2022-03-27 凌☆♂宇 13939


This is what you get when two great chessmasters end up playing chess with entire armies.


this series made father and son reversed, infact, cao zhen was better than his son, he repelled zhuge liang on manyoccasion.. while shuang, we all know how he monopolized his power that led tohis downfall and sima yi's coup d'etat.
Cao Shuang was bad both in military andpolitics, he thought simply by removing sima yi from military authority wouldguarantee an peace life.


I have a lot of respect for Sima Yi. Howcollected he is. The scene where he and Zhuge Liang meet is simply priceless.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What really in these scenes.... Zhuge liang has2 soldiers standing behind him. They could easily kill sima yi and run back 2the lines before retaliation. Same case scenerio when Yuan shao could of killedCao Cao while they had their little tea party. In reality it was more likeyelling at each other from a distance. Not this close interaction.




Li Yan: "Who is the true sovereign ofShu-Han? Is it you, or Zhuge Liang?"
Liu Shan: "Uh, dude, it's obviously notme."


Sima Yi is treated like dirt because cao caoknows sima yi is just waiting for the right oppurtunity to sieze power. so heinstruct his children to not put him in a place with power


OMG the actor of Li Yan is doing a great job. Ireally want to punch Li Yan in the face for being as cunning as he is, but Ihave to agree with his opinion


these formation battle scenes are idiotic, onlyfor movies


Zhongda and Kong Ming's greatest adversary werenever each other... it was the people they served in the end. That's pretty sadwhen you think about it.


Good on Li Feng for choosing to stand up fortruth and duty instead of doing the easy thing and siding with his dad'sscheme. It takes a lot of guts to turn over your own father, in front of theEmperor no less, but he went for it anyway. I'm glad that Zhuge Liangrecognized that as well, and recommended him to take up his father's position,the guy clearly earned it.


Liu Shan: "Welll... I have not seen you inmany days, and miss you dearly! I wanted... to chat with you again."
Zhuge Liang: [Internal Struggle not to beat theshit out of the Emperor with his fan intensifies.]
I do feel quite bad for Liu Shan though, in someways. Everything he does and says, you can tell he does it with sincerity, andlegitimately well in his way.His naive but optimistic belief that Shu and Weicould co-exist in peace. It's just too bad he's a bit too dim to understand thefull implications of the events playing out around him.



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Really pains me watching Zhuge Liang gettingolder and weaker day by day,


The entire world would have been swept if ZhugeLiang and Sima Yi joined forces.


After the death of Cao Cao and Liu Bei I thoughtthis series was done but Zhongda's rivalry with Kongming is truly epic.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So basically, Shu lost because of Guan Yu.


Zhuge liang invented the wheelbarrow


Sima Yi is way too smart to fall for pettyinsults. All too often in a lot of ancient wars, not just in China, armies gotdestroyed because they fell for petty taunts. I guess they had a lot of prideand someone who insulted you was a big blow to your honor so I can understandthat sort of. Sima Yi did the right thing though.


The look on Sima Yi's face when he turned aroundfor Yang Yi to put the dress on him was priceless. 24:22


zhuge liang was truly ahead of his time. thewooden ox, repeating crossbow, kongming lantern... all great inventions


dammit and i thought us aussie's invented thewheelbarrow zhuge liang beet us to it with his wood oxen wheelbarrow doh


even zhuge liang can be sexist lol


wei general getting offended over a women dresspresent is a bit silly imho. Only happens in movie, and don't happen in reallife


Sima Yi is so cool and so entertaining at thesame time. In a way, Sima Yi is like the Fabius Maximus of China . The FabianStrategy is basically like what Sima Yi is doing right now where frontal andassault battles are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent'ssupplies.


Lmfao when Sima Yi tried on those woman'sclothes!! hahaha!!


"Zhuge Liang needs us to make 300 of thesethings in order to resupply the army. "
"Got it. Hey, since we're in a hurry, maybewe should skip carving all the ox-head decorations?"
"Are you crazy? We need the ox-heads."HA


Zhuge Liang trying to fight Sima Yi is likewatching an unstoppable force meet an immovable obxt.
Zhuge Liang: "Hey bro, I dare you not toget mad at the contents of this box. It's a dress. Cause you're such a wuss, Ibet you'd look great in it."
Sima Yi: "Bitch, you're right. I lookFABULOUS. BTW, you should probably do some yoga before you get stress large anddie."
These are grown, adult men, both charged withsignificant political and military power, reducing themselves basically to"high school chat group" levels of petty bitchiness. I love it somuch.




That sudden rain occurring whilst Sima Yi washolding the sword to his neck, represents heavens favor.


Damn, the Wei army singing and accepting deathwhile Sima Yi recites poem, what an absolutely beautiful scene.
Though I have to wonder - even if the rainhadn't started to fall all of a sudden, weren't Zhuge Liang's celebrations abit premature?
Even if Sima Yi had been successfully killed, Idoubt Zhuge Liang would have been able to secure the entire Central Plains as aresult.


Heaven blessed the seeds of Jin to sprout afterthat rain.


