QA问答:如果你每天只有 15 分钟使你的头脑更敏锐,你应该做什么?
2023-02-13 wuhaowsh 6092

If you only had 15 minutes to sharpen your mind every day, what should you do?

如果你每天只有 15 分钟使你的头脑更敏锐,你应该做什么?

Hector Quintanilla
I’m teaching my kids to analyze how the world works.
It’s easy. Opportunities are all around us. For example, I took my 12-year-old this morning to the doctor.
We were greeted by the receptionist.
“What’s her job?” I asked him.
My boy sat quietly observing the lady’s activities.
“She receives phone calls and in charge of customers who walk in.”
“Good,” I said, “Who’s her boss?”
He used his common sense, “The doctor?” He guessed.
“Well, yes,” I answered, “She works for the doctor, but her immediate boss is the lady sitting back there,” I said while pointing to the back, “She’s the doctor’s office manager.”

这很容易,这种教学的机会就在我们身边。例如,今天早上我带我 12 岁的孩子去看医生。
“她的工作是什么?” 我问他
他用他的常识,“医生?” 他猜测道。

A nurse opened a door and called out, “Quintanilla?”
We stood up and passed to a small room where the nurse checked my son’s vitals and his weight.
“The doctor will be with you any minute now,” she smiled as she walked out.
“What’s her job?” I asked my boy.
“She’s getting me ready for the doctor.”
“That’s right, but why does the doctor need her?”
“She’s a good helper?” he answered.
“What benefit does the doctor get with her help?
“She saves him time?” He said guessing.
“Exactly! The doctor saved 10 minutes of his valuable time by having her check all your vitals.”

“她的工作是什么?” 我问我的孩子。
“确切地!医生让她检查了你所有的生命体征,节省了他 10 分钟的宝贵时间。”

The doctor walked in. He greeted us and started asking questions.
He read the nurse’s report.
A few minutes later, he said, “OK, you’re good to go now, everything looks good. Take care!”
And just like that, he was gone.
“What’s his job?” I asked my boy.
“Well, Dad, he’s the doctor. He’s the one who knows about all the medicines people need to stay healthy.”
The nurse returned. She walked us back to the main office. The office manager showed me the invoice and took my payment.

“他的工作是什么?” 我问我的孩子。

“What’s her job?” I asked my boy.
My son laughed, “You told me that, Dad! She’s the office manager.”
“Ohh, that’s true, I forgot that,” I joked as we walked out of the building.
Now, to answer your question, ‘If you only had 15 minutes to sharpen your mind everyday, what should you do?’
To sharpen your mind daily, be more curious, more analytical.
You will be surprised how much you can learn by asking yourself very simple questions every place you walk in.
In a restaurant? Ask questions!
Traveling? Ask questions!
In the supermarket? Ask questions!
Be analytical… Sharpen your mind!

“她的工作是什么?” 我问我的孩子。
现在,回答你的问题,“如果你每天只有 15 分钟来磨练你的头脑,你应该做什么?”

Ahmed Eehab
Most of us encounter a lot of people every day.
Whether it is your mom or friend or a colleague or a client, we converse with these people on some level.
The value in sharpening our minds, is to sharpen our decision making, to help us make good, rational, smart, wise decisions.
But how do you stay focused?
How do you keep your emotions controlled regardless of what emotions the other person shows? It is a lot simpler than what we think.
When talking to someone, whenever the other person talks, start asking in your head the question ‘why?’.
“Why is this person saying what s/he is saying? “


There is almost always a motive behind every sentence we speak when we are conversing with someone. A lot of the times these sentences are also layered with emotions. And believe me, most of us are very transparent in that sense. Look into the person’s eyes and ask your self the motive of or the reason for every sentence s/he says. Combine that reason in context to the emotion they display.
We all are sales people on some level.
We make sales every day. Did you convince your friend to fetch you a cup of coffee on the way to work? You made a sale. Did you convince your girlfriend to watch the horror movie with you instead of the comedy? You made a sale.
Did your mom make you eat the vegetables while you wanted the fries? Even mom made a sale.
So, at least for 15 minutes a day, do this exercise when you talk to someone. You will be a better listener, appealing to talk to, make winning sales, and most importantly, make better decisions.

