2023-08-10 孔雀东南疯 7261
What Chinese food do non-Chinese people usually dislike


Ishtevan Peter, studies at Shanghai International Studies University (2023)
Five Chinese food that non-Chinese people usually dislike:
1. Chicken Claws
Chicken claws have a lot of skins and fascia, which means that they’ve got a great amount of collagen. Usually, chicken claws are proceeded with souse, fried or boiled with soy sauce and spices. It is widely loved in China, and its history of being served as food can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Era. While it is a very common dish in China, non-Chinese people usually find it hard to accept.

1. 鸡爪子
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2. Fermented bean curd(Toufu)
Fermented Toufu is another popular dish with a history over one thousand years. It is especially popular in the Southeast regions of China, as well as certain Southeast Asian countries. It is a kind of bean curd fermented to become a seasoning. People usually don’t use it directly as a dish because it is incredibly salty and heavy-flavoured. In the southern areas people would take them with plain porridge, or use it as seasoning in other dishes. Just like how Blue Cheese is generally resented by people unfamiliar with its taste and smell, fermented bean curds are seldom liked by non-Chinese people.

2. 腐乳(豆腐乳)

3. Chicken embryo
Directly translated as “raw egg” in China, it is an fertilized egg with an already developed embryo inside. The processing of this food is simple: You boil them like any other eggs. It is madly loved by many people in China for its delicious taste, but there are many others who find it disturbing as well. Non-Chinese people generally dislike the idea of eating embryos of any kind, so naturally, chicken embryo is another dish that foreigners find hard to accept.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4. Preserved egg.
Preserved eggs have had a nasty reputation for quite a long time now. A few years earlier it made to the top list of “World’s most disgusting food.” But in truth, when proceeded properly, it is a very safe and delicious dish. It is usually made from duck eggs, which are buried into mud containing alkaline substances. After a while, chemical reactions occur, and the egg turns into a transparent black-brownish colour. You can eat it directly, or you can serve it as a side dish. A very famous dish in China is the Preserved eggs and Lean pork meat porridge.

4. 皮蛋。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5. Animal Entrails
Animal entrails of all kinds are popular across the nation. Every hot pot restaurant in China serves animal entrails, and in various regions people have different methods of processing them as dishes. As tasty as they are, they contain a high level of cholesterol, which is harmful to the human body when ingested too much. People in the western world don’t usually eat them, and considering they are not exactly the healthiest kind of food, there are a lot of protesters against this dish.

5. 动物的内脏
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Daniella Orihuela-Gruber, Travel Consultant at Escapes Unlimited (2013-present)


I’m no expert on Chinese food by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have a funny story regarding Chinese food that non-Chinese people would not touch.
In 2016 I went on a crazy whirlwind familiarization trip to Huangzhou in Zhejiang Province because the city wanted to bring in more tourists. Beautiful place! And not too far from Shanghai. You should definitely visit if you ever get the chance.
Myself and the other travel agents, mostly Westerners with one Indian-American gentleman, were taken around and wined and dined.
One of the places we visited was the Xixi National Wetlands, and we got to take a boat ride and our boatman fished for our lunch. Absolutely gorgeous.


Eventually we go to lunch, which was one of those lavish, family style meals with all sorts of different dishes. We’d been getting these kinds of meals throughout the trip, twice a day, and had taken to asking about each dish (particularly myself since I needed to know if it had pork or seafood in it.)
So we’re enjoying our meal when out comes this plate with some bright red things that look like utter alien creatures. I had just never seen anything like it before.


(The actual dish in question, take a guess what it was!)
I think I quietly asked the person next to me what they thought it was. That kind of lead to all of us going “What the heck is this? It looks like some alien!”
I remember our Chinese tour guide and some other Chinese hosts with us not being able to tell us what it was right away. They were just looking for the words in English. I was absolutely certain it was some kind of sea creature I had never laid eyes on before.
Finally they told us: It was duck tongue.
Duck tongue???
Duck tongue?????


