2022-07-05 jiangye111 7990
Abortion: UK women face protests by emboldened campaigners


(These protesters said they were informing the public with their actions.)


While the world focuses on US abortion rights after the overturning of the Roe v Wade ruling, women in Northern Ireland are still finding it difficult to access services. Those who do visit abortion clinics face protesters emboldened by what they view as success across the Atlantic.


The placards held resolutely by men standing at the hospital's entrance are uncompromising.


"Abortion is murder," they state, in large red lettering. "Global Holocausts," says another, held by a protester from a group called Against Abortion NI.


On the opposite side of the road outside Newry's Daisy Hill Hospital a different group, also mostly male, are holding rosary beads and praying, displaying pictures of the Virgin Mary. They recite verses in unison, repetitively, without pause.

在Newry's Daisy Hill医院外的马路对面,另一群也以男性为主的抗议者,他们拿着念珠在祈祷,展示着圣母玛利亚的画像。他们不约而同地重复吟诵经文。

These anti-abortion demonstrations by groups from both the Catholic and Protestant communities have become a regular sight outside some of Northern Ireland's hospitals.


"What women have told us is it's really intimidating coming up to these gates. It's misogyny," says Fiona, who volunteers as a chaperone to support women. She helped set up Supporting Women Newry in response to the regular protests which began after abortion was decriminalised in 2019.


The protesters feel they are doing an important job.


"We're informing the public," one man, who didn't want to give his name, says. "Doctors aren't gods, they don't get the right to decide who lives and who dies." They describe how one clinic closed down after their protest, which they consider a success.


More than 3,000 abortions have been carried out in Northern Ireland since the law changed. Despite this, last year 161 women flew to England to access abortions as there have not yet been sufficient services established to serve the demand. This is a significant decrease from 2018, the year before decriminalisation, when more than 1,000 women travelled for the procedure.


The delays to increasing provision have dragged on due to disagreements between the political parties. The DUP has blocked efforts to move services forward.


To try and resolve the stalemate, the UK government has given Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis new powers to compel the health service to set up wider services, which he plans to use within weeks.


The women who do manage to access the clinics often encounter anti-abortion protest groups.


Cara, another chaperone, says the group has been contacted by a wide variety of people who visit the hospital.


"People are going in for counselling after having miscarriages and still births," she says. "If you're going in there to access any treatment,, it's intimidating and harassing."


Efforts to address activity outside abortion services differ across the UK. Concerns over welfare led to the UK's first so-called buffer zone being set up outside an abortion clinic in the London borough of Ealing in 2018. Pro-choice campaigners had hoped these would become the norm, but only two more have been created since then.


The Northern Ireland Assembly has voted to pass a law which would ban groups from demonstrating directly outside a heath facility. But it has been referred to the Supreme Court by the attorney general of Northern Ireland, to decide whether it conflicts with the right to protest.


The UK government says it is reviewing the issue in England and Wales. Meanwhile, earlier this week, Scotland's first minister said legislation would be passed to enforce the zones.


The protests also take place at Craigavon Hospital, which Ashleigh Topley visited regularly during her first pregnancy. At one appointment she received the news her baby had a fatal foetal abnormality. She asked for an abortion but as it was prior to the law change, it was denied.


"Those appointments, some of them were very, very, difficult. Had I had to run the gauntlet of protesters, it would have made them even worse," she said.


Having to continue her pregnancy to 35 weeks was extremely traumatic, she said, and it was very obvious she was pregnant.


"People would ask, 'are you excited? What are you having?' Sometimes I would tell the truth, that she was going to die. Other times I would just lie and pretend everything was OK," she says.


Ashleigh says if she had been allowed an abortion, she could have had more control. "Waiting and waiting and waiting, that was just hardship, unnecessary hardship on top of one of the most awful periods of our lives." Now, she feels deeply for the women who have to pass protesters.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"The grief and the experience they're going through is so current and so recent, it's just so cruel."


Last week, the US Supreme Court struck down the landmark Roe v Wade decision, transforming abortion rights in America and allowing individual states to ban the procedure. This has re-energised abortion campaigns on both sides of the argument in Northern Ireland, with anti-abortion groups feeling encouraged by what is happening there.


