2022-05-02 凌波飞雁 13743

We weren’t surprised. I always thought my wife was one of the smartest people I knew … from the day I met her in college. I was working on my doctorate in physics, she was an undergrad majoring in classics - reading the Greek philosopers in the original. That she was so bright and articulate was why I wanted to spend my life with her. Why would I not?


1.Ron Brown
, A parent for 49 years.
So when our kid (maybe at four or five) was sitting on the floor having just finished a jig saw puzzle and his mom congratulated him and asked how many pieces it had, he responded, “I have no idea, but it must be more than a hundred. Look, there are thirteen pieces this way,” [pointing left to right] “and eight this way. That must come out to more than a hundred.” He understood the notion of multiplication before he had ever heard the word or what it meant or how it could be used. I thought that was pretty bright - and knew I’d never have thought of that at five. I’m sure that wasn’t the first sign, but it was the one that came to mind when I read the question. But I find the question a bit odd. Why would one not want their child to be more intelligent than themselves. Why would they ever not feel a sense of satisfaction knowing their child has the potential to learn and reason?

我们的孩子在大概四五岁的时候,坐在地板上刚刚完成一个拼图,他的妈妈祝贺他,并问他有多少块拼图时。他回答说:“我不知道。但是肯定超过100块。”,他说:“看这边有13块”,然后指着左边到右边说:“这边有8块,那肯定有一百多个了。” 那时他还没听说过乘法这个词,不知道乘法的意思和用法,但是他却明白了这个概念。我认为这不是,他第一次理解乘法的概念。但是在我五岁的时候是不会想到这一点,所以我认为他很聪明。我觉得这个问题本身有点奇怪,为什么有人会希望孩子比自己笨呢?当他们知道自己的孩子有学习和推理的潜力时,难道他们不会为此而感到幸福吗?

1.1Thea Tara
… why? You lucky guy. You must have missed living with a jealous parent. At 85 she’d still get mad if I knew more than she did.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1.1.1Ron Brown
Yike, Thea. My mother was wasn’t that - but she would be quick to correct a teacher who would tell her how smart I was by saying I didn’t keep my room very straight … or something, just to put the praise into perspective.

我母亲就不会为我的聪明感到开心——如果我老师告诉她我有多聪明,她就会很快地反驳老师,会说我没有把我的房间打扫很整齐……或者其他什么,仅仅只是为了让别人表扬她。 Tara
…ah… when my son was in second grade I told him not to worry about the teacher cuz teachers weren’t very smart. The universe has punished me ever since.

我儿子在上二年级的时候,我就告诉他,不要害怕老师,因为老师不是很聪明,从那以后, 他就不聪明了。

1.2Linda Napier
When my daughter was a freshman in college she came home for a visit. She left a paper out she had been working on for a psychology class . I picked it up to read it. I thought maybe it had come word-for-word from a textbook because I couldn’t understand any of it! I asked her later. She told me she had written the entire thing on her own. I was amazed! I knew she was smart because she had straight A’s in every grade, kindergarten through 12th grade but that blew me away!


1.2.1Ron Brown
For me, a lot of what I liked about university teaching is being in constant touch with young people like your daughter - people who thrived on doing things well. It gives on hope for the world. Thanks for chiming in Linda. (But you should take some credit for that, of course, you are the one who raised her.)

对我来说,我之所以喜欢在大学教学的很多原因是因为像你女儿这样的年轻人——这些人善于把事情做好,给世界带来希望。谢谢你的教导,你的女儿之所以这么优秀,主要得归功于你,因为是你把她养大的,琳达。 Napier
I see you taught at San Luis Obispo. My daughter graduated from CAL.

你在圣路易斯·奥比斯波教书。我女儿毕业于加州 Brown
Good for her! I was at a UC as a student, but my career was at Cal Poly - a good choice for me and my interests (and an amazing place to live).


2.Colin Riegels
, 19 years of being a father
Well, it wasn’t like a sudden realisation. It was something became more and more apparent over a fairly protracted period of time. My oldest son was, honestly, pretty ordinary for most of his early years. But once he turned about 11 or so, he started to excel academically. I think when I first suspected that he was going to outgrow me intellectually was when he won an academic scholarship to a British boarding school at 13. Over the years the evidence continued to mount. When he got 35/36 on his ACT without any prep I was pretty certain. When he got five A*s in his A-levels I was pretty much unsurprised. Everything I had ever achieved academically he was surpassing easily.


I suspect my reactions were similar to most parents: I was very, very proud of him. But the thing about hyper intelligent kids is they are still kids. They still make mistakes and do stupid stuff the same as other kids simply because they don’t have the life experience. They still need guidance, and they still need parents. Even if your kid grows up to be a lot smarter than you, you still have an important role to fill helping them grow and preparing them for life. Sure, my ability to help him with his schoolwork ended prematurely. But, honestly, that is really only a very small part of raising a child.


2.1Art Digout
When I attended a meeting to do with my daughter starting in a gifted class, the teacher said “If the average kid can think of ten ways to get into trouble, a really bright kid can think of a hundred ways”. You’re right, they’re still kids.


