2021-09-22 营养快线 36900
Inaki Arbelaiz, City Innovation Project Leader (2011-present) upxed January 29 城市创新项目负责人(2011-至今)

From a foreign perspective, this question is a very interesting question dividing the attention between national pride, economic power, and the commercial reality of the need for infrastructure.The simple answer is that there is no need for it. The USA, geographically, is not any longer a transportation hub, but a transportation destination.



The last list, the busiest cruise ports, is largely skewed due to Disney [sad but true]. Once you have that taken out [the Disney phenomena due to cruises], the countries where most of the population is divided between a set of islande [as Greece, Finland, and the Sea of China] will require the largest ports.


Same happens with airports:Due to regulations and the low cost phenomena, airlines do not have to land in the USA when doing a transatlantic flight when travelling from Europe to South America, one of the booming routes.Because of that, airports don´t need to be large on terminals [perhaps on non civil infrastructure such as landing lanes, but not on terminals]: a destination terminal needs to be much smaller than a hub because it is simply getting passengers in and quickly moving them out, contrary to hubs, that need to get passengers and house them for one to four-six hours.And so on.


But then, there is the question that nobody seems to be asking, or the issue to be understood: the problem with infrastructre is not to build it, it is to keep it.Of all the cities I have lived [not visited, lived], which are 12, with metro systems, Barcelona has by far the best public transport system and network. But it does not look fancy, nor is it “big”. It is, though, extremely reliable and the frecuency of trains is astounding [every 40s on peak times on the busiest lines, and never above 7 mins on valley times on weekend nights]. It is very integrated with buses, trams, metro, public bikes, and microbuses.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

And finally, as a foreigner, roads in the USA are, well, with all due respect, a service design nightmare. It simply doesn´t make sense for a foreigner. They are way too big, and are designed as point ot point transportation lines. That is a recipe for a disaster. I do understand that the USA is a very large territory, don´t get me wrong. But apart from the need to connect such a huge territory, the roads are just to over-engineered in the capacity sense.A road is not more capable due to the lanes it has, but for the number of cars it can handle per a time unit.


But to sum it up:Infrastructure is the classic bussines case of the long run: they need to perform for 30 to 40 years.Because of that, the smartest strategy is usually to develop the “minimum viable product” or infrastructure: if you build it too big, it will become a monster that is too huge to maintain [a problem the USA is having right now].


Having the “-est” of anything is not important. They are usually not the most efficient things, products or services at all. They might be a pride element, but they are not efficient and most importantly, not a business case any longer. The tallest building is a FAR [floor to area ratio] nightmare for all the services that at the end eat up valuable surface.Lets put it this way:The most important car for Toyota is not the “-est” lexus or the “-est” Toyota Century. It is the very humble Corolla. It is their money earner, their bread.


Ben Clark
America’s roads make sense for why they were built: They were not actually a civilian project. They were a military one.America’s highway system was designed by the military to connect their bases and make logistics easier, not as a civilian transportation network. Hence, some of the oddities are explained:Wide roads, so oversized military vehicles can get down them; Weird paths (Going to military bases), rather than direct connections to population centers; Overengineered bridges (For the time anyway. Now, some of them are under-engineered - and the military is worried about it) and over/underpasses; big tunnels with only slight curves (that allow for the passage of things like ICBMs); etc.


Inaki Arbelaiz
Hi Ben,I know what you mean, but when oversized I meant roads with 10+ lanes. The oversizing you describe is quite common around the world. So much so, that the easy way in Europe to distinguish a regular road from a military road thet might be used as a landing runway is the material which is bring used.Thenks for the comment!

你好,@Ben Clark。我知道你的意思,但我指的是10条以上车道的道路。你所描述的超大尺寸的基础设施在世界各地都很常见。因此,在欧洲,区分一条道路是普通公路还是军用公路最简单的方法就是看道路使用的材料。谢谢你的评论!

Bruce Dyer
I think a strong case could be made for China followed by India as economic powerhouses. China practically owns America with its investments plus purchases of U.S. dollars which is likely the reason the dollar is still recognized as the international currency.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Paul Williams
Most US debt is not own by China .

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Paul Williams
This was a superb answer minus the whole roads in the USA are too big or a nightmare point ! Roads have to be big in the USA . Roads in Canada are more or less the same as they’re in the United States !


Inaki Arbelaiz
Hi Paul,The size of the roads seems to be a contentious issue with this answer ;-). With the size I mean the amount of lanes there are usually on USA roads, not the width of them or the length. As mentioned, the Braess paradox explains it much better than what I do. But often times the amount of lanes is placed to give the impression of capacity, rather than measured capacity.
But as we are talking about capacity and most importantly, efficiency, I have to add that in: roads are a big part of infrastructure.It is a s counter intuitive as the most efficient speed of use for a road or a street: on an open road, the most efficient speed is circa 90km/h, as it allows the road to have the highest vehicle number per hour. Increase that speed, and the distance between traffic increases dramatically, for safety and the “tunnel effect” that happens on the driver.
On a street, the efficiency is differently measured : can taxes and economic activity pay the maintenance of that street, its safety?When a street has mainly a vehicular character, nobody buys on the shops. Nobody cleans the street (so to speak), and nobody sees how that street decais. That is the reason why dense cities are kicking the car out of them: a car uses the streets, but does not directly pay for them (the usage tax many cities have does not cover street maintenance).Hope it helps!