"When a woman comes in they have a decision to make… some women in two years or 10 years' time will be thanking us," says a man outside the clinic.


He's asked whether they are adding to the woman's pain. "This is compassion," he says. "Compassion for the baby".


Northern Ireland's health service is set to be compelled to provide more abortion services in future. What will now be decided by British Supreme Court judges is what kind of experience women will face when they come through the hospital gates.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If these people don't want abortions they don't have to have them but they can't dictate that others cannot. If they do not wish to live in a modern civilised country then that's their issue not the civilised society.


The don't care about abortion. This is about control and making themselves feel righteous.


I think a lot of pro-forced birth guys are just mad that women can have successful careers, control over their bodies and not have to be financially dependent on them. They’re mad we don’t have the 1950s style of women getting pregnant then getting stuck with the guy who got them pregnant. These women can be more successful than them now so they feel emasculated and mad.


I think most of the people protesting will never need an abortion. They're either men or women who have been through menopause so its not something that will affect them.


I heard one campaigner who was a fairly young woman. She herself was an unwanted child who was adopted, and the only reason she wa born was because the pother couldn’t have an abortive for some reason.
I can understand her reluctance to allow the power to rest with the person carrying the foetus. I don’t agree that the state should be able to force a person into servitude, but it seems a reasonable viewpoint based on her own history, just as i would sympathise with someoene who’s child was killed and wanted the killer to get the death penalty. I wouldn’t agree, but I can see their point.
In an ideal situation we could “beam” the foetus into an incubation chamber and have it adopted when mature, but as we’re not able to. As such we have two conflicting rights, and as we make judgment calls like the right to own 100 assault rifles is more important than the right to not be shot at school there’s no question that the absolute right to sovereignty over your own body trumps any other right. Maybe once we force people to give up kidneys for matches, or even something harmless like mandating blood donations, we could revisit the balance, but until then the rights live with the person who’s body it is.


SenselessDunderpate 586
We seriously need to find a way to shove these Christian fascist psychos back into the shadows from which they are now emerging, lest we end up like the USA.
You cannot reason with these lunatics, or bargain with them. They are cowards and morons who understand only force and censure. They must be stopped before they can unleash harm on our society.


It's going to be tough. Anti-abortion money from the US is flooding into the UK. Watch as once pro-choice Tories begin to change their tune.


I don’t know if they still fly over since covid, but when I lived in Oxford there was a group from the US that would fly out and start shouting anti-abortion nonsense on the streets. Telling us we were going to hell, etc. All over loudspeaker, you could hear it from a large distance.
There was a schoolgirl break down in her uniform sobbing, and her friends comforted her, but police still didn’t move the group on.
I’ve aborted before, and seen the protestors first hand. I’ve had nutjobs say I should have birthed babies for my rapists when I was barely even a teenager. Those voices absolutely will be encouraged by the stuff going down in the US.
They always talk about adoption like it’s an easy option. It absolutely isn’t. And abortions for medical reasons definitely exist too. They just want to punish.


Fuck every single one of these protestors. We are not the US, we as a country have so much more to deal with right now than you miserable cunts. We're beyond this issue, its been put to bed already. Abortions are safe and legal in this country. If you want to change that and persecute people based on your religious beliefs, do as the pilgrims did hundreds of years ago and fuck off to some far flung corner of the globe to practice your hateful bullshit there.


Can we just stamp this out now before it gets too much traction? It's harassment of women, police should easily be able to prevent this. Right?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well the police have the power to arrest anyone who protests the government politically, they have the power to strip search 15yo girls as a group of 5 male officers, they have the power to beat up anyone they want, to arrest anyone they want, to disregard what you say your gender is and to just write whatever the fuck they want so that they can ignore gender specific protections. But arresting fascists? That's clearly a step too far.


