2022-03-11 营养快线 14610

Pascal Morimacil, Honorary Economics & International Economics, Diploma Mills (2026)
Africa has IMMENSE amounts of wealth, be it land, water, diamonds, oil, biodiversity, people willing to work hard, etc.However, the wealth isn’t used to help the average person.Instead, those in power use it to benefit themselves.Tribal chiefs, warlords, multinational corporations, cops, politicians, oligarchs, etc.And some people in Africa did get very very rich, and very powerful.The issue isn’t the lack of resources, and there certainly are people swimming in luxury.The issue, just like elsewhere, is that most of the wealth goes to a tiny minority.Some have swimming pools while others don’t have clean drinking water.





Raymond Arnold
The biggest drag on any society is competency of the government.African states are notorious for corrupt politicians part of the reason is because due to the vast natural wealth of Africa which the West needs, the West helps corrupt politicians win elections to help keep the economies of African country underdeveloped so the countries have no choice but sell their natural resources unprocessed and at a undervalued price, whilst the fat cats swim in gold and silver.Just to clarify the African politicians help keep African economy underdeveloped because they tend to steal the wealth of the country they have been elected to govern or award contract to associates based on a bribe.


Pascal Morimacil
This is further compounded by a system where the resources either belong to some politician, or their family, or some wealthy asshole owner (homegrown or foreign), who is happy to fill his own pockets at the expense of everyone else.What else can you expect from a system where everyone in power is encouraged to maximize their own personal short term profits at the expense of everyone else?


Johannes Sulistyo
Well imagine a third world country dictator, not necessarily in Africa. And then a powerful western country approached you. Here it is:CIA’s failed attempt to bribe Lee Kuan Yew among newly released documents
Of course the Singaporean leader rejected it. The cases are different in Indonesia (Soeharto), the Philippines (Marcos), and South Vietnam (Diem). Some wealthy and powerful people in banana republics are bandits, and of course some are not. Not “everyone has a price".There is a strong revisionism in the US today, I saw one Quora answer saying Mobutu Sese Seko being backed by USSR. They love to blame overseas dictators to the other party in their simpleton logic. But the reality doesn't care about their feelings or distorted historical knowledge apparently, because the world remembers.U.S. Must Cut Ties to MobutuFor too long, the United States has heeded a favorite slogan of Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko: "Without me, there will be chaos."
Tribalism? Of course it does exist everywhere, but Africa gets blamed very easily for that.I still remember how US giant corporations operate in two resource-rich region in Indonesia, one mining copper and the other extracting natural gas. Of course, those two are some of the most troublesome regions, rebels, in-fightings, and of course “tribal" in nature too.

今天美国有一种强大的修正主义,我看到一个Quora回答说蒙博托·塞塞·塞科受到了苏联的支持。他们喜欢用自己愚蠢的逻辑把海外独裁者归咎于另一方,但现实显然不会在意他们的感受,也不会歪曲历史常识,因为整个世界都会记得。美国必须切断与蒙博托的联系,长期以来,美国一直听从刚果民主共和国总统Mobutu Sese Seko(注:1965-1997在任,1997年被推翻)最喜欢的一句口号:“没有我,就会有混乱。”(链接)

Bill Meyer
There are several countries in Africa where they don’t have any trade agreements or any dealings with the US and they are still poor. Also, there are some pretty well run (relatively) governments in north Africa, but they are middle eastern and not African ethnically.I honestly can not think of a single ethnically African place that has done well in modern times. Does anyone have an example of a successful majority sub-saharan African country/state/city in modern times?