嗨,@Paul Williams,道路的大小似乎是这个答案的一个有争议的问题。我指的是美国道路上车道的数量,而不是宽度或长度。如前所述,布雷斯悖论比我所说的更好地解释了这一点。但通常情况下,设置车道的数量是为了给人一种有很大容纳能力的印象,而不是实际能容纳的容量。但当我们谈到容量,以及最重要的效率时,我必须补充一点:道路是基础设施的重要组成部分。

Kristafer Ailslieger
I wonder what part of the U.S. you were in where you thought the roads were oversized. If anything, my feeling is that most of our roads are undersized, leading to too much congestion. And yes, the U.S. is a VERY big place and our road network is huge (and yet, in some places still insufficient) and it takes a lot to keep it maintained. Unfortunately, I think we often fail in that regard.


Inaki Arbelaiz
Hi kristafer,It is a math paradox known as the Braess paradox: the more lanes you have, the more congested and less efficient a network of roads results.Braess's paradox - WikipediaNot only that: adding lanes and increasing the apparent capacity of a route results as well on an increased congestion of said road. Seems counter intuitive (it is very counter intuitive), but usually reducing the capacity of private transportation leads to a much more efficient public transportation system, that carries much more people per sq.m than individual car.


Kristafer Ailslieger
I see your point and I think I understand it. I suppose it is somewhat similar to what I have observed with airport hubs—the idea works to a point, speeding up air travel and improving efficiency, but then the airport becomes so large and attracts so many planes and people that it actually increases congestion and slows things down. Perhaps not a perfect analogy, but I think conceptually similar.


Marcel Chineke
Well, I see your point of view as a foreigner because the way we see things in the US is way different from the way you foreigner see things.I have visited Europe severally and I cant deal with their tiny roads. It makes no sense to me but that is what define our economies. There are over 1 million heavy trucks weighing averagely 60,000 to 80,000 pounds with average lenght of 70 feets plying US highways and roads daily of which no country in the world including China that have such heavy truck daily on their road. They need wide roads to make their turns without getting stucked on the road, that is the USA and thats part of what makes us different


Uwe Waibel
Nevertheless your are transporting more goods by railways than in Europe - if you would do some improvement to your railsystem (fixing rails properly to their sleepers, install double track lines at more places) your railway system would even be able to take more loads from the road…


Andrew Bachynski
We did that already. WE had the empire state building, the golden gate bridge etc. We got the #1 of a thing for a while and moved on. We moved past building and infrastructure a long time ago. Now we are working on 5g, robot cars and flying people to mars.


Tomas Castillo, studied at Universidad De Las Américas UDLA
Because the US is bankrupt. It is a country that prefers spending almost a trillion dollars per year in weapons instead of building an universal and free healthcare system like many countries in the world as the Europeans. If a US citizen gets ill, it's probable he or she gets a heart attack after receiving the hospital bill.While Donald Trump pumps a healthy 5 percent fiscal déficit every year based on tax cuts for the wealthiest people, the national debt increases to a record 23 trillion dollars. It is Now more that 100 percent of the GDP. As an example, many teachers from Washington are now paying from their pockets many school materials because federal budget for education is going to increase Defense projects. More aircraft carriers and F-35 jets instead of educating youngsters.While the federal reserve prints fiat money out of thin air assuring the collapse of the dollar, China and Russia are buying almost all the available gold, platinum and other precious metals in the markets. It is said that real amount of Chinese gold reserves is 20,000 tons instead of 2,200 tons they declare. That is enough to blow the dollar whenever they want. The real amount of US gold reserves is well below the 8,000 tons officialy declared and it has been proven by germans is low quality gold (mixed with Tungsten).The US has become an economy based on debt, wall street brokers and speculation rather than investing in infraestructure and tangible assets. Do you really think Amazon or Google are valued at +1 trillion dollars?That is why China will surpass the US in less than 7 years to become the worlds most powerful economy. They are net gold and silver savers. They invest heavily in educating their youth. And they really invest in advanced and REAL TANGIBLE infraestructure; Airports, highways, bridges, skycrappers, maritime ports, etc.


Christian Brown
The only flaw is assuming throwing more money at these issues will fix them.Education is notorious for losing funds in bureaucracy and administration. Teachers still end up having to buy supplies no matter how much money you dump on them.Healthcare costs are as high as they are because hospitals figured out the maximum they could convince insurance companies to pay, not because they actually cost that much.


Marshall Reed Kuehl
Education funding has always been local and the Federal government has traditionally been uninvolved. The Feds have also stayed out of health care except of medicare aid. You know that debate. Less military spending could be used for Federal “cement" infrastructure projects and even that seems to be difficult to do.


Robert Baron
Not quite, we in the US prefer to spend more money on healthcare than any of the top 20 economies, in order that we have a lower life expectancy than any of the other top 20.China may surpass the the US in less than 7 years, but it might not. China has it’s own problems that it needs to resolve just as the US has problems that it needs to resolve


Tomas Castillo
Mmmmm I don't think so. The New Donald Trump national budget proposses massive cuts for medicaid and obamas medicare programs. Same as education and environment protection.And as usual, all that money will be redirected to the massive defense budget that will reach 1 trillion dollars considering veterans payments.All this spiced with a very healthy record +1 trillion dollars fiscal déficit that will be covered with more debt. It reaches now +23 trillion dollars.Trump budget includes deep cuts to health care and safety net programs


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