2021-08-26 大宝贝 11841

What Happened Before History? Human Origins


I can imagine hunter gatherers thinking "kids these days rely to much on farming"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Experts kinda agree farming was much harder work than hunting/gathering.


yeah but look how quickly humans advanced after they started farming.


much harder work but much more reliable way of feeding larger populations


everything is fine,but one question. which thing will kill you?hunting a "saber tooth" or harvesting crops?so tell me which thing is harder now?


Most of our myths involving humans somehow screwing up an initial idealic existence come from the early era of agriculture. There is a theory that these stories are actually refering back to our hunter gatherer days. The idealic part would come from not having to deal with the responsobilities, structure & annoyances of living in a city or even a small village.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And it could be a totally valid argument!!!
It took more than one generation to acquire the necessary knowledge and technology to make farming more efficient than hunting/ gathering.
Same problem with today's kids who think they can change the world....


Still this lifestyle allowed the human population to far exceed numbers supported by the hunter gatherer lifestyle.


Hunter gathering is a lot easier if you want to feed yourself. Farming is a lot easier if you want to feed the rest of the village.


that's exactly what would preserve our natural instincts. It appears were domesticating ourselves. A man that can't hunt for sustenance is not a man at all. BTW, especially you live near rich waters, fishing can be really easy. Easier still if you use a primitive spearing tool. I've already done that as a prepubescent child.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Salt for taste and you have a delicious lunch for the day. You'll be surprised how much you can catch, it's more difficult to catch enough than to catch too much lol. As for land based meat. One will develop the skill fairly quickly when the instincts come back. We are still animals and our instincts are still in there somewhere. You have to keep in mind using of tools and fire predate homo Sapiens so these skills are locked deeply into our dna, since we evolved with spears and fire.


I don't think base instincts would be vastly different across cultures.


well, hunting is dangerous.actually hunting was more time consuming and required more work and effort.


"Hunting and gathering is instinctive" no, it freaking isn't, you risk eating poisoned things like wild mushrooms or various berries unless you're taught how to avoid them, hunting can be more natural but not the kind we practice today, rather humans would just follow prey until it tired to run anymore and then kill and eat it.


One of our biggest advantages is that we don't have fur and lose heat by sweating, so we have much more autonomy than the furry beasts when it comes to stamina (they need to sit and rest and with their mouth open to let out the heat, unlike humans).


Yeah but it’s easier to feed a larger population by farming than by hunting/gathering.


at one point , we would too . Theres a science behind it , we tend to stay away from the lifestyle we havent been in because the lifestyle we used to have had kept us alive , any different from our pass lifestyle felt like a threat to us .


the point is that it would have been a SHORT SIGHTED argument and not a valid argument for long-term survival of a species. That is the context in which the video broached the topic.


it’s only fun and easy for you to hunt and gather today because you do it as a hobby, not out of necessity for the survival of yourself and your family, clan, tribe.


That means when you go out to hunt and gather, it’s easy and fun because there’s no longer any competition between people and tribes for the resources they are hunting and gathering, and you’re reaping as much as you want without competition.


It’s like running a marathon by yourself and getting excited every time you win because you’ve placed first, then mocking athletes who train so much and for whom it’s hard to place first, and you not understanding why.


That’s what makes it fun and easy for you, because it’s a hobby leisure activity now. So ultimately you’re still benefiting from modern society providing for everyone else’s needs so that they don’t have to hunt and gather by necessity, which keeps hunting and gathering fun and easy as a hobby for you.


If all people started to hunt and gather again, as their way to feed themselves (not to supplement what they get from the supermarket nor as a hobby) it would again become about how much resource is available in the wild, in natural condition quantities, to sustain everyone hunting and gathering.


Another thing that has changed tremendously is having to be social. Back then, if you were not social, you lived a short life. Today, it is not necessary to be social anymore. One can live perfectly fine without any friends nor a mate. You can actually be successful without being social at all.


Friends and a mate are simply options now, not so when you were sharing hunting grounds with wolves, bears, rival hunting teams, and huge aggressive herbivores.


it offered more reward though. if it did not they never would have moved to farming. also it was safer


yes, the areas like the steps and the forests of north america were more advantageous for hunting, while the banks of rivers in Asia Europe, and the Nile, were better for farming


early farming was very monoculturistic though, thats why the cradel of civilization are located in semi arid regions because there wouldnt have been no need to farm in abundant areas.