Luke Muga
Maybe you’ve forgotten the fact that it’s not only the US that does that. France, UK, and Belgium also do have their share in the scramble for resources, either directly or via proxies. France has backed over 22 coups in West Africa in order to install governments that align with French interests, not the interests of the locals. The UK has propped oligarchies in East Africa that have helped It plunder resources of a couple of countries, all while ensuring that competent people never rise to power.
Oh! And you said you can’t think of any place in sub-Sahara that’s run successfully? You forgot Congo under Lumumba and Burkina Faso under Sankara? Isn’t it the same West (US and France to be exact) that has sold you BS via the corporate media of how sub-Saharan Africans can never run an effective government, that engineered the assassinations of these two visionary leaders? Then went ahead and installed brutal dictators (Mobutu and Blaise Compaore) who they propped up for over 3 decades.

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During that entire period, it was all about wanton looting and plunder of the nation’s resources, while the same corporate media socially engineered you to “not think of an ethnically African place that has done well in modern times”, which you bought and internalized without ever doing the critical thought to look at it from all perspectives. That has been the story of virtually all sub-Saharan countries.
Even currently, the US and EU are supporting the TPLF rebels in Ethiopia, who are destabilizing that country because the US wants a puppet regime, that can do its bidding, not an independent government that actually serves the people it was elected to serve. It did the same before with a TPLF regime for 27 yrs (1991–2018), during which time the brutal US-backed dictatorship, took marching orders from Washington.
Then to prove to you that this is not limited to sub-Sahara, it seems you’ve forgotten the failed foreign policy of regime change in Libya that was spearheaded by the US, France, and the UK in 2011, which ended up destroying a once-prosperous country. Reason? Gaddafi wasn’t a puppet of the West and had built a prosperous country all while blocking western corporations from looting the vast oil wealth of Libya like they’re currently doing. He even wanted to introduce a single African currency backed by gold, something that didn’t go well with the western imperialists, prompting them to act quickly to help “save” Libya from “dictatorship”.
This pattern has been repeated over and over again, over a very long period of time that you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize that the same people feeding you crap via corporate media, which just doubles up as the mouth-piece of Western corporations, are actually the same people responsible for the socio-political mess in most of those areas.


Kenny Young
American here. You are correct. The people that fight you want to ignore the fact that much of poverty is pushed by paternalism, dependency on the west, liberalized trade, and the imbalance of power that was created via colonialism. There is a certain aid narrative that is pushed. For myself personally, I think that poverty should be defined on a household by household basis, since every family is unique in their challenges, and what poverty means for that family personally. Others may find my stance unrealistic but if was to attempt to tackle a one by one methodology how would you develop metrics for such an individualized approach? Especially if you want to empower communities, and focus on autonomy.


Bill Meyer
This is so off base. The media does everything it can to avoid critising africans in any way and it (like you) blames all of africans problems on westerners. I watch a lot of american news channels and movies. Nothing they have put out in the last 20 years does anything but portray africa as a helpless victim.
A good example is a news story I saw once. They put all the blame for a small genocide on the arms dealers who sold the africans guns. It was like they do not think africans have any self control, if someone sells them a gun they can’t help but start murdering people with it. They feel like they need to babysit africans and not be real with them so we don’t hurt their feelings, like they are somehow less than westerners.


Luke Muga
I think you’re the one who’s so off base here. Have you ever heard of the word COMPLICITY? If you’re complicit in a crime, like say supplying weapons to a gang that terrorizes a neighborhood, you are part of the problem that causes that neighborhood to experience gang violence. So if you have to quell the violence in that neighborhood, you not only go after gang members whom you’ve caught red-handed terrorizing people but also to their supplier of weapons.Likewise, a terror cell indoctrinates its members into having extreme ideologies and beliefs. Only then will they go and target innocent members of society. So, when you go after terrorists, you not only go after the ones who’ve committed an act of terror at the present moment but also the ones still in training and indoctrination camps because they’ll commit acts of terror in the future. That’s what COMPLICITY is all about. Did you see Osama targeting any US/UK interest by himself? No, but he was responsible for masterminding horrible acts of terror through his men without ever lifting a finger personally. That’s why the NATO forces went after him. Because he was COMPLICIT in aiding and abetting acts of terror. He was in fact the CORE problem whom they need to deal with. So why do you want to absolve the West when they do so elsewhere, but you want to label entire countries that don’t support the West’s imperialist ideology “terrorist countries”? Want to know why? It’s because of indoctrination from the same media that has made you believe that challenges facing African/Arab countries are of their own making. That Iran (insert relevant Arab country that defies the US) is a sponsor of terror.Did the US ask why the Mujahideen which they armed over 5 decades ago to fight against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan don’t have self-control and are killing their citizens and troops? No, because they know they’d already INDOCTRINATED them with extremist ideologies earlier on. Did they wonder why the Sunni extremists whom they armed in 2011 to help overthrow Gaddafi and Bashar-al Assad morph into ISIS which killed US/EU citizens, including a US ambassador in Libya?