因此,每天至少花 15 分钟,在与某人交谈时进行此练习。您将成为一个更好的倾听者,更有吸引力地与之交谈,赢得销售,最重要的是,做出更好的决定。

Jeremy Hadfield
You don’t need to practice brain games. You don’t need to learn quantum mechanics. You don’t need to take freezing showers every morning or read a hundred books a year. You don’t need to wake up at 3 am to carry an overweight pig while doing sprints up and down Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Those things may help. Actually, upgrade that “may” to “probably will.”
But they’re not essential. And just one single practice is more impactful than all of them: deliberately setting your intention.
Why is this one behavior so high-impact? Because, by definition, it helps you achieve what you want. You can practice gazillions of ‘mind-sharpening hacks’ (from frigid showers to productivity courses), but if you aren’t deliberately aiming your mind toward your intentions and desires then they will never happen.
A key metaphor here is velocity vs speed. Speed is a scalar value (magnitude only), while velocity is a vector (magnitude and direction).

你不需要练习脑力游戏。你不需要学习量子力学。你不需要每天早上都洗个冰凉的澡,或者一年读一百本书。您无需在凌晨 3 点起床背着一头超重的猪在乞力马扎罗山上下冲刺。

In life, speed does not matter; only velocity (speed + direction). Absolute speed is unimportant unless you are traveling in your intended direction.
You could ‘get your brain jacked’ with all these mind-sharpening techniques. But why care, if you’re not using that newfound brain muscle to further your intentions? Sharpening your brain without setting intention is like spinning your wheels in a Ferrari: it doesn’t matter how powerful your engine is if you aren’t applying the wheels to a surface with traction.
In the same way spinning out is a waste of the engine’s power, most of us waste our mental resources. Of course, the “you only use 10% of your brain” concept is a misguided myth. We use 100% of our brain. But we don’t use it for the purposes with the most impact on our lives.
In other words, we don’t set our intentions. We run on autopilot.
Enough of the vague self-help writing. How can you use your brain to its full potential for the purpose you want? What actionable steps can anyone practice to sharpen their intentions?

以同样的方式旋转出去是对引擎动力的浪费,我们大多数人都在浪费我们的脑力资源。当然,“你只使用了大脑的 10%”的概念是一个被误导的神话。我们使用了 100% 的大脑。但我们不会将其用于对我们的生活影响最大的目的上。

Every week, have a “week in review.” In writing, reflect on the last week. Are you making progress towards you real purposes? In what ways are you wasting your time & mental effort on things that won’t bring you towards that purpose? Are you further along in your long-term life plans than you were last week? Then set your intention and focus for the next week.
Be ruthless in cutting out things that don’t drive you towards your intentions. Focus is the art of saying no to almost everything. For a few moments before each activity in your day, have an honest uation. Is this activity helping you toward a specific goal or purpose? If not, consider it something you’re doing on autopilot, not out of intention. Then cut it out.


Each morning for a few minutes, decide on a single focus. One of the most difficult actions to do in the morning is limit your daily goals to a single item. It forces you to be fully responsible for that goal. You can’t justify failing to complete it by saying to yourself “I had other things to focus on.” You’ll notice that this adds powerful focus to your day. Triaging your priorities will help you get more done. And it reduces stress by preventing the overwhelming creep of more and more goals and to-do list items.
Number 1 takes about 30 minutes a week. Number 2 takes about 5 minutes a day. Number 3 takes about 5 minutes a day. That’s an average of 15 minutes a day for radical improvements.
A habit of intention and reflection may not make you “faster” in terms of absolute speed. But it will increase velocity in your intended direction.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Teena V
I believe that blood flow helps in sharpening your mind. Usually during mornings I try and do a few exercises to induce the flow. This helps me stay focused and sharp the rest of the day. It helps quite a bit especially when you work involves sitting in one spot for the entire day.
The most effective exercise is the Shipshewana. You will of course have to do a few stretches before you attempt the headstand. Also it is advisable to only do it for 2 minutes or so. It may sound like a daunting task. But with practice anyone can gradually learn how to do it. With the help of this exercise you will only need a very short time to improve the blood flow and begin your day in an energized manner. I have been doing it for a while. I have attached a picture of mine to show the posture. You can also use a wall as a support until you get the hang of it.
Once again this is just my opinion. Since many people may find it too difficult to execute a Shirshasana can definitely try other exercises too. The key is to improve the blood flow before you start your day.

