2022-12-25 瓢虫的守护 5571
Khalid Elhassan
M.A. Literature & History, University of Edinburgh (2016) , PhD Economics & History, Free University of Berlin


Hitler was the greater orator. By a long shot. He was probably one of the best orators in history.


Few could whip a crowd into an ecstatic frenzy as well as Hitler could.


And the mark of his successful oratory is that the substance of what he was saying, when rationally examined, was clearly bunk to an obxtive observer. But Hitler was a genius in his ability to mesmerize with words and the delivery thereof, in order to get otherwise rational and intelligent people to abandon reason and logic.


In other words, Hitler mastered the basic trick of demagoguery: focus your appeal on emotion, rather than logic.


Churchill’s gift was literary and cerebral. He was a great writer - one of the best prose writers in the history of the English language - who deservedly won a Nobel Prize in literature. And his speeches, because of his literary gifts, were more memorable and profound than Hitler’s. But while Churchill could give a good speech, he was a rational orator who based his speeches on logical progression. His appeal was more to reason, rather than emotion and passion. Not being a demagogue, he could not capture and work a crowd at any level close to Hitler’s oratorical ability.


Amir Davis
I’ve actually listened to both their speeches from start to finish. I don’t speak German but I had the translation in front of me. You’re absolutely right. Hitler seemed to have a standard template to his oratory; start slow, quiet, almost haltingly, and then work yourself and your crowd into a crescendo by the end. Churchill, by contrast, could have been reciting Shakespearean sonnets. But it was Churchill that gave me goosebumps.
And thank goodness for that.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thomas Hoffmann
Its always a huge difference If you can understand him. Translations arent the same.
Therefore for me as a native German speaker, its vice versa.


Amir Davis
He was still powerful even in translation, but you’re certainly right about some things being lost if you don’t speak the language.


Matthias Heinze
Have to agree with you.
To me it sounds just idiotic…but, we see that from today's perspective I suppose. My grandfather found him just despicable and ended on the receiving end of Hitler's vengeance…glad he survived.
I read the book by William Shirer (I understand English fairly well) and he had some of Hitler's speeches quoted, one cannot say that the content was just gibberish. Hitler was quite clever to play on emotions and half-truths.
Dividing people into good and bad (and de-humanizing some) based on some group identity, is still the trick of the demagogues. I had the translation in front of me. You’re absolutely right. Hitler seemed to have a standard template to his oratory; start slow, quiet, almost haltingly, and then work yourself and your crowd into a crescendo by the end. Churchill, by contrast, could have been reciting Shakespearean sonnets. But it was Churchill that gave me goosebumps.


Alexander Young
I'm a native English speaker and I can barely understand Churchill's audio recordings… the guy had a serious case of mush mouth.


Taleb Taleb
Because he was constantly drunk ..


Daniel Soane
Churchill had a speech impediment.


David Perry
Amir I agree with you by and large.
Hitler could not stand anyone against him.
His oratory started slow. There was often noise of protesters but their screams became interspersed with clapping and approval. As he moved through his gears and envisioned his thoughts it ended with noise of approval.
This coincides with your slow to gather momentum thoughts on Hitler.
Churchill on the other hand used the romance of the English language. He took it like a sword into battle from the first moment he took to a stage.


He knew when to inject 'broad sunlit uplands’ and even humour as in the USA where he took a standing ovation from the house of representatives.
If you had to appraise both, then Hitler for me for all his crazy gestures, lived in his speeches.
Churchill though, almost forced you to close your eyes and cry with rage for the free world and produced a far more believable future with his oratory skill.
Hitler was a fumbling fool by comparison in the use of language. His needed the fear, irrationality and racial discrimination to be explained.

他知道何时引用类似 "阳光普照的高地"这样的话语,甚至他的演说还富有幽默感,就像他在美国众议院获得了起立鼓掌的殊荣一样。
如果你必须评价这两者,那么对我来说,希特勒所有的疯狂肢体语言, 都活灵活现的体现在他的演讲中。

Drew Foster
Hitler actually sounds similar to religious evangelizers who sell a dogma/belief system whether it is being the Master Race as God intended or being one of God’s Chosen to awake in Heaven after death. I see little if any difference between cults, political or religious, & major religions. The truly decent people follow an innate human leading toward peace and compassion for all individuals and rational approaches to develop solutions for social challenges. Anyone sowing hate has already become lost.