All of us were so shocked. We had no idea duck tongue was a thing that could be eaten. I don’t think any of us had really thought about ducks even having tongues. You know those things that just don’t cross your mind, so when you find out about their existence, you just feel mildly baffled?
I think at this point we were straight up laughing our asses off about the duck tongue. All of us agreed that it really looked alien, and totally inedible. We were all that shocked.
Our poor Chinese hosts must have thought that since we didn’t want to eat it, they shouldn’t touch it either, in case we were offended. The plate was quickly secreted away by one of the waitstaff. I really hope they got to enjoy it for us.
Definitely one of those things that I cannot see taking off with most non-Chinese people.


Dante Wong, former Line-Cook at various Asian and Dim Sum Restaurants


Some of the other answers have already covered the usual suspects. Fermented bean curd, chicken feet, offal, century eggs, stinky tofu. And of course, I would usually throw in those food items with textures that aren’t common in the West, like jellyfish or sea cucumber.
But now I want to try going down a different path, by considering food items that, at first sight, might not seem like they have anything immediately offensive to the average Western palate, but based on my experience have usually not gone down well with those who have tried them.


Before that, however, I would just like to say I, like most of the other answers to this question, am exploring this from the view of what your average Western palate might find offensive. And by Western, I am referring to non-Asian folks from the States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia, because I have had the opportunity to witness non-Asian people from these countries trying the below food dishes. I haven’t had much experience observing people from South America, Europe, and Africa trying these food items, so I don’t have much thoughts on that side of the equation. Also, obviously there are many Westerners who live in China, HK, Macau, Taiwan, and find all the things mentioned below delicious - my observations are not based on their taste buds, but on those who have little to no exposure with authentic Chinese food. Also, I exclude non-Chinese Asians from my observation pool because, based on my experience, other Asians will not find any of the below strange or alien to their taste buds.


Okay, now that I’ve got that disclaimer out of the way… here are 5 food items that I think the the average Western palate usually dislikes:
1. Mooncake
I brought mooncakes from HK to the office once. And they were pretty pricey mooncakes as well - those of you who buy mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival know how much they can cost. However, after a very lackluster reception from my ex-
colleagues, I probably won’t be bringing mooncakes to the office ever again. The only one who seemed to enjoy it was my ex-colleague from… yeah, surprise surprise, Hong Kong.

1. 月饼
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think it’s the combination of lotus paste and salted egg yolk. This is a combination that is very alien to the Western palate. Perhaps my mooncakes might have garnered more favorable reactions if they had come without the salted egg yolk, as I believe that it is the yolk more than the lotus paste, that throws them off the taste of mooncakes.
Also, I think there’s the issue of density as well. Mooncakes are dense, not exactly what my ex-colleagues might have imagined of a food item that has the word “cake” in its name; perhaps they were expecting light, fluffy concoctions, not that heavy denseness of a traditional mooncake.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I remember one of my ex-colleagues saying it was not sweet at all, so why is it called a “cake”? I actually found those mooncakes a tad too sweet, so I guess I should chalk that difference in how we both felt about the mooncakes’ sweetness to our different palates, as I am generally not a fan of sweet food.
However, my ex-colleagues had no problems scarfing down ice-cream “mooncakes”. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone, as those things are just ice-cream and chocolate.
Traditional Mooncakes:
Ice-Cream Mooncakes:



2. Soymilk
I remember the faces my ex-colleagues made (yes, yes, I was experimenting on them, that doesn’t make me an evil person) when I introduced fresh, homemade Chinese soymilk to them. My aunt had one of those soymilk machines at home, and I brought a big flask to work. Yeah, the reception wasn’t great (except for HK ex-colleague). The faces they pulled … one even discreetly spat it back into her cup, saying it tasted like “dirty water” - which of course, left me slightly puzzled.
It was only when I drank my first “Western” soymilk, the one that gets sold at most grocery stores in the States, that I realized that the reason they might not have liked my aunt’s fresh homemade soymilk is because the two taste nothing alike.

2. 豆浆

My aunt’s fresh soymilk tastes like soy beans.
The one I bought at the grocery store tastes like water with a bit of sweetness to it, sometimes they taste a little vanilla-ey.
My aunt’s fresh soymilk had a creamy, frothy, thickness to it.
The one I bought at the grocery store had the mouth feel of soymilk that has been watered down substantially, as if every remnant of soybean had been washed away.
I did some further digging into the reason behind this discrepancy, and I found out that in the States (I’m not sure about other countries), they strip away that soybean bean-y flavor from the soymilk because people just don’t like that bean-y taste.