最有效的练习是倒立。在尝试倒立之前,您当然必须做一些伸展运动。另外,建议只做 2 分钟左右。这听起来像是一项艰巨的任务。但是通过练习,任何人都可以逐渐学会如何去做。借助这项练习,您只需很短的时间即可改善血液流动,并以充满活力的方式开始新的一天。我已经做了一段时间了。我附上了一张我的照片来展示姿势。您也可以使用墙壁作为支撑,直到您掌握它为止。

Anubhav Jain
In the evening, close your eyes, take a deep breath, slowly smile, feel good about everything, and think about the whole day: interactions, actions, people, and circumstances. What happened? How does it affect your life? What to learn? What may help you in the future? What tells you more about life and people? Any inferences, connections or trends.
Pick a phrase from any philosophical spiritual book or a deep text, focus your entire attention on it, obxtively think about it, connect it with your life and circumstances, any real-life incident or experience, think, think and think. This will help you in achieving focus as well.
A mind, free from lust, hatred, attachment, stress, opinions and confusion is a sharp mind. These are all handcuffs and ropes tying up your mind, your mind is endless, it's a doorway to the universe, you need to break these walls, if not completely at least breach the surface. Ask yourself the reasons for such boundations, forgive, forget, ignore, become indifferent and declare them as poison. Practise freeing your mind.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Each morning set yourself free, free from expectations, fears, and stress, and become as neutral as you can about the day. “I am alive this morning, I got a day to live, I will live it well, experience and observe life, stay calm and composed, do my best, deal with anything I face, and end the day with gratitude and pride.”
Every time you make a choice, face a problem or make a decision during the day, first take a deep breath, chant some mantra inside your mind, smile, feel light and free, open your eyes and neutrally think about it from the present and future perspective and then decide.


Sainyam Agrawal
15 minutes is just the perfect amount of time required to sharpen it. Now what you have to do is just go for a run and this does not have to be at a comfortable pace. In this 15 min you should be flying like hell.
Do it everyday and keep increasing your speed. But you must be thing how the hell it will sharpens your mind. See running is not done from legs or knees it is done from mind. They are just following what your mind is saying that’s it. You order your body to run it has to no choice of stopping.
This helps you in overcoming lot of tough decisions in life , makes you confident etc….


Neo Therapy App
From a cognitive psychology perspective, you could use the time to practice challenging mental tasks such as puzzles or memory games to stimulate the brain and keep your cognitive abilities sharp. For example, you can practice exercises like memorizing and recalling a list of words, memorizing the locations of images on a game board, or completing a crossword puzzle.
From a psychotherapeutic perspective, you could use the time for mindfulness and meditation practices to deepen your self-awareness, reduce stress, and improve your emotional well-being. You can use this time to focus on your breath and body, practice positive affirmations of self-love, or focus on gratitude for the present moment.
From a development psychology perspective, you could use the time for growth-oriented activities. Activities such as journaling, reflecting on your life experiences, setting new goals, and envisioning a positive future for yourself can help you to grow as an individual and reach your full potential.


Muneer Ahmed
As a life coach, I understand that finding time to sharpen the mind can be challenging. However, even a small amount of time dedicated to mental stimulation can have a significant impact. Here are a few things that can be done in just 15 minutes to sharpen the mind:
Engage in a mentally stimulating activity: Engaging in activities that challenge the brain such as solving puzzles, doing crosswords, or completing logic games can help to improve cognitive function and memory. These activities can be a great way to sharpen the mind, keep it active and challenged, and to prevent cognitive decline. They also provide an opportunity to learn new information and practice problem-solving skills.
Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware in the moment. Mindfulness can be achieved through simple practices such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. These practices can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and improve focus and concentration. Mindfulness practices can also help to improve emotional regulation, self-awareness, and overall well-being.
Read a book or article: Reading is a great way to sharpen the mind and improve focus, concentration, and vocabulary. Reading can also expose us to new information and new perspectives, which can be beneficial for cognitive development. Additionally, reading can also help to improve memory by keeping the mind active and challenged.