Oreste Papadopol
I always side with the winner. I'm determined to survive


David Parry
Very true. But have you noticed how Hitler looks and sounds like a petulant four year old?


Zoran Sulc
Remember - most people observed him at a distance - it’s like actors on stage - their voices and actions need to be exaggerated to project to the audience sometimes 200 meters away in Hitler’s case


Ketan Benegal
Both were bad people. Churchill will still remain the Butcher of Bengal!


Garrett Stock
Aye, who’d have thought that a country that already teetered on famine, ran by a corrupt viceroy, would hit the fan when the rice fields that sustained it were invaded by the Japanese, British requests for American aid in the region were denied, and every single month thousands of tons of British shipping were being sunk by Japanese and German naval forces?
I’m sure it was due to malevolence that the Bengals starved to death. It’s also curious how most people who “starved to death” died to Malaria.
I don’t remember Churchill shipping mosquitos to India.

但是很奇怪,怎么大多数 "饿死 "的人都死于疟疾??

Ketan Benegal
The Bengal famine of 1943 (Bengali: pônchasher mônnôntôr) was a major famine in the Bengal province of British India during World War II. An estimated 2.1–3 million,out of a population of 60.3 million, died of starvation, malaria, or other diseases aggravated by malnutrition, population displacement, unsanitary conditions and lack of health care. Millions were impoverished as the crisis overwhelmed large segments of the economy and catastrophically disrupted the social fabric. Eventually, families disintegrated; men sold their small farms and left home to look for work or to join the army, and women and children became homeless migrants, often travelling to Calcutta or another large city in search of organised relief.
Historians have frequently characterised the famine as "man-made",asserting that wartime colonial policies created and then exacerbated the crisis. A minority view holds that the famine arose instead from natural causes

历史学家经常把饥荒定性为 "人为的",认为是战时殖民政策造成了危机,然后又加剧了危机。少数人认为,饥荒是自然原因造成的。

Churchill, as part of the Western war effort, ordered the diversion of food from starving Indians to already well-supplied British soldiers and stockpiles in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, including Greece and Yugoslavia. And he did so with a churlishness that cannot be excused on grounds of policy: Churchill's only response to a telegram from the government in Delhi about people perishing in the famine was to ask why Gandhi hadn't died yet.
British imperialism had long justified itself with the pretense that it was conducted for the benefit of the governed. Churchill's conduct in the summer and fall of 1943 gave the lie to this myth. "I hate Indians," he told the Secretary of State for India, Leopold Amery. "They are a beastly people with a beastly religion." The famine was their own fault, he declared at a war-cabinet meeting, for "breeding like rabbits."

英国帝国主义长期以来,一直以它的所作所为都是为了被统治者的利益为借口为自己辩护。丘吉尔在1943年夏秋两季的行为让这个神话成为了谎言。 "我恨印度人,"他对印度国务秘书利奥波德-阿梅里说,"他们是一个有着野兽般的宗教信仰的野蛮民族" ,“饥荒是他们自己的错”,他在一次战争内阁会议上声称,因为他们 "像兔子一样繁殖"。

Garrett Stock
This was in 1943 at the height of the Great War, by the way.
Around the same time India was pushing to break off from the Empire .
Claims need more than a Wikipedia cut.

大约在同一时间,印度正在推动脱离大英帝国 。

Amit Jodha
What are you suggesting bro?
British did torture us for 200 years, we haven’t made that up. Bengal famine is not a fragment of our imagination, it’s not our problem if you don’t know.


Naman Kumar
Don't waste your time trying to convince people - they've been conditioned to think that Churchill was a national hero and won't hear anything otherwise. For us it's like hearing that Nehru engineered a genocide. Our first instinct would be to deny it.


Alexander Stiefelmann
It's more like you are conditioned to think that Churchill, personally, was responsible for the famine, and nobody and nothing else is to blame.
No answer or question mentioning Churchill, no matter in which context, goes without an Indian passing by and telling everyone how bad Churchill was.
It's like a reflex, a kneejerk reaction. What to get an Indian talking? Mention Churchill. Not necessary to the Indian, just be sure the Indian hears it.
I cannot think of any other person and nation who experiences the same.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Andy McNish
The question isn’t about who who a bad person or not - it is about who is the better orator.
But thanks for the thread hijack anyway. Until your post I didn’t l know that Churchill in particular (as well Britishers as a whole) were evil, as I had never read this on Quora before.