There's a group regularly do this shit in Glasgow and the police are next to useless. It's counter-protestors that have managed to get them to move on.
The argument is always that they're protesting "peacefully" - the main guy has a megaphone and is filming (with a chest-cam) folk going into the clinic. Really stretching the definition of peacefully to beyond breaking point. It is in fact intimidation to anyone with a brain in their head.
Bonus: they do apparently receive money from US-based groups. So this crap is already here and now they're emboldened to try even harder.


The debate doesn't seem to be productive at all because people seem to be fixated on extremes (no abortions at all vs. abortions without limits). Things are not black or white. For instance, I consider myself pro-choice in general but I don't agree that abortions should be done after 38 weeks in pregnancy if there is no risk for the mother or the baby.
I seems more reasonable to me to discuss a week limit depending on the reasons (e.g., no week limit for health reasons, 20 weeks if there is no reason).

这场辩论似乎根本没有成效,因为人们似乎专注于两个极端(完全不堕胎 VS 无限制的堕胎)。事情并不是非黑即白的。比如,我认为自己一般支持堕胎,但我不赞同在怀孕38周后堕胎(假如对母亲或婴儿也没有风险的话)。

The concept of restricting abortions is backwards. If someone wants to end an unwanted pregnancy, they're not going to wait to the last possible moment to terminate.
If we want fewer late term abortions, what's needed is to make abortions as accessible as possible, as well as prevent pregnancies from happening in the first place. And then if someone is in position to have a late term abortion, it's going to be because they have to have one, not because they've been loitering.


Don’t like abortion then don’t have one, simple. All of this debate over abortion was never about children, it’s about control. We as a society have regressed back 50+ years to a point where womens rights were near non existent. What these twats are protesting for is removing body autonomy, getting off on “protecting defenceless children” by doing so and then shaming the very people they’ve literally forced to have a child for possibly being in crippling poverty and unable to take care of it.
No government should have a say in abortion, it should be legal, it is a right and a healthcare service, if someone doesn’t like it then they don’t have to have an abortion. If the protesters in the UK have their way as well, you’re gonna see women die or get seriously injured.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bloody_sock_puppetWest Midlands
Look, I'll be frank. I've always loathed religious people and find it very hard to be sympathetic to their complaints. I am not like that with anything else really and would be happy to see you enjoying anything that doesn't impact on me.
But it does. It is being forced upon me. I can't easily complain or protest, at least not loudly or passionately or anywhere near government. That makes this an imposition and one which can permenantly end my quiet enjoyment of life. I can put up with a lot but forcing religion or any kind of religious sentiment at all upon me is a dark red line.
I'm a dude, but ultimately care somewhat for our society. I think less harm would come from aborting anti-abortion campaigners than letting them press their case.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I've noticed something in all the news coverage of these anti-abortionists...
The majority of the protestors are men.
Followed by women over child bearing age.
Funny that.


To the people who insisted in 2016 that US politics has no impact on the rest of the world, and Trump’s election means nothing for us, this is the impact. The Supreme Court decision isn’t just an offence on American women. It’s an offence on all of us.


This is what ive been trying to tell people. It ultimately affects everyone because the USA is a huge rich country and so has a lot of weight to throw around.
The moment roe v wade thing happened in the USA people were emboldened to campaign against abortions here in the UK, and it got to the point where another group of people decided to claim the anti-abortion men were "trans rights activists". There is definitely a push here in the UK to demonise abortions and trans people at the same time.
What people here dont realise that roe v wade wasnt just about abortions, it basically removed every American person's right to medical privacy, and the moment they overruled it they immediately started to go after trans people and the rest of the LGBTQIA+ community. Its all 2 sides of the same coin.
And considering some Tory MPs expressed their support to what the GOP did and another saying that women shouldn't have bodily autonomy, those Tories made the issue a UK issue as well.


RixmadoreGreater London
We were fine! Everything was fine. Abortion laws in the UK were stable, and most of British public & mainstream political parties were neutral on the matter. Why is this happening?? Monkey see monkey do?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

its a sad time that they seem to think that whats happening in the usa is going to be happening here too
they seem to think that whats happening there sets precedent here

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We need a blanket law preventing protestors within 100m of any and all abortion clinics. Or just plain banning anti abortion protesting.


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