2023-05-26 营养快线 3156

Scott Goldman
Take it seriously. Get those troops out of the Caribbean and move them to Boston.Work with John and Sam Adams toward a solution, rather than getting them to inspire a national rebellion.Employ/recruit the 1/2 of American colonists (exact numbers are unknown) that remained loyal to the Crown.Get better mercenaries. The Hessians from Germany were notorious for going AWOL. At least 1/4 shed their uniforms and walked away.
Save money for emergencies. Too much money had been spent recently on fighting France and Spain. Britain's debt was too burdensome throughout the war to launch the massive naval assault against the French fleet keeping them (literally) at bay.

1. 认真对待。把军队撤出加勒比海,转移到波士顿。
2. 和约翰·亚当斯(美国第二任总统)和萨姆·亚当斯一起寻找解决方案,而不是让他们激起一场全国性的叛乱。
3. 雇佣、招募1/2的美国殖民者(确切数字不详)忠于英国王室。
4. 获得更好的雇佣兵。德国黑森人擅离职守是出了名的,至少四分之一的人脱下制服,走了。
5. 存钱以备不时之需。最近在与法国和西班牙的战争中花费了太多的钱。在整个战争期间,英国的债务负担太重,无法对法国舰队发动大规模的海军攻击,使他们(字面上)陷入困境。

Develop a better marketing strategy. Rather than pointing to the flaws in Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, they let it inspire Lafayette, Pulaski, von Steuben and a heck of a lot of their own officers to support the colonies.
Use overwhelming force before the French and Spanish forces came in.
Take the Boston Tea party seriously. A rebellion was brewing and Britain assumed, erroneously, that it would not spread.

6. 制定更好的营销策略。他们没有指出杰斐逊的《独立宣言》中的缺陷,而是让它激励了拉斐特、普拉斯基、冯·斯图本以及他们自己的一大批军官去支持殖民地。
7. 在法国和西班牙军队入侵之前使用压倒性的武力。
8. 认真对待波士顿倾茶事件。叛乱正在酝酿,而英国错误地认为叛乱不会蔓延。

Stay out of the south. Britain decided to focus on the southern states that had been generally sympathetic to the Crown. Instead, their aggression inspired hatred and rebellion by the southern colonists.
Follow orders. The battle of Saratoga might have ended the war in 1777, but General Howe defied orders, going to Philadelphia instead.
Fight a stalemated war of attrition. Instead, Britain went for the jugular, time after time.
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9. 远离南方。英国决定将重点放在南部各州,这些州通常对国王表示同情。相反,他们的侵略激起了南方殖民者的仇恨和反叛。
10. 服从命令。萨拉托加战役本可以在1777年结束这场战争,但豪将军违抗命令,前往费城。
11. 应该打一场消耗战。而不是像英国这样一次又一次地把矛头指向了要害。

Arthur Majoor
Some of the British commanders were actually sympathetic to the Colonists, or at least believed that they could achieve a negotiated settlement from the Colonies without the need for an all out war. Even in the UK itself, the necessity of a war against the colonies was controversial.If the debts from the Seven Year’s war (French and Indian War in the Colonies) not been so pressing, the Crown might not have felt so compelled to impose high taxes and close supervision on trade in the Colonies to get funds, one of the flashpoints that led to the Revolution in the first place.


Scott Goldman
Excellent and accurate points.


James LaBare
It was controversial because to many Britons it was a war against other Britons. It wasn't like a war against France, but more like a civil war.


Willy Daglish
It was said of the war that a mostly British army beat a mostly German army, thanks to the French!


Jacobo Moreno
Curious how everbody forgets, Spanish went earlier and with far more support than French to the rebels… Probably because years later the newborn country moved against their “allies “ taking Cuba and Filipines…


Willy Daglish
My apologies to the Spanish. As you say: “curious how everybody forgets”
Mind the newly-minted Americans never showed any gratitude to the French, either.I think I first heard the above in France back in the 60’s/70’s. The French have never shown the Spanish any respect, either!


