2021-09-09 大宝贝 11259

Wrapping your mind around your life is pretty hard, because you are up to your neck in it.It's like trying to understand the ocean while learning how to swim. On most days you are busy just keeping your head above water. So it is not easy to figure out what to do with your life and how to spend your time.


There are a million distractions. Your family, friends and romantic partners, boring work and exciting projects. Video games to play and books to read. And then there is your couch that somebody needs to lie on. It's easy to get lost. So let us take a step back and take a look at your life from the outside.


The average Kurzgesagt viewer is around 25 years old. Which is a pretty good time in the life of most people: The insecurities of the teenage years have begun to recede.Maybe you find yourself in a job or a long term relationship. Maybe you've started a family, or are working on an advanced degree. Maybe you are not doing any of that and still want to enjoy life, whatever that means to you.

"简而言之"观众的平均年龄在25岁左右,这是大多数人一生中相当美好的时光: 青少年时期的局促不安已经开始消退。也许你发现自己已经有一份工作或一段长期的关系,也许你已经成家了,或者正在攻读更高的学位。也许你什么都没做,仍然想要享受生活,不管这对你来说意味着什么。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Or maybe you feel stuck and don't know where to go yet. About one in twenty people watching this video will get to live to 100. Let's assume you are one of the lucky ones, which means you had a total of 5200 weeks of life at your disposal when you were born.You spent the first 600 weeks of your life being a kid and 400 being a teenager. During this time you were pretty useless for society and also not very free to make your own decisions.


As a payoff, you were somewhat spared from the consequences and responsibilities of adulthood.Mostly because well meaning adults protected you by cleaning up your mess and giving you time to find yourself. This time is necessary to make you, at least in theory, a functioning human. Although most people probably don't feel like that after puberty. In any case,by the time you are 20, over 1000 of your 5200 weeks have passed.


Depending on what you aspire to, at this point you are either working already or have entered further education. The amount of fun you can have in this phase of your life varies a lot.If you pick up a trade or need to work to support yourself or others, the serious side of life begins earlier, if you go to university, you get to push back work life a bit longer.


In any case, most people start working for real in their twenties at the latest,Which begins the productive or potentially grinding or soul crushing period of your life. People tend to work until the age of 65. Which means that you'll spend at least 2000 weeks of your life with serious adult work – hopefully in a job that makes you feel good and appreciated or that makes the world better. This is such an important thing !

无论如何,大多数人最迟在20多岁就开始真正工作了,开始你生命中富有成效的或潜在折磨人的或灵魂崩溃的时期。人们倾向于工作到65岁。这意味着你一生中至少要花2000周的时间从事严肃的成人工作 -希望这是一份能让你感觉良好、受到赞赏或让世界变得更美好的工作。这是一件如此重要的事情!

This is the main block of life for most people – The time when you might have kids and travel a bit and climb the career ladder and build a house, may get divorced and fall in love again. In this phase you transition from being young to middle aged to old – not old, old but the “young old” of your sixties. At 65 you have used up 3400 of your 5200 weeks.


The last phase of your life begins. If you've managed to acquire enough wealth to retire,in theory you are now free to do whatever you like, for up to 1800 weeks. But of course, this is not how it works for the majority of you watching this video. 19 out of 20 people will not live to one hundred. The average lifespan in the US is 79. In Germany it is 81. In Japan 84. In Brazil it is 75.


If you die at age 80, which is still not bad, you only have 780 weeks of freedom after you retire. That's roughly as many weeks of freedom as an old person as you spent as a child. Unfortunately disease and the tiredness of age trip you up here, because with old age the human body begins to decline sharply. For example the vast majority of cancer related deaths occur in people over 70. If you bet all your fun cards on being free and happy in your retirement you might be bitterly disappointed.


And all of this is still assuming things work out and you even get to grow old. You can drown in a pool at age 7, get cancer at age 32, die in a car crash at age 48. You can fall from a ladder at age 60. Every day the universe rolls a bunch of dice for every human– and everyday, someone somewhere on this planet, rolls a critical failure and their life ends that day. The older you get, the more dice are rolled for you.