The differences between agricultural and hunter gatherer societies are even apparent in their remains with the remains of agriculure based societies having a generally smaller stature and smaller bones than hunter gatherers. at least in early agriculture.


I believe agriculture was a necessity that eventually became a norm once the regions dried up and wild food sources dwindled


it is also good to add that having a farming based society takes a certain population to accomplish, because you need people to farm, protect the farms, as farming gets more complicated, build irrigation and build plows. so farming is required for complex society in my opinion


It helps to understand that if you take a look at non domesticated species of our domesticated plants their yields are tiny because we've bred them for a long time and all our crops have evolved into plants that give big yields, after all in the wild it'd make no sense for a plant to put all of its energy into making fruit it only needs just enough to bait animals into spreading its seeds.


The first farmers would have done backbreaking work with inferior tools only to get very small rewards from plants that give much smaller amounts of food. Imagine how hard farming would be without machines, then imagine farming without even steel tools and after all that the food you get is tiny!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

imagine doing that everyday with really and I mean really primitive tools for the rest of your life, not so easy anymore huh?


you think the tools were that primitive? You think just because they lived a hunter gatherer lifestye that no decent amount of craftsmanship could be achieved. Didn't they find huge intricate statues somewhere from the paleolithic era?


This shows advanced cooperation and enough spare time to actually build something else instead of just focussing on survival. And this was pre agriculture.


Its not like you have to go hunt for meat every single day. As mentioned, taking 4-5 hours of your day to gather a bit will be more than sufficient to supply a tribe. Not to mention most of the tribe members all contribute to the community. The daily hikes for "work" can also be an activity of leisure.


especially adolescents will be delightted to roam around and prove their worth by competition though kills or gathering berries.


Farmers actually had shorter lives, then hunter gathering, because they had a worse food sextion.


a lot of the time they are actually correct though, and people just don’t listen and keep moving endlessly forward until they exhaust themselves and look back on their lives and realize, oh shit I was wrong. That’s the sad part of it, we think they are just old crotchety people, but they are wishing they listened to their elders earlier and then we grow up and wish the same thing. It’s maybe even set up that way to teach us to appreciate things in life because it’s so easy to take things for granted but there is such a tremendous price to pay for it.


100% that happened... "Back in my day we had to fight for ever bite of food we had"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How could we all have specialised jobs if wed have to hunt all day for survival.


Farming sucked people didn't have enoigh protein during that time


is it. Hunter gatherers had to gather most of the day and sometimes hunt for days. None of those high effort activities created any surplus. Farming on the other hand created surplus.


on average it has been found that the typical hunter gatherer tribe works for 4 hours in a day. Also you'll be surprised how much from your surroundings are edible. And how much of those activities counted as leisure. As kids we used to go around the village to the various fruit trees around and had fun climbing and eating the fruits.


we caught enough fish to eat for lunch without using nets. Also wild birds were caught quite often as well. But it depends on the environment, that's why I belive agriculture came to be in dryer areas.


be a animal yourself...sorry... all predators except humans body is designed to eat only meat but humans have a choice well if I say your father was a thief will you become one you have a choice and finally DNA doesn't work like you think it dose not store memory it stores mutations. Don't confuse others.


you have the choice now, but its a more unnatural choice. A homo sapien in it's natural habitiat will have a hard time taking substinence from just vegetation since we are limited in what we can digest. We can however digest other animals that have already processed the energy from the primary producers in their tissues, which per unit, provides more energy than vegetation. serves as better fuel for animals higher in the food chain.


I think the moral dilemma lies with the treatment in animals in commercial settings. But I don't think theres a moral dilemma in eating other complex animals for food. I am specifically saying that "murder" to sustain oneself is okay since, contrary to the perception of most people, we are still very much part of the food chain. It's an arrogant assumption to assume otherwise. Making it fair to eat but also to be eaten. One complex being with all its experiences seizes to be, but in turn sustaining another. Molecules sustaining other molecules. Matter and energy transform.


But one thing I can agree on, is that there is an overconsumption problem and I am very against Industrialization of slaughter.