作为一名生活教练,我明白找时间磨练头脑是很有挑战性的。然而,即使是很少的时间用于精神刺激也会产生重大影响。以下是一些可以在短短 15 分钟内完成的事情,可以让头脑更加敏锐:

Learn a new skill: Learning a new skill can be a great way to sharpen the mind and improve cognitive function. This could be as simple as learning a new word in a different language, trying a new recipe, or learning to play a new instrument. Learning new skills can also help to improve memory and problem-solving skills. It can also be a fun and engaging way to keep the mind active.
Take a short walk: A short walk can be a great way to clear the mind and improve focus. Walking can also help to boost creativity, reduce stress, and improve mood. Walking is also a great way to get some fresh air and sunshine, which can be beneficial for overall well-being.
Practice gratitude: Practicing gratitude can be a great way to sharpen the mind and improve overall well-being. Reflecting on the things in your life that you are grateful for can help to shift your focus from negative thoughts to positive ones. This can lead to an improvement in mood and overall well-being. Practicing gratitude regularly can also help to improve emotional regulation and resilience.
In conclusion, using 15 minutes to engage in a mentally stimulating activity, practice mindfulness, read a book or article, learn a new skill, take a short walk, or practice gratitude are all ways that can help to sharpen the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall well-being. Remember, small steps can lead to big progress and dedicating even just 15 minutes a day to mental stimulation can have a significant impact on cognitive function and overall well-being.

总之,用 15 分钟时间从事精神刺激活动、练习正念、阅读一本书或一篇文章、学习一项新技能、散散步或练习感恩,这些都是有助于敏锐思维、减轻压力和改善情绪的方法,并改善整体幸福感。请记住,小步骤可以带来大进步,即使每天只花 15 分钟进行精神刺激,也可以对认知功能和整体健康产生重大影响。

Ramandeep Singh
When you want to add or remove something from your life, especially any trait, it doesn’t come or go overnight. You need to do or avoid it repeatedly. Since you are seeking mind-sharpening tricks, you need to understand that it is a result of multiple traits. Your intellect grows when you work on your overall character building. In a nutshell, you have to incorporate some healthy and powerful habits in your life as well as avoid those that are harmful. Moreover, there are a few tips and tricks that you can use to sharpen your mind. Start your day with them and you will get positive results.
1. Meditation: As soon as you wake up, try doing meditation for 10-15 minutes. It takes the toxic thoughts out of your mind and fills you with positive energy. When you become calmer, your focus is improved. As a result, you outstand than your peer competitors.
2. Reading: This is one of the fundamental techniques for life-building. When you start your day by reading a powerful book, you inch closer every day to your desired goal. It strengthens your way of thinking and makes you more subtle.
3. Exercise: Only a 15-minute of moderate exercise session every day can help you get command over emotions and increase the strength of your body. A fit body only contains a healthy mind; therefore, exercising is a great way to start your day with.
4. Brain gym: The idea is to improve the coordination between the left and right sides of your body. Try doing fun exercises where you need to do alternate and swift actions using your legs and hands.
These activities are proven ways to sharpen the human mind. I am sure they will help you too.

1. 冥想:醒来后,尝试冥想 10-15 分钟。它将有毒的想法从你的脑海中带走,让你充满积极的能量。当您变得更加平静时,您的注意力就会得到改善。因此,您比同行竞争对手更出色。
3. 运动:每天进行15分钟的适度运动,就可以控制情绪,增强体力。健康的身体只有健康的心态;因此,锻炼是开始新一天的好方法。

Himanshu Nawalkar
I recently discovered that our body has the highest form of intelligence, call it flow state, small enlightenment or ultra instinct all are the same.
So, the problem is - “not knowing less, the problem lies in knowing more. ”
So the Solution is to listen to your instinct more and the easiest way is to meditate.
Or eat mindfully.
Ask this question to yourselves : who are you? Are you the thoughts you think, who gave you those thoughts, or are you the person who act.
Think nothing. Start from few seconds, to few mins to long hours if you could do it.
Since you asked what you “should” do. Like we ever follow whatever we should do. All the other methods require a long hours of practice. But atleast 15 mins is better than nothing.
Let me explain why this is, we are born as a baby which is perfect and has this state. We as a society give him/her a name and the problems starts from there. We start making them imperfect. And we start adding limits to this natural limitless mind. The more we go towards our basic instinct the more we live better.

