2021-08-13 营养快线 12669
Duarte Silva, Portuguese that knows too much of its country for his own good.upxed September 20, 2020
Portugal!Portugal has been on the spotlight in recent years. Fantastic weather, cheap prices, safety, optimal combination of modernity/tradition and Portuguese hospitality surely explain all the hype.But, I fear most Portuguese idiosyncrasies are still foreign to most foreigners visiting this small European country.So, I'll try to unforeign them for you in this answer. Here we go:


McSoup,Yes, you read that right. Soup in McDonald's. Who said McDonald's couldn't be healthy?(Though, I have got to say, I never saw anyone ordering it. Just incredulous foreigners looking at the menu. Still, it's available.)


Tomato presence in Portuguese cuisine
From tomato rice to Portuguese gaspacho And escabeche sardines
Tomato typically features Portuguese dishes. Especially in Southern Portugal, less hearty and more Mediterranean. After all, we are in:Olive oil abundance.You may escape tomato when eating Portuguese traditional food. Now, olive oil? I bet you won't. That's because olive oil is one of the major ingredients in Portuguese cuisine. More than tomato. This ingredient is featured in salads and most of meat and fish dishes:Yes, sometimes we drown the plate.


Portuguese chestnut
I put this here because one time a Canadian man asked me when seeing,“Do you eat those? ” and I immediately replied “Of course!“ to much of his surprise. He said chestnuts in Canada are for ornamental purposes. Better, to scare the spiders! What?! I was horrified! “What a waste! ”, any Portuguese would say. Here in Portugal, mainly in the Autumn and Winter, we roast them:Ohh, seeing those chestnuts makes me salivate!


Fresh Fish availability,Every Portuguese hypermarket has one of these:And that surely shocks non-Portuguese
Fish consumption
As you could see above, fish is widely present in Portugal. That's for a reason. We eat a lot of fish. Period. In fact, we are the second largest fish consumers in Europe, only Iceland tops us, and first ones in EU.So, you'll have many fish options throughout the country. The most prent one is salted cod, the national ingredient. Here's a table that simply exposes the way we see bacalhau:I'll do the math for you. In 2015, Portugal imported 72,5% of all Norwegian salted cod. That's freakin amazing!So, fish will also be difficult to avoid. But, why would anyone avoid it?


“Portuguese style” barbecues,I know how most barbecues are. They are something along this:Well, we have this too. But, we have our own one. Guess what's on the grill? Huh? Of course, fresh seafood!Much better than processed burgers!

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Beverages:Wine culture
Portugal is world famous for its wine. Everyone knows and loves Port. Well, we love it too. That's why we are the biggest wine drinkers per capita in the World:Lupin beans and beer
“Beer? “, you may ask. Well, we drink it too. If you stumble across a café during a football game, you'll see this
And you may ask yourself “What the hell are those yellow things they are eating? “. Well, those are the Portuguese national snacks: tremoços. Beer and tremoços are an amazing combination. Try it please. You won't regret it.
Drinking in the street:Contrary to many countries, here you can drink on the street. In fact, that's one of the reasons why Lisbon gained such popularity among World drinkers. So, be prepared to watch this


General culture:
Pastry shop culture:Pastry shops in Portugal are literally everywhere, not just in your retail centres but spread throughout the neighbourhoods too, even in the most remote places. But, that can happen elsewhere too.Now, what's interesting in Portugal, is the promiscousity of functions we have here. Pastry shops are a curious crossover between bakeries, coffee shops and bars, with some even expanding to the grocer’s shop and restaurant side.Portuguese pastry shops have a range of freshly baked goods served there.They can offer meals as well, even pizza if they are classified as pizza shops, pizzaria!Obviously the main thing there are still the pastries and the cakes, but it really is a place where you can do a lot of things.


Portuguese Surnames:In most countries, people have 2 to 3 names. Well, here in Portugal it's very usual to find people with 4–6 names.Pedro Manuel Mamede Passos Coelho,Victoria Deborah de Sousa Lark Guerra

葡萄牙人姓氏:在大多数国家,人们有2到3个字的名字。在葡萄牙,通常会发现有4-6个字的名字。比如:Pedro Manuel Mamede Passos Coelho。

Portuguese roundabouts:Unlike what you see in your country, our roundabouts are works of art!And Portuguese love it. We love to see mayors invest in fancy roundabouts because there's clearly nothing else to spend the money at! Municipalities’ management are superb here, wink wink.