A lot of people will die yes, our numbers are not sustainable for that lifestyle. But with proper numbers it is gonna be a mundane and even enjoyable experience.


no humans are better at digesting plants than meat.


that may be true but that doesn't mean we aren't omnivores, afterall Pandas have guts suited to eat more varied things and even meat but they still eat bamboo.


Also we have evolved from herbivorous/ omnivorous apes but Homo Erectus still put in the effort to use tools for procurement of meat. Very evident in Homo Heidelbergensis up to Neanderthalensia and Sapiens considering the species mentioned fashioned spears specifically to be used to hunt other animals.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Our guts have not needed to adjust for higher meat consumption because we tamed fire early on, starting with Homo Erectus. Thus our development and evolution went hand in hand with fire and the spear.


Added to that tradition herbivores also consume meat from time to time as a source of calcium, among other things, with even deer going out of their way to pursue small mammals.


Horses have been observed to do this too and it's not a case of accidentally eating an animal while grazing.


So basically having a gut made for herbivorous diets does not restrict a species from eating only vegetation


yea i agree but do you know why horses eat them they eat to gain some vital protiens same for cat which eat grass (mainly for digestive issues)also but the problem is they eated it which their body needed .We are just eating too much which our body does not need and which is not even taken up by our digestion 25g meat content including liver is enough for our body requirement for 6 months excluding fish which may vary from person to person .I agree that humans do not have the ability to recognise their needs but science have given them the comandments.there are still people who eat 1kg meat a day . .


yeah the majority of people don't eat meat responsibly, I agree. And we eat too much meat. But I think radical veganism is not the way to go but I appreciate that they're around because they do actually bring down irresponsible meat production somewhat.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

we occasionally do need some meat, and when were already consuming it, why not enjoy it am i right?


I find veganism tend to have quite the unhealthy amount of grain in their diet and there isn't really any limit on sugar but I guess all diets have their downsides.


I don't get it farming why farming was a good idea to our ancestors, working hard and dying from diseases doesn't sounds great. Liberty of gathering and hunting is more convincible


Early farming societies did both. It wasn't a sudden changeover...


it’s weird that for all of human history humanity was pretty static until the early 1900s


Fun fact! There is evidence in the archeological record that says there was quite a bit of conflict between hunter gatherers, pastoralists, and agriculturalists.
They generally had strife over land resources, and largely the agricultural people won out because of their more consistent food supply and ability to maintain larger populations.


Don't know if someone already mentioned it but I remember reading an article that mentioned alcohol may have been first brewed as a way of coping with the hard labour of farming.


Hunting/ Gathering generally takes 4 hours in a day in modern tribal societies. Once you have killed an animal you take it back and share among the tribe. Bigger animals last days.


Also nutrient intake of hunter gatherers are better generally. This is evidenced by hunter gatherer remains being bigger and more robust than the remains of agricultural societies. This is one of the telltale signs that archeologists can differentiate human remains among other things.


Being in a tropical area, it's also easy to get fruits from the forest. Kids are usually the ones who go gather the fruits.


It's short for, people living in metropolises should go for a more plant based diet because industrial meat industry is unsustainable for a large proportion of the population.


They probably weren't as narcissistic as the older generations we have too deal with today. Their kids had access too better stuff .

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When i was your age, i didn't grow food; i CHASED food.


just little sad that they can't appreciate how far we came and what we went through


That quote. "I'm out" changed the world incredibly


the "god" of Evolution which created Material from nothing - violating 1st law of Thermodynamic, which created live from death material violating Law of chemistri Biogenesis. Which created perfect order, balance and harmony from Big Explosion, is in it fascinating?


maybe this is why he builds things so awsome, maybe because the world changed, from just a planet with a few trees and water slapped into it, to a planet that has 7.4 billion humans, how they build mega structures, how we make things in general, and more...


My ancestor: my best skill is being able to work together with my tribe to kill animals that could be a threat to my family
Me: I can't even go into a shop without having an anxiety attack

我的祖先: 我最擅长的技能是能够和我的部落一起杀死可能威胁到我家人的动物
我: 我一走进商店就会感到焦虑

You are a testament to the wondrous success of our species. That crippling anxiety isn't a sextive pressure .