Why didn’t they have the self-control not to do that including the other unspeakable acts of terror that they carried out in the middle-east? Do you know why? They’d already been indoctrinated and supplied with lots of weaponry. Why did the Nazies do what they did? Same answer. Why did the Japanese unleash unimaginable horror on their victims in WW2? Same answer. Why did the settlers participate in the genocide of Native Americans? Why didn’t they have self-control as you stated here? Same answer. Indoctrination and arms.The West not only participates in the active indoctrination of several terrorist-like groups in Africa but also supplies them with weapons to destabilize their respective countries. At times, this might involve propping up a brutal tribal regime that unleashes its wrath on members of different ethnicity, thus sowing the seeds for inter-ethnic conflict that will follow later on. Recently, France acknowledged its role in the Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi, and even French President Emmanuel Macron went personally to Rwanda to apologize for the horrendous mass murder that his country had enabled around three decades ago. How you want to absolve them from such crimes shows you have a problem with Africans in person, but you’re ready to excuse everything the West does. Maybe you’ve been fed a healthy dose of American Exceptionalism that doesn’t allow you to see beyond what the mainstream media feeds you.You need to study geopolitics deeply. Otherwise, your arguments will come off as someone who’ll do everything not to use critical thought but will jump at any chance to blame stuff on color of skin.


David Lloyd-Jones
I think that the comment made by Bill was in reference to private arms dealers - and in that context, his comment was valid.

我认为Bill Meyer的评论是指私人军火商,在这方面,他的评论是正确的。

Bill Meyer
No matter if we look at S. America, N. America, Africa, or the Middle East and Asia, we see africans do poorly. It makes no sense to blame Westerners for that. There are plenty of places where africans are free from westerners, yet they still do poorly.Are you saying that all of Africa’s failures are the Wests fault? Africa was massively dysfunctional when Westerners were not there, and they are massively dysfunctional when they are.Countries that were colonized in the past are actually on average more successful than ones that were never colonized. If the West had not invented agricultural methods and medicines, africa would never have such a large population. Without western help they cant sustain that population, many nations in africa rely on the west for AID to keep their people alive, and Western countries graciously help them. Only westerners send money to africans, only westerners care about africans. Maybe in the past they were bad to them, but today they are the only ones trying to help them.


Henry Garcia Vasquez
Disrupting the nation by colonialist strategies like supply arms to war lords is a real thing.That’s how the white man got rid of the Indians


Terry Bowden
The root of that problem is that Africans of virtually every country remain immersed in tribal thinking. The leaders, whoever becomes President, Prime Minister, or another type of national leader, only thinks of their own interests, their immediate family, and the henchmen from their own tribe who keep them in power. Everyone else is on their own.


Pascal Morimacil
Tribalism is something that exists everywhere, and in such a case, it’s not the main driving factor, it’s just the result.The wealthy people in power work to benefit themselves, their friends, and their family. Everywhere.In Africa, it so happens that often, the people getting helped are also part of that person’s tribe. But it doesn’t mean that the person in power actually cares in any way about poor people of their tribe.


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