2.2Amèlie Meaufort
I am not that smart, but I am smarter than parents. They did not get the education I did and when I have kids that will probably be the same. It will probably increase through generations as they get more resources and build upon what their parents know.


2.3Constance Ricks
Ditto. I'm the parent of an intellectually gifted 19-yr-old. He can philosophize with the best of them, top nearly everyone in trivia questions (except in sports and some popular-culture questions), and get the best grades in class, but his scant life experience and youthful idealism are definite handicaps in handling various issues. His emotions are also more fragile and volatile, making me— the less-intelligent of us two—still a valuable ally when advice is needed. He's a great kid who will futher blossom and be tempered over


2.4John Mezzetta
The biggest gift you can give is development of emotional intelligence. Schools don’t promote this and it’s just as important as academic development imho.


2.4.1Julie Ford
Actually the school I taught in started to promote emotional intelligence in 2005.


3.Jay Valenci
, 60 years of triumphs mixed with some unfortunate events
It's very simple. I knew early on that my 2 children were very smart, but I didn't know how smart until I asked them if they wanted to follow in my footsteps and go to dental school. My daughters response….."No thanks, we don't want to work as hard as you do dad". Today Emily is a data analyst and Andrew is a software engineer. I'm pretty sure they will never have to work nearly as hard as their dad. That's OK with me.



3.1Jason Hacker
I have high respect for medical and dental professionals now that I’m older. As a lot of the work force is going remote, these professionals still have to show up day after day.


3.1.1Quit Asking
Don't you worry, even in well established tech companies where being in person physically is actually probably less beneficial to the company, micro managers can't hardly stand it and are demanding people come into the office.


3.2Laura Hamm
Beautiful adult kiddos you have there


3.2.1Jay Valenci
Thank you Laura!

谢谢你,Laura! Gnanarathinam
Wait, is it their current snap? I thought it's their high school photo! Apologies if it sounded rude.

等等,这是他们现在的照片吗?我以为这是他们高中的照片。如果这话说起来很粗鲁的话,请抱歉。 Valenci
This picture was taken 7 years ago. Emily just graduated high school and Andrew was entering 11th grade.

这照片是七年前拍的,Emily那时刚刚高中毕业, Andrew正要上11年级。

3.3Dan Rosenthal
I mean I hope not either but, in their (your?) defense, both software engineering and data analyst jobs can be known for some pretty rough and grueling hours.


3.3.1Andrea Tarai
I was thinking the same. Do not know how it is in the US, but in Europe the career in dentistry is quite relaxed - you can decide when you work and how long do you work on one “job” (I mean, sometimes my dentist invites me even for 4–5 sessions, even thought he said he can make it in 2 sessions, and it takes like half year instead of one week). Of course, dentist must have a great amount of skills (both mental and manual) and studies are hard, there is a big investment in the beginning, but then? It gets better and better. If I compare it to IT - well, studies are OK, but then you constantly need to prove you are woth the money the company invest in you and the mental stress is huge, because the company can easily outsourced you by one click…

我也觉得软件工程师和数据分析师的工作非常的辛苦。但是我不知道这两个岗位在美国是否辛苦。在欧洲从事牙医是很轻松的——你可以自己决定什么时候开始工作,以及这份工作需要多长时间。我的意思是说,我的牙医跟我说需要看两次牙,但是有的时候会邀请我去看4~5次牙,这需要半年,而不是一周的时间。 相比于IT的话,学习IT是没有问题的,但是当你工作后,你会有很大的心理压力,因为你需要不断的证明你自己值得你的公司在你身上投资钱,否则你就会面临被公司外包出去的风险。

I do not say that one career is better than another - of course not, that depends on subjective preferences and if the children like IT and excell in it, then their choice of career path is totally legit. But I also find it clever to follow the parents’ career, especially in case of dentistry - you get “free” advice from parent, clients. You do not need to start from zero - that’s a great plus.

我并不是在说一种职业比另一种职业好,哪种职业好取决于主观的偏好,如孩子们喜欢IT。并且在这方面可以做的很好,那么对于他们来说,他们选择IT作为职业是完全合乎情理的。但是另一方面,我发现如果孩子们跟随自己父母的职业去发展也是非常聪明的。因为他们可以从自己父母或者客户那里得到不错的建议。这使得他们不需要从零开始,这将是一个非常好的突破口。在牙医方面尤为凸显。 Rosenthal
Yeah in the U.S., dentistry has an enormous up-front barrier involved with the education and cost involved to become a practicing dentist. I know some dentists who work extremely hard, mostly to pay their student loans/bills, or to maximize the amount of money they’re making so they can retire early. But in general, they work bankers hours, and get compensated extremely well for it.


In software dev, one can get into it with minimal or no upfront expense, it’s a crowded market, you’re rarely top of the food chain (and may be working for someone not very scrupulous or without good production practices), you constantly need to prove yourself, and you have an entire product that may rely on your contributions that may have ship dates that can’t be missed/moved. It’s a ton of pressure, and they can easily replace you.