I like to imagine Liu Bei and Cao Cao wereplaying go up in heaven to see who would get to control the clouds that day,and Cao Cao won. Either way, it's pretty ironic for Zhuge Liang to be broughtdown by the weather, after he win on being able to "control" theweather at Chibi.


"Even Heaven can not save him now"
Zhuge Liang got punished for his blasphemy.


Excellent episode, the end with the Wei armysinging was one of the best scenes in the series. The acting was amazing,with Sima Yi resplendent in battle armor contrasted with the sick and dyingZhuge Liang.


A soldier bumped Sima Yi, accidentally slit hisown throat, Jin Dynasty never started.


The fire attack are wu style, and the heavan notpermit shu to use wu style lol


Zhuge Liang is super brilliant.... but therain... OMG the rain... It was so close Shu Han to the victory

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Oh god why??? Absolutely The worst rain ever inhistory.

哦,上帝为什么啊? ? ?这绝对是历史上最严重的一场雨。

Indeed, empires rise and fall by the will ofheavens.


It's a valley and the fire turn the water in thesoil into steam . when the steam climbs high and they get cold and that is whyit rains . That is what I was told by teacher when in shcool


I hate the fact that what they call heaven uponwhat it did to zhuge liang... My no 1 fav character.. What a waste ofbrilliance and hard work...


I've read Three Kindoms many times and I feeldeeply depressed every time I view the plot like this, I mean, Han nearlyrevival again( I say again as it revivals 25 AD by Liu Xiu) but the heavenwon't help Han
However, the history of three kingdoms is ahistory of heroes and romantics. Cao cao, Liu bei, Sun Quan, Guan Yu, DianWei,Zhou yu and so many people leave their names in that history are true heroes.
The failure of Kongming could be described bythe word of another hero call Xiang Yu( who was defeated by Han's first emperorin 202 B.C) : ' My strategy and tactics could make me success, but heaven wantme to fail.'


I always loved to watch zhuge liang in despair..though he is brilliant as hell he is chose the wrong side... if hen choose southor north , zhuge would have atleast helped in establishing anew dynasty..... arrogance of his northernexpedition deserved rewarded at the end...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its sad to see how Zhuge Liang became arrogantand desperate like Zhou Yu after Liu Bei's death. As clever as the hidingexplosives scheme was, it was a terrible move from Zhuge Liang when youconsider the bigger picture. Sacrificing a huge chunk of grain supply and troopin order to kill Sima Yi may secure victory in his Northern Expedition. Whenthe rain fell, Zhuge Liang realized that all hope for the Shu Kingdom was lost.Not only his Northern Expedition has failed but the Shu kingdom was now leftopen to be grabbed by Wei and Wu Kingdoms. As someone who was loyal to Han andLiu Bei, Zhuge Liang would never forgive his own mistake thus he lost his willto live.




And then, suddenly, like all whom are about todie, magical white hair appear.


it's been nearly two thousands years and westill remeber that a dead Zhuge scared away a living Zhongda


Sima Yi only ever showed true his emotionaltears before Zhuge Liang's statue. Not even infront of his son did hedisplay his true feelings.


If someone treated me the way the Wei Dynastytreated Sima Yi after all he did to save them ....I'd usurp power too.
Honestly, I dont know why he put up with it aslong as he did?


Zhuge Liang - Wei Yan, you shall command ourarmy!
Wei Yan - But I am not worthy!
Zhuge Liang - It's settled you'll command it!
Zhuge Liang - Pst, hey. Jiang Wei. Go arresthim.


Used to totally hate the series... but afterstarting it I got addicted... Sima Yi's actor is top notch.... same can be saidabout most of the cast except Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu( worst maincharacter).
Man I really enjoyed it over top rated USseries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nazi Germany copied Zhuge Liang, they also hadweather problems stopping them from defeating the Soviets


Damn, not mention of Deng Ai, the man whobasically brought down Shu.


This is such a great series and greatstory. I love it. I think it should be shown by a TV station in NZ


Wei Yan = another arrogant idiot from theShu-Han camp.


I don't understand the hate on Wei Yan. Healways followed orders (except for one instance) and was loyal andfierce. He also accomplished great things for Shu.Really disappointing tosee this turn of events. Wei Yan was only trying to get what he deserved.


The actors who played Sima Yi & Cao Caodeserve a dozen Oscars each!


Rest in peace sleeping dragon


Some people mentioned the blood cough. In myoppinion, it might to an artful way to present sick in Chinese culture. Now, inwestern, people like to show a real screen about sick or death, the real sickscreen may looks horrible. Blood cough save the acting cost.


Appear weak when your strong
Appear strong when your weak
This is exactly what Jiang Wei did at the endand scare away Sima Yi


This is the greatest show I've ever seen. USseries don't hold a candle to this epic story telling. Lets hope that in2026(16 years like in 1994 edition) they remake it again. And include YellowTurbans, Sun Ce's Conquests, More Wu, He Fei battle , Shi Ting , Dian Wei'sdeath scene, And go even further up to the in the story with the Conquest of Wuand Shu by Jin. I hope they could even put the same actors back in!


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