3. Bittergourd / Bittermelon
I am not surprised by non-Asians not liking this. This is one of my favorite vegetables (well, technically a fruit…), and it’s great with black beans and ginger. You can also stuff it with minced pork and cook it in soup. For me, the more bitter it is, the better it tastes.
But I can understand why non-Asians might not like it. I don’t think non-Asians from aforementioned countries consume any vegetable that might be as bitter as the bitter melon. Artichokes and asparagus are nowhere near that level.
I do know a few however, who consume bitter melon for its health properties. But it seems to me that they’re much more focused on the health properties rather than its heavenly taste.


4. Tofu
I think non-Asians from the aforementioned countries tend to see and treat tofu as an alternative to meat. Which is quite different to how most Asians would cook it. Perhaps this is why I see many people having a very strong dislike of tofu.
I remember going to the nearby cafe near my place in Boston for lunch and finding something called Vegan Blackened Tofu, which looked like this:

4. 豆腐

I tried it because I like trying new things.
It wasn’t very good.
Any flavor came from the seasoning, salt and pepper on the surface of the tofu.
But that flavor hadn’t soaked through the rest of the tofu, it only remained on the surface.


I’ve also seen tofu served on cold salad.
As in, lots of raw leaves and tomatoes and olives and onions, and then pieces of tofu scattered throughout.
I didn’t try that one.
It doesn’t sound or look…. appetizing.
I’m much more used to cooking tofu in a way where it soaks in flavors from all the other ingredients and sauces.
For example, scallion tofu
Or braised in a claypot with chicken

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5. Chicken with Bones still in them
Yup. If I had a dollar for every complaint I’ve heard questioning the sanity of cooks who leave the bones on the chicken…
It’s not a surprise though. Breast meat is very much prized in the West and goes for a much higher price. Which works for me, as I prefer dark meat, and so I save quite a lot by sticking to the thighs.
Interesting enough, when I was still working in the restaurant industry, we used to have a system in place. If the customer was white, or non-Asian, we’d serve them more breast meat. If they were Asian, we’d serve them more dark meat.
That managed to keep everyone happy.

5. 未去骨的鸡肉

Steven Palmer, lives in London
“What Chinese food do non-Chinese people usually dislike?”
I'm English, married to a Chinese woman. I grew up in London in a mixed race household so we always had an adventurous diet. There isn't really anything Chinese that I have struggled to eat, but just like British cuisine there are things I love and things I don't like. Top of my list of dislikes is Congee or Rice Porridge. On its own it tastes of nothing. I quite like it with century egg though.
My wife made us both give up sharks fin when we saw a documentary on how they were harvested. Brutal.


Durian, from South East Asia but becoming popular with the Chinese, was the most difficult thing to become accustomed to. I love it now but couldn't eat it at all when I first tried.
I think being English makes me appreciate that some things are an acquired taste, so you have to force yourself to eat/drink them and hope you'll come to appreciate it. After all, who honestly had a pint of bitter or Guinness for the first time and liked it?


Michael Wright, I have to eat food
This would be one of those subjective question. So, I can’t say my answer applied to everyone.
From my experiences with my non-Chinese friends and acquaintances that I met in China:
Japanese don’t like Chinese food made from freshwater fish.
Most people from countries where they have lost touch with their food, don’t like Chinese food made from internal organ, blood and etc.
Muslim obviously won’t like Chinese food made from Chinese favourite protein, pork.
German don’t like Chinese bun/bread cause Chinese don’t baked their bun/bread. The Chinese steamed it. When the German do found some European influenced Chinese baked bun/bread, it was soft just like the Chinese steamed bun which they are not fond of.


Most Northerners such as the Russian and Scandinavian don’t like food from Sichuan, Hunan, and Guizhou which is super spicy. P.S. I am not a Russian or a Scandinavian and I don’t like spicy food too.
Most Southerners from tropical region such as India, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia and etc don’t like food from northern China such as Shandong and even Beijing cause those food are among the blandest food in China which is not really attractive to Southerners who like strong taste. P.S. Don’t compare it with Peking Duck. Peking Duck is actually Beijing’s strongest tasting food.


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