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Higher Education traditions in Portugal
This is the last topic I’m gonna address in this very long and arduous to write answer.Portuguese universities have an unique atmosphere. Indeed, Praxe, Queima das Fitas and university customs only exist here. I'll explain one by one.First, the customs. Every university has a different one. They might seem the same but they aren't. Details and etiquette vary nationwide.Let's start with the randomest one:Among others.Now, to the praxe. A controversial topic here in Portugal. Praxe is a voluntary initiation ritual freshmen are subjected to in Portuguese higher education institutions, universities or not, by third, fourth and fifth yearers. Its obxtives are the freshmen insertion into the institution and the loss of social inhibition. Tradition, ritual, humor, joy and parody are some of the main ingredients of praxe.Examples include the Latada, where freshmen walk throughout the streets with cans around their bodiesIn Portugal, you also have Queima das Fitas, Academic Week. That's a moment all students yearn for. Why? Because during one week the party mood never stops! There's the University SerenadeAnd this ends my Portugal quirkiness post. Hope you liked our singular way to do some things!

葡萄牙高等教育传统:这是我在这个漫长而艰难的回答中要讲的最后一个话题。葡萄牙的大学有着独特的氛围。事实上,prax, quima das Fitas和大学习俗只存在于这里。我将逐一解释。首先是校服,每个大学都有一个不同的校服。它们看起来可能是一样的,但其实不是。细节和校服在全国各地有所不同。
在葡萄牙,还有Queima das Fitas,学术周。那是所有学生都渴望的时刻。为什么?因为在一个星期里,派对的气氛永远不会停止!这是大学小夜曲。这篇有关葡萄牙奇特地方的文章到此结束。希望你喜欢我们独特的做事方式!

Adriana Moura
Now you really made me crave roasted sardines… with a Bairrada wine (what? my family is from the Bairrada and they still grow grapevines… though mostly to make jeropiga now). I pass the lupin beans though (my family will still disinherit me for that!).I learned from my grandmother that the only proper way to make bacalhau is to turn the whole bottle of olive oil on it!But now… uniforms for the universities! I thought it was only in Coimbra… I have so much to learn when I go back (likely next year!).


Profile photo for Duarte Silva
Ahaha roasted sardines are always a good option!Well, I do that. My father does. But most of my family doesn't. Fitness arrived to Portugal, so no more fat. But, if you are to eat bacalhau without a decent amount of olive oil, you might as well not eat it. That's what I tell them anyway.It is widespread really. I think only private universities don't have them. Still, don't know for sure.


Maja Burazin
Very interesting answer. McSoup doesn't sound bad. I don't know what they put inside, but it would be interesting to try it.


Maja Burazin
If I ever travel to Portugal, I'll think of that soup. I promise :)


Cameron Beck
My God, what a feast! Both literally and figuatively. I neverr knew Portugal was so cool. Thank you. -cb


Duarte Silva
It was nothing really! I love showcasing Portugal to non-Portuguese!


Mahsa Tabatabaiy
In Iran, we eat raw chestnuts along with other nuts (I just skip the chestnuts!) but roasting them must be a better way.


Duarte Silva
Ahahaha. Perhaps. Ahaha. Funnily, my grandmother also eats raw chestnuts. She says it's like eating nuts and non-Easter almonds. A dried fruit.


Cassiano Campes
I’ve been in Porto, and I have never drank too much wine in 1 week period in my entire life. The vinho verde is one of my favorites. Not to say about the food. I am Brazilian, and while there, I could feel like home, and taste foods that I was missing for a long time because I am currently living el… (more)

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Duarte Silva
Happy to hear you liked Portugal’s food and culture.


Maximiliano Guerra de Medeiros
Ah! Now I want to go there! Cheers from Brazil!


Duarte Silva
Hope you do come visit Portugal and I’m sure you'll be dearly welcome, especially above Douro.


Ryan Privee
The food shown looks good and I’ve heard good things about Portugal. Eu falo um pouquinho de português também!

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Duarte Silva
Ryan Privee, it looks and tastes good. I can corroborate that.I’m interested, what made you learn Portuguese?