George Pringle
As a Canadian of Scottish heritage I am so glad we had the seven years years and France traded Quebec for Guadalupe

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Erik Orlow
What? The whole of Quebec for Guadalupe?


Veto F. Roley
The sugar islands in the Caribbean were more important to the British than the North American colonies -- remember cotton was still a cottage industry in 1775. Jamaica in 1750 produced more wealth than London. Part of the reason the British sought peace in 1781 is that the French fleet was threatening the British sugar trade.


Curtis Kimball
Only if they (King and Parliament) had changed their world view, a highly unlikely event. They couldn’t imagine how to negotiate a peace that would result in a more independent America.“Here, then, was the crux. The king and his men believed that British wealth and status derived from the colonies. The erosion of authority in America, followed by loss of sovereignty, would encourage rebellions [elsewhere in the British Empire]” from The British are Coming - by Rick Atkinson; prologue, page 14.


The distance, size, and level of resistance of the American colonies were never given sufficient thought by Britain in conducting its war. They couldn’t imagine how to prosecute a war of such magnitude with the other demands on their resources.The intervention of other European powers (primarily France) to broaden the conflict in 1778 ended Britain’s attempt to keep one third of its empire.Only a full-on effort would have worked. The British world view did not allow that.


Peter Goggins
It’s funny because the wealthy and prestige of Britain increased with the independence of the US, partially due to the fact that they reaped all the trade benefits without the administrative costs.


Raymond Ona
Yes, they outsource it to a private company in India.——East India Company - Wikipedia


Jimmie Hicks
Meh, we got our own empire after beating Spain in the Spanish-American war.Hell, after we beat Mexico in the Mexican-American war and making the Gadsden purchase, just the mainland United States became far bigger than the Roman Empire ever was.So if you interpret what an empire is by the amount of land it owns, then we have been an empire for well over 150 years.And, mind you, that was before we even annexed Hawaii and bought Alaska from Russia. Alaska by itself is around a third of the size of mainland America. It’s freaking huge.

美国在美西战争中打败西班牙后,我们建立了自己的帝国。见鬼,我们又在美墨战争中打败了墨西哥,并购买了 加兹登,美国大陆就比罗马帝国大得多了。如果你用拥有的土地数量来解释帝国是什么,那么我们的帝国已经有150多年的历史了。而且,请注意,那是在我们吞并夏威夷和从俄罗斯手中买下阿拉斯加之前。阿拉斯加本身的面积约为美国大陆的三分之一,该死的,太大了。

Magnus Johansson
“The distance, size, and level of resistance of the American colonies were never given sufficient thought by Britain in conducting its war.”True, and in fairness it was hard for them to calculate. Britain did not fight big land wars overseas with supply lines running all the way home. Doing that was simply not practicable by 1700s standards. Instead the main effort was usually made by the navy with most of the land fighting done by locally recruited forces and allies. India is a good example of this.However the North American rebellion was a bit of a black swan, with a huge and wealthy population spread across an even bigger area. It was a challenge, to put it mildly. With hindsight they should probably have leaned on local forces more but they also lost most of the militia when they switched sides at the beginning of the war. It was quite unprecedented and had many of the problems of a civil war.


James Hickey
And a logistical nightmare for the Brits


William Klein
King George III was notoriously bullheaded, and that (and perhaps his rightful obsession with the French) was a major reason why the British did no implement the above - and possibly win the war.


Grey Gibson
The British won the War of 1812 with the peace treaty. The imperative of the wars with France was over, and they offered very favorable terms to make a lasting peace that would a future beneficial future.


Scott Goldman
I am not sure George lll felt the same about who “won”, but thanks for the perspective. In hindsight, looking at the results from a political rather than military perspective, you are certainly correct.


Robert Marrow
At the time besides the problems with France, Spain and in the Caribbean weren’t the English also having Colonial problems in India spreading their troops even thinner to be able to combat the problems here in America? Though a lot of all England's problems (at the time) stems from the pure arrogance of the Crown and the Aristocracy of the time towards it’s Colonies.


