty which was located in the south of the peninsula was composed of people from the Goguryeo dynasty. The three Han tribes were mostly Altaic anyway. Genetic testing revealed that most modern Koreans are 85~95% Altaic, while the Japanese are 65~75% Altaic.

我完全同意你的看法, 即日本人是由朝鲜人、中国人和南岛族组成的。但是, 大多数 "弥生" 来自朝鲜半岛, 而不是中国大陆。此外, 位于半岛南部的百济王朝由高古里亚王朝的人组成。这三韩部落大多是阿尔泰克。 基因检测显示, 大多数现代韩国人是 85 ~ 95% 的阿尔泰血统, 而日本人是 65 ~ 75% 的阿尔泰血统。

korean is more of ming culture


@Cazzo1231 What do you even mean

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Wandrative korea is more influenced by ming dynasty culture


@Cazzo1231 "Korea" used to exist way before the Ming dynasty. It is not "More of Ming culture". Yes, the Joseon dynasty of Korea was heavily influenced by the Ming dynasty but that was it. Before that there were Goryeo, Silla, Beakje, Balhae, Goguryeo, Buyeoand and Dongeh dynasties and none of them were influenced by Ming culture obviously because it did not exist.

"韩国" 在明代以前就已经存在了。这不是 "更多的明代文化"。是的, 朝鲜的朝鲜王朝深受明朝的影响, 但就是这样。在此之前, 有高丽、新罗、百济、渤海国、高句丽、扶余和耽罗等朝代, 显然都没有受到明代文化的影响, 因为它并不存在。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Wandrative geez, when someone say influenced by something, of course he means the history after that thing existed, of course i know theres already korea before ming, you are just being a smartass right now

天哪, 当有人说受到什么东西的影响时, 他当然是说那东西存在后的历史, 当然我知道在明之前已经有了朝鲜, 你真聪明。

@Cazzo1231 Well for some newcomers who are just reading by, you made it sound like the entire culture of Korea was out of Ming culture. I wanted to state that It was just the Joseon dynasty that followed Ming culture. Even in modern Korea, only a fragment of their culture have traces of Ming culture.

对于一些刚刚阅读的新人来说, 你让人听起来整个韩国文化都脱离了明代文化。我想说的是, 跟随明代文化的只是朝鲜王朝。即使在现代韩国, 他们的文化也只有一部分有明代文化的痕迹。

Kama Jiu-jitsu
A lot of Japanese traditions are from the Tang Dynasty, especially the building styles.

的许多传统都来自唐朝, 尤其是建筑风格。

+Doug Lim (702) Kyoto is a small copy of Chang'An which is the most visited city in Japan except Tokyo.

京都是长安的一个小副本, 它是除东京外, 日本里游客最多的城市。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kama Jiu-jitsu
@CNruler A lot of researchers say if you want to see what the Tang Dynasty culture was like just visit Japan. (sort of)

很多研究人员说, 如果你想看看唐朝文化是什么样子, 只要去日本看看就好了。(某些)

Tim Tran
actually, Japan, Korea, AND Vietnam all copied and adapted from Tang Dynasty. Japan's last imperial culture was essentially an adaptation of Tang. Korea before Yuan Ming influence was essentially Tang as well. Vietnam was essentially Tang in styles up until Ming conquered it.

实际上, 日本、韩国和越南都是从唐朝复制和改造的。日本最后的帝国文化本质上是对唐朝的改造。元明之前的韩国影响本质上也是唐。越南基本上是唐的风格, 直到明朝征服它。

cat silly
but the inside structure is totally different,china remains the core structure but japan only copy the surface

但内部结构完全不同, 中国仍然保留了精神内核, 但日本只复制表面

Kama Jiu-jitsu

@金钊 China has no right to speak of there culture, when they destroyed 35% of all Chinese antiques and artifacts of your culture during the cultural revolution. As far as I am concern, Taiwan is the official Chinese culture.
...因为...文革...。就我而言, 台湾(地区)是中国的文化正统。

Tim Tran
@Internet Jotunn eh. Both are part of Chinese culture. Taiwan itself was influenced by Japanese culture during Japanese occupation. Cultures change.