Usually when you swim through the ocean that is your life, you do not think about all of this too much and that is fine. Life is engaging enough by itself and the future is this undefined weird thing. But thinking about it from time to time is helpful in refocusing on what you want to do and to minimize regrets you will have when you look back. And to remind you that if you don’t use your time today, you might not get a chance to use it tomorrow.


Life is complicated and it is hard to make decisions between all the things and people that are important to you.This has become painfully obvious to billions of people during the Coronavirus pandemic.If you respected social distancing, so many things that we took for granted were not available anymore. Traveling and public places and eating out and seeing friends and meeting new people.


Spending time together became limited and precious. But actually, the time you have with the people you love is already precious.Think of your parents. As a child you spend basically every day with them. Your time spent together begins to decline as you transition and become a teenager and fight to develop your own identity. But as teenagers you probably still see them regularly, which changes as you enter your twenties, when most people move out. For university, for work or just to be on their own.


If you are making an effort to be with your parents for two full weeks each year for the of their lives, which covers the main holidays, birthdays and a bit extra you still have already spent more than 90% of the time you will ever spend with them, even if they grow pretty old. If they die earlier or if you see them only a few days each year this number shrinks even more. So in all likelihood, the vast majority of time you will ever spend with your parents has passed.


The same holds true for your siblings or old friends that moved to the other side of the country. You are at the tail end of the time with some of the most important people in your life. One day you will see them for the last time. And it is actually the same with everything else. The concept of doing something for the last time feels eerie, like something that you should only experience when you are on death row or extremely old or something like that. But it happens all the time.


Is there a hobby you have been lazy about for a long time? Maybe you still have those Warhammer minis that you wanted to paint? Did you always want to revisit that place where you had an amazing time a decade ago? Is there someone you wanted to reach out to for a long time but haven't yet? Or pick up that sport again to meet new friends? Maybe you will never do any of these things again, because life gets in the way and at some point it is too late.


As the global Pandemic begins to wind down, we will all soon be able to be with each other again and do fun things together.It is never a bad time to reach out to a friend, or a potential friend and let them know that you are looking forward to hanging out.But no matter when you are watching this: our life is an incredible gift and there are so many fun, engaging and fulfilling things to do. And you get to decide what and who matters to you. But what matters the most is that you actually make decisions from time to time.


This video was based on and inspired by an article by our friend Tim Urban of Wait but Why, the best blog on the internet. Be sure to check it out to get more new perspectives on things.


I'm only 21 years old now, and the last time I saw my father was on his deathbed in early 2020. He passed at only 60 years old which is what they considered the “young” old…What I hate more than anything is he never got to see us grow, become successful, get married, and really make him proud. He was so full of life before he was diagnosed with cancer and this video hit me like a bus. Nothing is guaranteed. Appreciate whatever time you have with your loved ones. Don’t hold grudges because imo that only ends in regret when that inevitable time comes.


I've always had this feeling of not wanting to do the whole school-work-retirement. I figured life has no meaning but the one we give it. I don't need to be "successful" to be happy. At one point in life I realized that's what mattered to me, being happy.


So from that I don't think to quit a job that makes me unhappy, I don't keep people around who make me feel miserable, I started doing thingd that I felt proud of. I decided no one, not even my parents, would get in the way. Even though I'm still working on it I do feel a faint sense of hope that no matter how my life is right now I can make it fulfilling and an enjoyable experience.


Life is too short . I'm visiting my parents for 9 days in the past 14 months. I'm gonna buy a house in the burb next year and have my parents move in with me. Family is everything, my mom is the most important person in my life and I cherish and appreciate her every day of existence in my life. I love you mom.


I realized that recently when I calculated how long it would take to finish college and get to the point I want to be at in my life afterwards. It honestly made me get rid of the idea of filling my life with work because of how pointless it was.

最近,当我计算完成大学并达到我以后想要达到的目标需要多长时间时,我意识到了这一点。 老实说,这让我摆脱了用工作来充实我生活的想法,因为它是多么毫无意义。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But, on a cosmic level, unimaginably valuable, because most of the universe is void and inanimate. We are extraordinarily lucky to be surrounded by so much life.


I do believe that our conciousness does transcend into a different existential plane that is out of our reach because conciousness is something that defies math, science and the universe. But whether or the people who left before you would be waiting for you or you'll be alone until the next big thing or for eternity, is another thing on its own.