That was a joke, even if people struggle to eat today ,a lot of people in cities complain about things even after their easy life. Compared to the Stone Age our living standards are much better, that was my point.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think it's a product of being comfortable all the time, all the people I know who work more often especially manual labor have less anxiety. We just live in a world that tends to our pleasures and not our hardships. It's a give and take though, life is less scary than ever but more depressing than ever


As someone with a nasty anxiety disorder I can say that there is possibly some truth to what you are saying. I live an extremely comfortable life, even by todays standards. I find that physical activity, such as working outside, or even just being outside improves my condition somewhat.


The summer I worked for my grandfather almost every day in blistering heat doing tedious and difficult labor was probably the happiest period of my life. I often wonder if Biology is at play, rejecting the easy lifestyle I desperately try to live. Been trying to get more active lately on that basis.


the body isn't made to be still that plus overthinking bcause you've got no real tasks to do must cause the body to subconsciously think you're trapped or something. Id recommend taking hikes. However I hope you get better bro


You're the same as every other animal. Imagine the anxiety a bird would feel if it wasn't allowed to fly.


Fun fact, even after 4000+ years of civilization, there are still uncolonized tribes, who haven’t even heard of the rest of the world


One interesting thing to remember is, despite being isolated from bigger human society for thousands of years, evolution still happened more or less the same way to all us. Those isolated people still evolved to look similar to us and they have more or less the same mental and physical abilities like us.


but you can definitely tell where people’s evolutions changed, but for the most part due to humans sticking to familiar practices, evolution of culture and hunting strategies was slow, and spread faster than it changed, so likely that lead to evolution more or less being the same in most aspects


Do you mind listing few? I am curious and please make sure they are real and you can provide some proofs.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sentinelese people. They live on North Sentinel island in the Bay of Bengal. The Indian government prohibits any travel to this island and the tribe living there are protected. This is mainly because of their violent reactions whenever someone tried to establish contact with them. In order to keep them safe from our diseases and risk their extinction, the government decided to just let them be.


It's illegal to fish or sail within 5 nautical miles of that island. Though there is no proof of the Sentinelese being cannibals, you better not go there if you have a will to live.
The Sentinelese have been isolated from the rest of the world for more than 50,000 years now. I have travelled to Andaman and Nicobar islands which are closest civilized places to the north sentinel island. I was fascinated to learn about the Sentinelese when I was in Andaman. You should definitely look it up.


"Today we live in the most advanced civilization humans have ever known" Funny how all generations could have said that at one point.


I think there was a moment when lots of human knowledge was lost, so not all generations.


That's because every generation builds upon the last generations knowledge.


"Civilization" is a roller-coaster: knowledge and its applications (engineering, architecture, transportation, food production, art/jewellry, clothing etc) reaches a high, then catastrophe or barbarians or decadence or religious zealots tear it down and it has to start uphill again. The Minoans for example, had a WONDERFUL civilization going but then a bunch of stuff happened around 1700 b.c. and it was well over a thousand years before the Greeks again reached where they had been.


Then the Romans built upon the Greek knowledge base until their civilization (well in the west at least) crumbled. It took another thousand years for Europeans to shake off the anti-science crap of the RC and Orthodox chuches, and the roller-coaster went up again, to where it is now. OUR civilization may yet come crashing down around us, and it may require another thousand years to claw back to where we were when it collapsed....


And funny how in all generations, there were peoples who said "It was better before, today is decadent"


i think it means more like this civilization is the starting point of everything that will happen in the future..

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well yeah and its actually true for every generation who said that. we havent found a way to predict the future still in order to compare with future generations.


An example would be the Bronze Age collapse when the sea people invasion, climate change and societal failure destroyed entire civilizations and cultures. Or the transition from the classical era to the early medi era where writing became rare and expensive, literacy went downhill, scientific progress largely stops, and kingdoms fell to barbarism.


Culture and science are consistently advancing only from the Early Modern period imo.


In the medi age the human civilization flourished in the Middle-East and Asia. Preserved the roman's knowledge and developed Maths (Algebra, trigonometry...), Chemistry etc. Without that period we maybe be living the beginning of The Industrial Revolution now if we are lucky. so it's still true.


The funny thing is at school nobody would pay attention to these explanations.


“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called present”


I love humanity history. It always reminds me how far we’ve come as a species.


Do a future of humanity video, that’d be wild! Just thinking from this perspective on life has blown my mind about how humans evolve.


"Today we live in the most prosperous age humanity has ever experienced"
me: I bet every stage in humanity said that.


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