George Steht
I believe from old Documents that I read and would capture, turn over the “American Patriot Rebels” fighting to the Redcoats. Majority of American Colonist where loyal to the crown and wanted to stay under the control of England. The American Revolution is falsely portrayed as everyone wanted a Revolution. The American Patriots had to basically avoid Two enemies, the one they where fighting and their own who, unknown to each other, who would turn who over to the enemy.
Any Battle Doctrine is this: Win the Hearts & Minds of the people, win their support. If you can do this, the hardest battle is won. Can’t win over the people, in for a very long war. You see that today so very well.The Confederacy used this very same example of their Fore Fathers (Rev. War) as one of their reasons for steps to successions, rebellion.


Scott Goldman
Two excellent analogies, George. Thank you for showing the connections. Unfortunately, old lessons seem to be forgotten by each successive generation.


Pete Boland
Really interesting answer. Perhaps also the British parliament could have pushed back more strongly on the Crown’s taxation of the American colonies.


Joseph Scott
While Point 1 has some truth, in that Britain certainly prioritised the West Indies over the continent, one must realise that the Caribbean was more valuable than the 13 Colonies, and letting the French take those much more valuable islands would be an economic disaster.


Point 4 is flat out wrong. The Hessians fielded some of the best troops in the world at the time, and the Hessian Feldjaegerkorps was the elite of the British forces, as Howe and Cornwallis both noted. Those 1/4 of Hessians who did not return home did not desert. When they were being sent off, the Landgrave of Hesse gave his express permission for any man who wished to remain in America at the end of his service term to do so, and many, about a quarter, did. He knew he had a poor, small country; the British customarily offered land grants to such troops fighting in America; and it saved everybody the cost of shipping them home. Actual desertion amongst Hessian troops was very low. It was primarily the small and unhappy contingent from Anhalt-Zerbst who had a desertion issue.


Regarding Point 5: Friedrich von Stueben was fighting for money, not idealism. He was a captain who conned some gullible colonists into thinking he was a general, and got them to make him one and pay him appropriately…when all he did was teach them some basic drill that any other company officer in Prussia, and really, any professional officer at all, could have.


Quora User
I disagree with you on Baron von Steuben, yes he was a Baron haven been appointed to the Order of Fidelity in 1769 for service to the Prince of Baden. If any professional officer could have accomplished what he did, why did Horatio Gates, Charles Lee, Edward Hand, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Kazimierz Pulaski, Moses Hazen, Charles Armand, John De Kalb etc. not create the needed work? The need for it was there, but unfortunately the brain to put it together was not there until the good Baron joined us at Valley Forge.


The investment the United States made in him was a great bargain. You mention his drill procedures, the Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States commonly called The Blue Book. After 240 years much of which von Steuben put forth is still in use today. Beyond this great work he helped with what we see today as common sense. Stuff like placement of latrines, not leaving the carcases of dead animals laying around to rot, standardized placements for camps, etc.


Finally, look at the change the Baron created in the Army from his arrival on February 23 when he arrived at Valley Forge and when the next battle was fought at Barren Hill on May 20th and then at Monmouth Courthouse on June 28th. In just 4 months he helped change the Army into a force that could stand toe to toe with the British. A year later at Stony Point the Army had advanced to the point where they were able to complete the attack using only their bayonets — a role reversal from the Paoli Massacre.


Jamie Kenny
Not let france fight for American and win for her…basically.In hindsight we handed them the keys to become the worlds first true super power. The British empire was vast, powerful and vicious, but we could not take on the entire rest of the world at once, the Americans can. Thats how big we have let them become. Thy have strategic bases all over the world, enough ships and so on to embargo much of the world while supplying themselves with their own vast resources. They have enough stuff dotted about to take us all on and we would lose, we don’t work as well in alliance as people think, plus the americans run all our intelligence networks lol.


David Kemp
England could never win in the war of US independence as they were never in it, Great Britain was as it came into existence 69 years previously in 1707. You need to remember also that George Washington was actually born in what was then Britain. The British American territory of Virginia (I believe).