@Ryan Privee,这些看起来和吃起来都不错,我可以证实这一点。我很好奇,你为什么学葡萄牙语?
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Ryan Privee
I took Spanish in high school and college then French in college (the language I preferred)—Spanish was more useful for where I live in California. Portuguese I just figured would be easy to pick up on and it was but I didn’t go that far with it, but I can get by and definitely understand a lot in written form. I like the language too, both Euro and Brazilian but Brazilian is harder to understand. I had a professor from the Azores—Madeira I believe? and another from Angola but he was white and I believe spoke European style Portuguese. I got A’s in the classes. I can read/understand some Italian, Catalan, Occitan, Asturian, Galecian as well…..Romanian not so much, it’s too different. My Grandmother was from Guam (US island territory) and Chomorro has Spanish and possibly Portuguese influence to the language as well but I only know a little bit, it’s a dying language, most Guamanians speak English now.


Emilio Gomez Varela
May be because they are so commonplace, you forgot the wonderful, artesanal cheeses that are offered in almost every restaurant before you even order, and “travesoiras”(?) those pastries at breakfast.

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Duarte Silva
I don't know about the cheeses. Not all restaurants offer cheese as an appetizer. Now, for the pastry, I think you meant to say travesseiro from Sintra? Thank you for your comment.

我不知道你说的奶酪,不是所有的餐馆都提供奶酪作为开胃菜。至于糕点,我想你想说的是来自辛特拉的travesseiro ?谢谢你的评论。

Advait Ghosh
My bengali style sardine cuisine from East India looks similar to yours. Kudos!!!


Duarte Silva
It is. How interesting! Does this form of making sardines have a name?


Advait Ghosh
We call it indian fish curry though. I prepared through some spices onions, tomatoes. It is just a combination.


Duarte Silva
In Portugal, other than the ingredients you mentioned, we also use peppers.


Ivan Salinas
Very interesting and ellaborated answer. Thanks!

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Duarte Silva
If by elaborated you mean tiresome, then it definitely was! Thank you for your comment!

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Neha K
Wow the food looks awesome. But i would not eat half of them…being a very choosy non vegetarian.The dresses look really amazing. It makes me want to study in these universities.


Duarte Silva
I perfectly get it. Nevertheless, in cities, you'll find relavely easy vegetarian menus.Yes, the dresses are indeed amazing. If you notice it, they resemble Harry Potter’s uniforms. Well, that's not random. J.K.Rowling inspired herself in Portuguese uniforms.

我完全明白。然而,在城市里,你会发现相对简单的素食菜单。是的,这些衣服确实很漂亮。如果你注意到的话,你会发现它们很像哈利·波特的制服。这不是随机的。J. K.罗琳的灵感来自于葡萄牙制服。

Neha K
Yes the harry potter looks. Would love to wear them :)


Duarte Silva
J. K.Rowling based herself on Porto’s dresses, so there's that ;).

J. K.罗琳的作品就是以波尔图的裙子为原型的,所以就是这样。

Neha K
One more question: is olive oil excessive use prent only in portugal or the other EU nations as well?


Duarte Silva
Neha K, so sorry for just answering now! Olive oil is excessively used mostly in Mediterranean diet countries. In EU those countries are Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Spain, Malta, Cyprus and partially France.

@Neha K,抱歉现在才接电话!橄榄油在地中海饮食国家被过度使用。在欧盟,这些国家包括意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙、希腊、克罗地亚、西班牙、马耳他、塞浦路斯和法国部分地区。

Ashla Delana
When I went to Portugal, there were also these famous pastries made with a secret recipe in Belem. They are the best pastries ever!


Alex Aleschu
Incredible work! All these pictures and the pure length of the article - wow. Thanks :)


Duarte Silva
Glad you liked it. Yes, searching for all those pictures.. 3 days! But it's worthy it if it means showcasing Portugal’s quirkiness!


Uday Bhaskar Reddy
Thank you, you have a great culture. And also i learnt about Portuguese gazpacho. I will prepare it and try it once. GOD bless.


Julius Machado
Your write up was more elaborate than a photo feature in a magazine. I plan to visit Portugal, as a tourist, and I know what to expect? It's mind boggling and fantastic. Thanks.


Duarte Silva
Thank you Julius for your kind words. Hope you have a great stay here, if you need some help I can be of use.

谢谢你,@Julius Machado。希望你在这里过得愉快,如果你需要帮助,我可以帮上忙。

Nitin Samuel
I really like the Portuguese barbecue. It is the healthiest barbecue I have seen in my entire life. Also, the university gowns and dresses are amazing. I wish I wore those during my university days.


Duarte Silva
Thank you for your comment.We like it too. Grilled sardines, grilled squids.. Yummy.I agree with you. University here in Portugal has a truly unique atmosphere. And, the dresses and uniforms play a huge part in it.


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