What if we try to find a way to regenerate all the cells of humans and keep the size of telomeres of human cells constant, we would become immortal and would be able to experience everything


I wouldn't give up on it... from an old person to you youngins.. you can walk and chew bubblegum. Study, make money, make friends.. go places. It's very possible and like anything in life you can learn to balance it. This video makes you feel like life and work take 120% effort but that's grossly over emphasized.


You weren't given life to be sad. Death is not a part of life. Life isn't short, life is very long. It's only short if you don't do anything with your life.


All of the lessons I learned from my parents were either "do as I say and not as I do" or "don't do as I say or do". One of the "don't do as I say or do" lessons was definitely embracing mortality salience and I think I've had a much happier life because of it.


Yep there is no point in stressing over much in life it all ends one day. The judgement of others should not matter and you should not care about other peoples opinions. We as humans put to much emphasis on what we do not have rather on what we have. there is no point in fretting over bullshit.


Sometimes the discussion or experience of death can give you a better perspective on life.


Yep. Life is living in the present moment. To slow down time, do something new, do something challenging. When you're too comfortable, you end up seeing the same things everyday, therefore you will speed up time.


I calculated a while back how many days you live throughout your life on average, and then I calculated how long I have lived to the exact day, and jeez that knocks a nice chunk off.


But it's generally something that's only meant to help us reflect on what direction we are going on in one way or another, and allow to make perhaps some better decisions on how we want to look back on our lives, or what we might like to do in the future.


That's got to be really annoying and weigh on you heavily. What do you think you might have done differently then after you had turned 25? As I turned 25 in December and I’m still in my second year of Uni, still figuring many things out.


To be fair, we are just monkeys with better brains. There is only like 1% DNA difference between us and chimpanzees. Humans are not as special as anyone think.


If you can not answer, it is neither yet true or false in your perspective, but you must be ready to accept either outcome. That said having to disprove something not proven is a logical fallacy. Also never be 100% certain of things, unless they are empirical or logical, but keep the possibility that our perception of reality is flawed, therefore nothing is certainly empirical, but we can say they are emperical beyond reasonable doubt.


You are free to keep your beliefs, they don't hurt anyone. When your beliefs start to negatively affect reality, they are delusions. Ex. religiously justified terrorism.


If we can make desirable genetic variations through genetic engineering in an adult then we might overcome this problem, after all depressing things, happy things all are inside our brain due to some Chemicals, let's make just try to do all we can in our given life

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Problem was i just cared to much about someone's opinion, i didn't express myself. That should be a thing i would change, don't care about what others are thinking about me.


School and college are the ones who is wasting our life , to be honest , I think learning the basics of everything is good but they make it so long that it takes years


My parents want me to spend my time with them even if I'm trying to move out. I just want them to understand that all the hard work I do is for them. My mum is working at such an old age, doing heavy lifting for her isn't healthy and I just want to make it stop. I am trying to reach financial freedom to take care of her mainly and I will make it my priority.


I feel you. I'm grinding right now to buy a house and support my parents so my dad doesn't have to work till he's 75 and my mom and him can relax. They've given me their love and affection through all the tough times and I want to give back.


I'm roughly halfway through the video, yet I am rougly a quarter of the way through my life. I took a break from my work to watch Kurzgesagt, yet found myself galvanized with more indomitable fervor for my project. The continued furtherment of enlightenment and the advancement of humanity as a whole is the single most noble cause, yet it is a task in which we can all (even in the small things like a hug or waving to a stranger) partake.


This video is a terrifying reminder of mortality and the limited amount of time we have. But also a great reminder to reach out and spend that time doing something you love and sharing it with people like family and friends.


This video made me cry so hard but also made me feel so refreshed! I'm in this exact mid-twenties crisis and suffering with anxiety and depression during this pandemic context. Earlier today I literally thought “well I guess is too late to be something” and even though I know it's an absurd I sometimes have no strength to fight these thoughts. But now I felt like this video was literally a person hugging me and telling me that everything is gonna be ok but I have to fight for myself in order to do it. Thank you so much for that


I'm only thirteen and I feel like our daily routines or what we do throughout our life ,for example getting a job and even going to sleep around the same time as others is something that we all gained from our older generations. Most of us humans including me don't plan on doing anything specific the next day and just do the normal routing that drives us to continue life , but for others life is a hard problem to solve.