Barry Chapman
David, spot on! There were far more Englishmen living in the American Colonies than fought in George III (a King whose primary allegiance was always to Hanover rather than the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. The vast majority of The UK’s military were drawn from German. Hanover, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and from the American Colonies. At the war of independence was fought by English Colonists and wasn’t regarded at the time as being particularly significant as it was a minor part of the Global conflict between The United Kingdom and France. French support for the rebelling colonists was not Franco altruism. The United Kingdom destroyed French Sea power at Trafalgar in 1805, Soundly defeated imperialist expansion of France and the American colonies, driving them back from Canada in 1812 and put an end to Napoleon’s million strong army in 1815 at Waterloo.Having lived and worked in the USA for very many years I understand modern America’s wish to present it’s history (or at least that of the 13 colonies) in a way which instils national pride and patriotism; the same is true of all nations. However, the truth is most likely that had the United Kingdom not won the global conflict then the colonies independence would have been short lived under French domination.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Quora User
You are very wrong about where King George III placed his loyalties. He wanted to be known as British, pointing out that his education was in England, he spoke English (something George I and II were not very adept at. He had no desire to be known as Hannoveran other than being a descendant of that line. This change was something he was very proud of.


Erik Roth
There was already strong anti slavery sentiment in Britain which became law before the US gave it up and Britain proposed an area for natives to have as their own while colonists were doing their best to exterminate them despite the noble and irrelevant constitution.


Erskine Fincher
Yes, there was strong anti-slavery sentiment in both Britain and the Colonies. That doesn’t mean that during the lead up to the Revolution there was any demand from Britain that the Colonies abolish slavery as some sort of deal by which the issues they had with Britain could be resolved. Britain did not abolish slavery in its Caribbean colonies until 1833 by which point half of the former British colonies in North America had already enacted legislation to ban slavery.


I have never seen that any such proposal was made by Britain, and considering that they were still profiting from slavery in the Caribbean, it defies common sense to think they would demand the immediate ban of slavery in one set of colonies while allowing it to continue another 50 years in another set. (And into the late 1800s in yet others.)


As for the Native Americans, Britain wanted to halt the western expansion of the Colonials, for the time being, but that doesn’t mean that they were going to forego westward expansion indefinitely. They simply didn’t want the expense of fighting the natives in the immediate aftermath of the Seven Years War. If you think they were going to leave the entire western half of North America to the natives, though, I suggest you take a look at the borders of Canada. What they wanted was time to figure out a way to make that expansion benefit Great Britain, rather than the Colonials.


Stephen Fretz
Yeah, in the 1770s most people thought slavery was on the way out and would die a natural death.The cotton gin would totally change the economics of slavery, but it was still in the future.


Walter Vaughan
For the South. Growing sugarcane in Jamaica was still run by slaves very profitably. I suppose the UK kept slavery in India?


Martyn Homatopoulos
That's not how things go. Slavery was not an issue for the American independence especially since in all of the colonies (not just the 13 that broke away but every one of them) slavery was legal.


Keith Olds
A good list, but I would add another possibility. Give the colonists representation in Parliament. It would have made next to no difference to the political balance in Britain at the time, but it would have deprived the radicals in the colonies of their biggest political issue,. Leaving them with what? “No taxation without fishing rights on the Grand Banks” ?
There were of course other important issues during the tears before the Revolution but granting representation might have won the war before it started. As a proud American I am forever grateful for British intransigence and hubris.


Michael Rudkin
In 1759 the British army defeated the French at Quebec thus kicking the French state out of Canada. The victor was Major General James Wolfe, probably our best general ‘between’ Marlborough and Wellington. Sadly he died at Quebec . For a general he was very young ; by 1776 he would have been much more experienced than Cornwallis and co and would probably have been the most senior officer in the British army. Had he survived it is quite likely that he would have defeated the American revolutionary rabble . So an answer to the question is ‘if only someone else took that musket ball.’ ( I admit that I am biased as I live in Wolfe’s home town, Westerham and as I type this I am sitting about 20 yards from his statue.


Steve Letherbarrow
Put an act through the British parliament legalising slavery in North America leaving them with no real reason to declare independence


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