2021-12-10 geluman 32493


I demand everyone drive electric cars now!


We`re mining the cobalt for your batteries as far as we can, Greta.


Antoinette Tuttle
Ask how Miss Gretta gets to all of her various speaking engagements? Ask how many people travel with her? Ask if she has felt the hypocrisy of her own statements. She lives very well, right along with her parents. When you speak of climate change, have you failed to recognize the earth has well documented phases. We just happen to be entering a phase where the poles are shifting and things are happening faster than we expected. As far as we know this is the first time this many people will experience this act of natural law. People are horribly guilty of pollution, we have thrown garbage in our waterways, on land, and we have left toxic waste everywhere we go. We have also gummed up the air we breath. But our contribution to the coming changes have been a drop compared to what the earth experiences on a timed cycle. When you see anyone trying to lecture you about your life style, and you just happen to be a regular person, not a corporation, look where the money goes. Al Gore comes to mind. He made billions off his lies and no one cares. Gretta is being used because she is marketable, she's a kid so she pulls in the younger crowd and the older crowd just thinks shes amazing. But I doubt she has had any original thoughts that her parents haven't implanted in her head. Corruption, greed and the ever increasing monopolies are at the root of our problems. The hypocrisy here seems to be lost on most. Go back and look at the last world summit on climate change, see how many leaders flew in on their own private jets. How much garbage do you think they dropped in the sky? Ask yourself why this wasn't a zoom meeting, if they really gave a damn about earth. Gretta is young she is in no way able to see the pure complexity of earths problems. I don't blame her, she most certainly believes what she's saying. But she has done nothing to stop the real problems here because she can't. She has, however been the recipient of a much better life thanks to her lectures.


Sam Wilson
If you knew science, you would understand that the Earth’s phases never changed this quickly (except that one time Earth was hit by a giant meteor). It is clearly being caused by human pollution. How is this still being debated? Are we going to debate the existence of gravity next? It’s stupid.


Alison Gouws
She doesn’t accept money herself. She also hasn’t bought any new clothes in years. She probably has the smallest carbon footprint of anyone NOT living off the grid. And yes, she grew up in Sweden in a privileged environment and DESPITE that, she chose to fight for a saver environment for this and the next generations. I’m amazed at how people can B!tch about someone actually DOING something about the climate while they themselves are driving fossil fuel cars, eating meat every day, and complaining about the heat waves.


Thiago Francisco
This meme suggests Greta favors child labor.
It also suggests its not possible to mine cobalt without child labor.
As much as I dont like Greta myself, this “meme” or whatever it is, is deceptive.


Tiago D'Agostini
That is not the point. The point is there are much more urgent problems for MOST of the countries in the world to focus. Greta speech is classic of someone that have never seen how 80% of the world lives and thinks the world is the cotton candy europe way.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bill Sands
its appeal to mockery and it childish, its the resort of people with no honest argument


Bill Sands
Focusing first on cobalt, automakers and other manufacturers have committed to eliminating “artisanal” cobalt from their supply chains, and have also said they will develop batteries that decrease, or do away with, cobalt altogether. But that technology is still in development, and the prence of these mines means these commitments “aren’t realistic,” said Mickaël Daudin of Pact, a nonprofit organization that works with mining communities in Africa.
Instead, Mr. Daudin said, manufacturers need to work with these mines to lessen their environmental footprint and make sure miners are working in safe conditions. If companies acted responsibly, the rise of electric vehicles would be a great opportunity for countries like Congo, he said. But if they don’t, “they will put the environment, and many, many miners’ lives at risk.”
Recycling could be better
As earlier generations of electric vehicles start to reach the end of their lives, preventing a pileup of spent batteries looms as a challenge.


Charles Wood
Yeah I agree, affordable public transportation is better idea than the idea that we can keep our cars. And educating women means not as many kids, worth it even though the cost is more educated women like Greta. She isn’t going to have 13 kids like my great great grandma.
As far as I’m concerned, the quicker we go back to about the 3 billion people we had when I was in Junior High, the better for the insects, birds, etc. That’s 5 billion lives that shouldn’t have come into existence during my lifetime. I wouldn’t miss those 5 billion if I woke up tomorrow and they were gone to fertilizer every one. Life is precious, yes, but that’s the way it goes. A wet bulb event for a few days widespread over the American south, unfortunately only a wake up call of a few million deaths in 36 hours, a drop in the bucket, certainly isn’t out of the question. Solves several problems. You hate Greta? You haven’t even begun to recognize how much Nature is indifferent to you. You precious little mamma’s boy.


Felicity Paz
As much as I think that Greta has done a great job to make a stand about climate change, I think that there is a better solution than just eating veggie burgers, driving expensive Teslas and going out once a week to protest about the climate emergency.
While those things are good, I don’t think it’s enough to solve the worlds problems. We need to completely question and change the way we live.
Please check out the video below:
Christian Freeganism: The Answer to the Climate Change Emergency?


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