Brandon Li
My, you nailed it right on the head.
Some people claim that Hitler was a poor orator because his speeches make little sense, but in fact, his success in spite of this is evidence to the contrary - he could make effective speeches without a logical foundation.


Allan McKanna
So there’s hope for Boris yet then?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Edward Bashaw
Yes, I have always maintained that to really get to see his appeal you first had to learn German so that you could hear it rather than read it. His speech skills and the way he commanded attention while speaking is frighteningly good.


Anirudh Dinesh
Where can i learn this kind of oratory?


George Decoo
Practice and study goes a long way. Hitler studied pictures of himself giving speeches (like the pictures at the top of this entry) and would decide which gestures and facial expressions were most effective. Then he would keep using the ones that worked best.


John Tari
To the contrary, Hitler used logic but mixed with emotional appeal that touched the hearts of people.
Non Germans always try to use every available lying propaganda to debase Hitler but the truth is that he was no fool and was quite intelligent.
After all, his prophecy about what will become of the world after his death were a 110% correct.


Aidan Beattie
It's a common misconception that Hitler was dumb, when in reality he is far more clever than you or I will ever be.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Garrett Stock
Depends on the term clever. He certainly knew how to get ahead, but the problem was that most people know not to get ahead of someone running through a minefield.


Martin Noilly
In the interest of civil discourse, I’ll refrain from itemizing all the blunders this supposed “military genius” committed during his “thousand-year” Reich. I’ll just say “Dunkirk” and let you do some research. In the fullness of time, you may discover “clever” isn’t synonymous with, or quite as significant as, “intelligent.”

为了文明讨论,我就不一一列举这位所谓的 "军事天才 "在其 "千年 "帝国期间犯下的所有错误了。
我只说 "敦刻尔克",你们去研究一下。
随着时间的推移,你可能会发现,"聪明 "并不是 "智慧 "的同义词,也没有 "智慧 "那么重要。

Ashleaf Milliard
After WW2 surviving German military commanders blamed their failure on Hitler, & the allies were generally happy with that perspective too- yet in the early war Hitler was right more often than he was wrong- his generals advised against attacking France for example- but in the end France was quickly defeated. Unfortunately it’s completely impossible to obxtively discuss Hitler in any way- so his actual competence can never really be known.


Nick Belyborisovich
Too clever by half.


Paul Adam
Really good point. Churchill’s speeches were, perhaps, more written to be read in the papers the next day, in Hansard, or in the history books (“history shall be kind to me, for I intend to write it”).
Hitler’s speeches were intended to be delivered to a cheering crowd, and when read (especially in translation where much nuance and elegance can be stripped out) can seem almost incoherent - but they were successful at the time of delivery.


Grace Caudel
Sounds a lot like Trump’s ‘speeches’


Steven Souza
There are a lot of similarities between Hitler rallies and Trump rallies. Speak to a cult following, keep it simple, tell them what they want to hear and repeat, repeat, repeat.


Michael Anthony
We are emotional beings that are occasionally rational, and not rational beings who are sometimes emotional.
I liked your answer.


John B Goode
I think Churchill's speeches were both emotional and rational. Saying it as it was, poetically.
Hitler was just propaganda, playing the crowd, giving them what they want.


Charles Simms
A close friend who is German (and 50+) has told me exactly this. Though my friend is centre-left politically he has listened to many of the extant speeches and commented on Hitler's speaking abilities. They may sound strident and shrill 70+ years later (especially to non-German speakers) but his success as an orator to a great number of listeners is beyond argument.


Thomas Hoffmann
Even when you know the History. Hitler never fails to give you goosebumps.
The guy mastered the game with emotions.

即使你知道了历史, 但希特勒总是能让你起鸡皮疙瘩。

Richard Hurley
God, I wish I could say you were wrong in this analysis!
I’ve picked up a reasonable amount of German. Not a great amount, but I can get by.
I was horrified to discover, during my studies, that of all the German voices I have heard – Hitler’s was by far the easiest to understand. Cadence, diction, enunciation, gesticulation…it all adds up, and suddenly I’m there with the rest of damned mob, mesmerized by sound.
The devil was working overtime the day that monster was born.


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