我只有十三岁,我觉得我们的日常生活或我们一生中所做的事情,例如找工作,甚至与其他人大约在同一时间睡觉,都是我们从老一辈那里获得的东西。 我们大多数人,包括我在内,第二天不打算做任何特定的事情,只是按照正常的路线来推动我们继续生活,但对其他人来说,生活是一个难以解决的问题。

Life for them needs to have a purpose and I'm not going against that but I'm just saying that a lot of people think that getting a job is necessary and to be honest it isn't. It's kinda like the statement “it's time to get your life together” and that's is a broad statement that could mean many things to different people. I personally live life not to the fullest but to the most predictable and set goals that are not too hard yet actually impact my life positively.


Getting my age spot on really hit me hard. I moved out of my family's home just two months ago and I've just started on my new first-ever full-time job after graduating. I hope this will serve as a nice reminder as I keep going.

这个年龄阶段真的对我打击很大。 两个月前,我搬出了我家,刚刚开始毕业后的第一份全职工作。 希望这将成为我继续前进的一个很好的提醒。

I actually think of this non stop since i was kid and i was depressed for a majority of that time and wasted years of my life thinking about this kind of things which led to my depression... DO NOT THINK ABOUT THIS SHIT AND ENJOY IN LIFE EVERYONE


PS. Balance is key to everything, work hard when you need to, have fun when you need to, socialize when you need to etc... Don't be lazy, think in advance always, be carefull, be patient, make sure you take good care of yourself so you can live longer to experience more...

附注: 平衡是一切的关键,当你需要候努力工作时,当你需要享受乐趣时,当你需要社交时等等......不要偷懒,总是要提前想一想,要小心,要有耐心,确保你照顾好自己,这样你就可以活得更久,体验更多...

I picked up drawing again recently, the best decision in a decade.


After my great-grandmother passed away, I came to understand the value of this video. The time given to one person and human relationships are never infinite. I have come to believe that if there is a relationship that has already been established, it should be cherished, and that new challenges and relationships should not be delayed.


6:18 this is making me emotional for some reason. I really love how you point that out since I'm really close to my parents and siblings (as a Filipino, it is true to some) and even though I am now a teenager, I always seek and look for them in any possible way. Even if I'm busy with paperworks and some projects, I always take a break just to call them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This was probably the hardest video to watch to date from Kurzgesagt. Like always how they make a complex topic easy to understand and the way they did just puts a lot of perspective in life. I almost teared at the part where they showed how much you would actually spend time with your parents if you moved out and visited them.


"What are you doing with your life?"
Me sobbing uncontrollably: I don't know Mr Scienceman, I don't know


This is something I've been mentally facing for quite some time now. Wrapping my head around having to make choices and commit to them wisely as we are all subjected to limited time in this world is quite a challenge. With understanding of this came the feeling of meaninglessness of it all.


However this feeling lets me appreciate life more and do what's better for me ,specifically my time here might be limited, but its mine. A bit of a bittersweet realisation, really. Glad this video exists


My cousin passed away three years ago at the age of 27 and this video made me cry. I don't regret spending not enough time with him, you shouldn't regret anything of the sort ever and still it is hard to accept the fact that at some point without me knowing, I had already spent all the time I would have ever spent with him.

我的表哥三年前去世了,年龄27岁,这段视频让我哭了。我不后悔没有花足够多的时间和他在一起,你也不应该后悔任何类似的事情,但是很难接受这样一个事实: 在某些我不知道的时候,已经花了我本该和他在一起的所有时间。

I think this was a great video to be aware about the span of your life and spending your time well with family and friends. It is good to do those things and to grow in a relationship with each other. While many people see death as a hopeless thing, I see it as a passing from one stage of life to another.


It was a genius idea to put the remaining time in life in weeks instead of years. Using weeks, even if there are thousands of them left, really helps ya grasp the dwindling time of life you have left at whatever age you are.


It must be amazing to not be plagued by these thoughts all the time. How the clock is always ticking and each breath you take is one breath less in some unknown grand total of your life time.


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