既然你问你“应该”做什么。就像我们永远遵循我们应该做的事情一样。所有其他方法都需要长时间的练习。但至少 15 分钟总比没有好。

Aditya Prasad
Jack wakes up in the morning, checks his smartphone for notifications, browses his social media accounts and checks his daily feed. 15 minutes have gone by since he woke up.
Jack gets ready and heads to work, he picks up a coffee and bagel for breakfast. His 15 minute journey is short but not too short to listen to music and text friends.
Jack begins his work day. He is sent an invitation to attend a meeting. He has 30 minutes to spare which he uses to watch a couple of funny videos on YouTube. Hard to not click on the recommended videos on YouTube no?
Jack wraps up his work day and heads home. On his way back he picks up a sandwich for dinner. He isn’t too tired but does feel like unwinding and spends 15 minutes browsing for a title on Netflix and another couple of hours sitting through the movie.
Jack is done for the day. ‘Today was a good day’ he says to himself. He had a productive meeting at work, the sandwich was good and the movie exceeded his expectations.
He switches the lights off to his bedroom and upxes his social media status with a post about the movie he just watched. Another hour goes goes by browsing through his smartphone before he decides to call it a day. He spends the next 5 hours allowing his mind and body to rest.

杰克开始了他一天的工作。他收到了参加会议的邀请。他有 30 分钟的空闲时间,用来在 YouTube 上观看几个有趣的视频。很难不点击 YouTube 上的推荐视频吗?
杰克结束一天的工作回家。在回来的路上,他买了一个三明治作为晚餐。他不太累,但确实想放松一下,他花了15分钟在 Netflix 上浏览影片,然后又坐了几个小时看完电影。
他关掉了卧室的灯,并更新了自己的社交媒体状态,发布了一篇关于他刚刚看过的电影的帖子。在他决定收工之前,浏览他的智能手机又过去了一个小时。他在接下来的 5 个小时里让自己的身心得到休息。

Jill wakes up in the morning, turns on her coffee maker, has a bowl of cereal and switches on her daily news podcast. She starts her day with 15 minutes of focused listening while learning about global events around her.
Jill heads to work. Her 15 minute journey is short, but long enough to allow her to mentally plan her day. She knows what lies ahead and wants to make best use of this time to plan her day.
Jill begins her work day. She is sent an invitation to attend a meeting. She has 30 minutes to spare which is more than enough to prepare for the meeting or squeeze in some portions of her other tasks for the day.
Jill wraps up her work day and heads home. On her way back she picks up some salad dressing. She isn’t too tired and decides to make herself a bowl of salad for dinner. She spends 15 minutes making the salad and another 30 minutes watching some television while finishing her dinner.

吉尔早上醒来,打开她的咖啡机,吃了一碗麦片,然后打开她的每日新闻播客。她以 15 分钟的专注聆听开始新的一天,同时了解她周围的全球事件。
吉尔去上班了。她 15 分钟的旅程很短,但足以让她在心里计划她的一天。她知道未来会发生什么,并希望充分利用这段时间来计划她的一天。
吉尔开始她的一天工作。她收到了参加会议的邀请。她有 30 分钟的空闲时间,这足以准备会议或完成她当天其他任务的某些部分。
吉尔结束一天的工作回家。在回来的路上,她买了一些沙拉酱。她不太累,决定为自己做一碗沙拉作为晚餐。她花了 15 分钟做沙拉,然后在吃完晚餐后又花了 30 分钟看电视。

Jill is not done for the day. ‘Today was a good day’ she says to herself but I haven't worked on my book yet. She had a productive meeting at work, the salad she made tasted much better with the dressing but she must continue working on her book that she plans to complete in a fortnight.
She spends an hour writing another chapter for her book and decides to call it a day. She switches off the light to her room, picks up her smartphone, sets an alarm for the next day and spends the next 8 hours allowing her mind and body to rest.
What can you do in 15 minutes to make your mind sharper?
Be like Jill. She utilizes short 15 minute intervals in her life in a manner that is a lot more productive than Jack. You’d be surprised to know how big of a difference that makes.