Kama Jiu-jitsu
@Tim Tran Most Taiwanese came to Taiwan in "1949" four years after WW2. And you Vietnamese are basically Knock off of Chinese culture down to every detail. Did you know Vietnamese is 75% Chinese vocabulary. fact

二战四年后, 大多数台湾人在 "1949年" 来到台湾(地区)。而你们越南人基本上是把中国文化的每一个细节都打掉了。你知道越南语事实上是75% 的汉语词汇吗?

Tim Tran
@Internet Jotunn lol that's like saying Japanese and Korean culture are Chinese knockoff as well. All 4 of them are the Sinosphere, of course most of their culture came from China. But make no mistake, there are many differences. But why do you suddenly decided to attack Vietnam in the first place lol? We're talking about Taiwan, which isn't at all pure Chinese culture. Maybe Hong Kong. But that is also British-influenced.

笑,这就像说日本和韩国文化也是中国的山寨。他们四个都是中国文化圈, 当然他们的文化大多来自中国。但别搞错, 他们有很多不同。但你为什么一开始就突然决定攻击越南呢?我们说的是台湾(地区), 它根本不是纯粹的中国文化。也许香港是。但这也是受英国影响的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Richard Bonchen
Tang Dynasty: Such a great begining, such a sad ending!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Travers Kilroy Cooper Alvirez
Wait till you get to Song.


array s
Richard Bonchen not so much great begining when you had to kill your own siblings and forcefullt enthroned your father.


Eric, The Centrist & Nazi's Worst Nightmare
Richard, true. Nothing lasts forever.


Tj Whitley
The Tang dynasty is not just the greatest empire to rule China, but one of the greatest empires in history. Not mention it was one of the largest empires in history. It conquered many territories with it's badass military as well spreading it's influence setting the foundation of East Asian culture. Chang'an with a population 2,000,000 people it was the most populous city in the world. A city of that size wouldn't be seen until the modern world. Chang'an was like the the Paris, Los Angeles, and London of it's day with all the fashion, commerce, education, culture, arts, and entertainment. Guangzhou during Tang literally reminds me of New York of the modern age with it's harbor and foreigners. I think it is even cool that Tang participated in International sports games like Polo. Cuju practically became a professional sport in the Tang dynasty. With all the inventions an scientific innovations of the Tang dynasty it literally set us on the road to the modern world. However, my most favorite thing about the empire was it's open mind. Tang dynasty had egalitarian views. The foreigners or the people they took over were treated as equals to the Han people and were in fact embraced. Which is the major reason why cosmopolitanism culture was so influential and religions(other than Buddhism and Daoism) such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Paganism, Hinduism flourished because of religious freedom inside the Tang dynasty. Women were also set on an equal footing as men unlike other Chinese dynasties. You weren't even persecuted for being a homosexual. Plus slaves only made up less than 1% of the population, so slavery did not even come close existing on a large scale, and even slaves had rights. Mistreating a slave was against the law, and even slaves could own property. The only bad thing though about the Tang dynasty was the Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution. Luckily, it only lasted for a short period, and Emperor Wuzong was the only tyrant during the Tang. All in all, it was one of the most beautiful empires to ever exist. In the West I would considered it very underrated.