软件开发领域是一个非常拥挤的市场,你很难处于食物链的顶端。在实践工作当中,你会面临非常多的问题,你需要不断地学习知识来证明自己可以解决这些问题,一个产品的会有很多不严谨的问题,需要你不断地改善贡献代码才能使得这个产品更加的完整。而且软件开发领域前期可以只花很少的费用就可以跻身进入改领域,这会使得年轻人很容易取代你。这样看来,对于从事软件开发的人,压力非常大。 Abraham
Yeah, and as you do rise up the food chain, you realize a large percentage of your true abilities - the ones that will save the company shit-tonnes of money - are nearly impossible to explain to management, much less sell.


, BTech Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore (2022) and
Vaibogam Shanmugam
, Father of 7 years old girl and 3 years old boy
When my son was in the eighth grade, he got suspended and I had to leave work early to go get him. When I got there, I asked the principal what had happened. The principal explained that my son had beaten up three other boys and even broke one boy's wrist. I was obviously horrified and asked my son what the fuck he was thinking. He simply told me that the boys had cornered one of his friends and were trying to make her strip for them. Being the chivalrous boy I raised him to be, he put a stop to it. I asked the principal if it was true and he dodged the question. In response to that, I told the school that if they're going to allow sexual harassment, I didn't want my child to attend and took him home. I told my son that I was going to take him out of public schools. He replied by telling me that he didn't want to leave the school because of he wasn't there then who was going to stop it from happening again. This is when I realized my little boy had become a man. He would rather get in trouble to protect a friend than stay out of the spotlight and potentially face long term consequences.


4.1Murphy Barrett
You raised a good son.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4.1.1Sam Yong Shi Jie
Triple upvote. We need more people like your son in our society today.


4.1.2Jeff Pinner
I just made the upvote quadruple.


4.1.3Dallin Hunter


4.2Kathryn Roux Dickerson
The school system idea of punishing all involved for fighting (I assume the other boys were disciplined in some way) regardless of the situation is the easy way out, and rather cowardly. I understand the reasoning behind it, but at times it certainly shows the students there is no justice and life is unfair. Kudos to you for raising such a man who will step in and fight for those being bullied


4.2.1Shane Templeman
School's use of zero tolerance discipline policies are intellectually lazy. To punish without regard to circumstances is such a ridiculous notion, This is incredibly frustrating to think that the very institution charged with educating societie's youth refuses to participate in the use of reason and logic to determine the appropriate course of action. This is a plea to bring back reason and logic.


4.2.2Barbara Gilchrist
I would hope the other boys would be charged with sexual harassment towards the girl. Thank heavens this other boy was there to defend her. What a good guy he is!


5.A. W. Fisk
, former Former FFL Holder (1980-1986)
Well, not having any children of my own, I have to look at others. Let’s look at the definition of Intelligent adjective
having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals.
displaying or characterized by quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment
having the faculty of reasoning and understanding


I see a lot of young people who have yet to display Sound thought and Good Judgement and while showing comprehension of many new technologies can’t demonstrate basic common sense and critical deduction and reasoning in real world situations. So I’ll ask young people how to get my “Smart” phone to do something but ask people of an older generation about more important matters. Just my experience with the “Children” of today - but I still hold out hope as I see many fine young people step up to shoulder real world responsibilities and show that they can engage in the real world - outside their Social Media VR world.


5.1Leisa Meeuwen-Ristuben
I am wondering what you classify as “young”. I ask this as something who is still carded/otherwise perceived as young despite being almost 40.


6.Bill Puka
, dad, philosophy & psych professor, Rensselaer
Thrilled. My children may not be more intellectually intelligent than I am. They don’t work on that level. But they are smarter about people and relationships. Most everyone in their generation is and they’re standouts in that generation. And far more important, they are smarter about being kind and being able to love. I just marvel at them. I admire them. I look up to them and are guided by their model. Maybe its my second generation mentality. But my parents tried to make their kids better than they were, to give them a better life, better education, a host of better opportunities. And so I was hoping from the first that I could do this for my kids. I didn’t have to though, it turned out. They did it for themselves.


7.Cheryl Craigs
, works at National Health Service (1992-present)
Odd question to ask! I felt the same way I felt about his eye colour, hair, and all his other attributes. His intelligence - be that intellectual, emotional, social - are all part of what make him uniquely him. My son, who I adore. He helped his teacher in reception class to set up and work the class computer and, apparently, often was the only one to laugh at her jokes and funny comments. Not sure if that reflected that he was paying more attention than his peers, or he was the only one to ‘get it’. Or maybe her ‘jokes’ were on a similar level to mine? Who know, but he was a bit different to his classmates.


We found that it often took teachers quite a while to pick up on his academic abilities in maths and science. We came to realise this was because he generally didn't say much in class. He had no need to ask questions, as he understood straight away, and he had no wish to put his hand up to respond to questions, as it was enough for him that he knew he knew. Once it came to exams, however, they realised! My son’s work ethic makes me so very proud. He always tries his best in everything he does. He graduated from Oxford University with a 1st class Bachelors Degree in Physics last summer and is currently working in IT in London. Not bad for slow walker and talker!


很赞 2