她花了一个小时为她的书写了另一章,并决定收工。她关掉房间的灯,拿起智能手机,设置第二天的闹钟,并在接下来的 8 小时里让自己的身心得到休息。
你可以在 15 分钟内做什么让你的头脑更敏锐?
像吉尔一样。她以一种比杰克更有效率的方式利用生活中短短的 15 分钟。你会惊讶地知道这有多大的不同。

Edwin Trench
Never us a calculator (neither your phone!) and only use your brain to calculate, guesstimate and or reach conclusions (this is permanent, so I don’t know if you could consider it a 15′ hack)
Memorize phone numbers, street names, intersections, and above all people’s names (very good practice, imagine how you feel when you encounter someone whom you met only once, a very long time ago, and they look at you, saying, “Sean, right,?” Feels great, don’t you think?) We are slowly losing our memory capability because we use phones, internet, Waze, etc, which eventually end up making you rely on them, and not your brain, for information
Break your routines, take different paths, streets, roads or ways to go from one place to another; question the obvious (sometimes the obvious is accepted but wrong), confront people when you disagree, nicely, correctly and with respect, but don’t bend backwards to adapt yourself to something you disagree with, no matter who you are talking to, read something new every day, read serious stuff, read economy, finance, science and philosophy, you can’t imagine how this will open up your mind and make you learn more about life, people and yourself

永远不要使用计算器(也不用你的手机!),只用你的大脑来计算、猜测和/或得出结论(这是永久性的,所以我不知道你是否可以认为它是 15分钟)
记住电话号码、街道名称、十字路口,最重要的是记住人名(非常好的练习,想象一下当你遇到很久以前只见过一次的人时你的感受,他们看着你说,“肖恩,对吧,?”感觉很棒,你不觉得吗?)我们正在慢慢失去记忆能力,因为我们使用电话、互联网、Waze 等,最终让你依赖它们,而不是你的大脑,来获取信息

Listen more than you talk, you already know what you think, repeating it gains you nothing, while listening is a permanent learning experience
This is an odd one. Help people out, this will open up a world of opportunities, teach you to be emphatic, teach you how to relate and evolve in public and meet new people, and on top of everything it will make you feel good
Challenge yourself, your limits and your boundaries. You will never know yourself as well, understand your capabilities and strengths, or learn as much as when you push yourself to the maximum and beyond. Offer to do that what nobody else wants to do, volunteer to give presentations if that is what gives you the jitters, etc.
Basically use your brain as often, and as much, as you can. Don’t let other people, machines or laziness do it for you!


Justin Lumpkin
Learn something new.
Train and develop your mind.
Our Universe is infinite, and there is so much out there that we just don’t know, and we are granted only 70–100 years to uncover these very mysteries.
And that’s if you’re lucky.
Never stop learning. Never stop growing. Never stop thinking creatively.
Dedicate time to learn more about the world we live in, whether that be by studying our economic systems, our natural sextion, our sociology, game theory, just whatever intrigues you the most within.
I can’t tell you what to pursue, but you’ll know the answer.
For me personally, I read 8–10 hours a day, whether that be through non-fiction books, subtitles on educational videos, or online articles.
Information is everything, especially in today’s digital age.

我们的宇宙是无限的,外面有太多我们不知道的东西,我们只有 70 到 100 年的时间来揭开这些谜团。
就我个人而言,我每天阅读 8-10 小时,无论是读非小说类书籍、教育视频还是在线文章。

Begin to digest as many mental models as you can—because the more you read, the more knowledge you acquire.
The more knowledge you acquire, the wiser choices you’ll begin to make.
The wiser your decision-making process, the more fulfilling your life will be in the long run.
It all starts with reading.
Pick up a book, and dive in at will.
If you go to bed 1% more knowledgable (financially, socially, emotionally, academically, etc.) then when you woke up, you conquered the day.
Repeat this process for as long as you can, and let a year pass.
Then 5 years.
Then 10 years.
You’ll become a self-actualized individual—then you’ll look back to this very post, and you’ll be grateful for listening.
Enjoy the process.

如果你在睡觉前多了解 1%(财务、社交、情感、学术等),那么当你醒来时,你就征服了这一天。

Abhishek Raja
There are many ways to sharpen our mind….
Do a meditate on daily basis.
Excercise regularly.
Eat healthy.
Don't think what is and how your reaction in public.
Don't be depressed about what people think about you.
Write a jounral about how's your day gone OR write a jounral about your life, thoughts, decisions. So that it's helps you to think clear and more practical.


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