唐朝不仅是统治中国的最伟大的帝国, 也是历史上最伟大的帝国之一。更别提它是历史上最大的帝国之一了。它用它强大的军事征服了许多领土, 也传播了它的影响力, 奠定了东亚文化的基础。长安人口为 2, 000, 000 人, 是世界上人口最多的城市。这样规模的城市要到现代世界才能看到。长安就像巴黎、洛杉矶和伦敦的一天, 拥有所有的时尚、商业、教育、文化、艺术和娱乐。时期的广州从字面上让我想起了有港口和外国人的纽约。我觉得唐朝参加马球这样的国际化运动很酷。
在唐代, 蹴鞠实际上成了一项职业运动。随着唐代所有发明的科学创新, 它确实使我们走上了通往现代世界的道路。然而, 我最喜欢的关于帝国的是它的开放心态。唐朝有平等的观点。外国人或唐朝控制的人受到与汉族平等的待遇, 并且事实上受到了拥护。这也是世界主义文化如此有影响力的主要原因, 宗教 (佛教和道教除外), 如基督教、伊斯兰教、犹太教、琐罗亚斯德教、异教、印度教, 由于唐代内部的宗教自由而蓬勃发展。
与中国其他朝代不同的是, 妇女也与男子处于平等地位。你甚至没有因为是同性恋而受到迫害再加上奴隶只占人口的不到 1%, 所以奴隶制甚至没有接近大规模存在, 甚至奴隶也有权利。虐待奴隶是违法的, 即使是奴隶也可以拥有财产。不过, 唐朝唯一不好的是浩大的反佛教迫害。幸运的是, 它只持续了很短的时间, 武宗皇帝是唐朝期间唯一的暴君。总之, 它是有史以来最美丽的帝国之一。在西方, 我认为它被低估了。

Love this period of Chinese history. Tang was most cosmopolitan dynastic era.

热爱中国历史的这一时期。 唐代是最国际化的王朝时代。

Faiq Khalifa ASK
i think Tang dynasty is the one that influenced Japanese architecture.


Awesome documentary, Chinese has great history

精彩的纪录片, 中国人有着伟大的历史

the actors and actress are great


ytal b
I like this documentary, the reenactment and background music makes me feel the glorious past of the Tang dynasty. I recently became interested in Chinese history, previously I liked more Egyptian, Roman and Greek histories. Also I just watched a South Korean series titled Empress Ki abt a Korean born woman who became Empress consort to Emperor Toghon of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The series was mostly fictionalized and I just realized now that writers must have based their story in Empress Wu of the Tang. Anyway, going back on topic this documentary is the best I've seen so far. Must watch for history lovers!

我喜欢这部纪录片, 重演和背景音乐让我感受到唐朝辉煌的过去。我最近对中国历史产生了兴趣, 以前我更喜欢埃及、罗马和希腊的历史。我还看了一个韩国系列的 "Ki Abt”皇后 , 一个韩国出生的女人, 她成为了蒙古元朝东洪皇帝的女皇。这个系列大多是虚构的, 我现在才意识到, 作家们写的故事一定是以唐太后的故事为基础的。无论如何, 回到话题上, 这部纪录片是我迄今看到的最好的。一定要看,历史爱好者们!

Lucia Baker
my dream is to build a Chinese style house in the future.


Rolling Cloud
which Chinese style? i am assuming u r not planing to build a palace lol

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

there are many style like weijin ,tang,ming Weijin and tang is like japanese Ming is the same as forbinden city


The Tang Chang'an was today's New York, or even better.


cat silly
Kind of,but tang dynasty did't bring the war to the others like usa but help korea and japan on their development


Donald Seekins
Chang'an didn't have Trump Tower, though.


Laurence Dela Cruz
But Chang An have Daming Palace larger a thousand time than your Trump tower.



The City of Nara 奈良 is a small copy OF CHANGAN. The costumes and hair styles are correct. Look at the murals in Tang's tombs. The Tang had great influences from the nomadic tribes and was an era of great innovation in culture and fashion.
奈良就是长安的山寨,服装和发型是正确的。看看唐朝墓穴中的壁画。唐代受到游牧部落的巨大影响, 是一个文化和时尚创新的时代
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

L Dion
This is the best documentary I've ever watched. I have watched multiple times, over and over. Timeless!

这是我看过的最好的纪录片。我看了很多次, 一遍又一遍。永远!

Nur Fadhilah
I read a lot about Chinese history ! The most great emperor , power full in Asia that time and large and rich country ! I am not Chinese but I still love to read about the Chinese history specially about thousands year ago


Laurence Dela Cruz
Me too. The suprememity of Chinese Civilization makes people around the world to attract to it.


很赞 6