2023-03-04 兰陵笑笑生 14678

How do some people live in China for a long time and never learn Chinese ?


I'm new in China and I find it difficult to do almost anything here without knowing Chinese . My friends have to always accompany me or I can't survive . The security people saw that I had a cooking knife in my luggage at the subway and confiscated it . I would of not known that is why the security pulled me aside if I didn't have my friend . It's almost impossible to do anything where I live now without knowing Chinese .
I had a cousin who lived in Guangzhou for 5 years and knew aero Chinese and never learned . I'm not sure how people can survive with out knowing Chinese ... Do you have to rely on translation apps and just struggle ?
I'm so lucky that I had tons of college friends in China to guide me . I went to College at UC Irvine in California which has a massive Chinese population and all my roommates were Chinese .


My Russian MIL has lived here for 25 years now and doesn’t speak any Chinese. She’s married to a Chinese man now and they communicate in shitty English. I think somehow they made each other’s English worse and even less intelligible. She relies on her husband, my husband and her daughter to do everything that requires Chinese language skills, she is literally the most helpless and incompetent person I have ever met. I compare her lack of Chinese language skills to a disability, since she relies so heavily on other people to do things for her. I don’t understand it and deep down I think it’s laziness and learned helplessness, and I get judgmental about it, but I really should cut her some slack, Chinese is an incredibly difficult language to learn.

我的俄罗斯婆婆在这里住了 25 年了,不会说中文。她现在嫁给了一个中国男人,他们用蹩脚的英语交流。我觉得他们正在以某种方式使彼此的英语变得更糟、更难理解。她靠着她的丈夫、我的丈夫和她的女儿来做任何需要用到中文的事情,她简直是我见过的最无助和无能的人。我把她缺乏中文能力比作残疾,因为她非常依赖别人为她做事。我搞不懂,在我内心深处我认为这是一种懒惰和习惯性依赖,虽然如此,可能我还是得对她放宽一点要求,毕竟中文是一门非常难学的语言。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Your comment gave me the biggest laugh of the day


I’m glad I made you laugh but being around her does not make me laugh. Mostly I just try to keep from rolling my eyes at her extreme helplessness. The other day she went to the supermarket and forgot where she parked her car and my FIL had to drive out there to rescue her. She’s scared to go anywhere by herself. She still can’t find my home from my husband’s workplace, which is just two blocks away. I could go on …


But tbf my Chinese husband's English is amazing and my chinese is good and we have also created some language. Like at first it was Chinglish and now it's dissolved into.... A dumb version of neither language sometimes.


Yeah there is no excuse for that my mom moved from china to austria 30 years ago and she managed to learn German just by doing everyday things like groceries, going to the doctor etc. You have to like actively try to not learn it i think

是的,这是没有任何借口的。我妈妈 30 年前从中国搬到了奥地利,她单单是通过做杂货、去看医生等日常事情都逐渐学会了德语。我觉得你必须积极避免去尝试它才能完全学不会一门语言。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I agree with you, I don’t know how she does it. I think some expats here just have a mental block against learning the language. I think language learning also gets significantly more difficult after a certain age. My dad was 19 when he moved to Canada and he speaks English at an almost native level.

我同意你的看法,我不知道她是怎么做到的。我认为这里的一些外籍人士单纯是对学习这门语言有心理障碍。我认为语言学习在一定年龄后也会变得更加困难。我父亲移居加拿大时年仅 19 岁,他现在的英语几乎是母语水平。

So your husband is half Russian/Chinese? Interesting.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He’s not


Been here for 9 years and my Chinese is pretty bad. Laziness, that’s how.

在这里待了 9 年了,我的中文还是很栏。懒,这就是为什么。

This. I’m not absolutely terrible but I’m not great either. And I’ve been here about 6 years. Having said that, I know people a lot worse than me. Especially with Didi, etc, you can easily get away with not speaking much Chinese.

加一。我的中文不是特别地糟糕,但也不是很好。我在这里已经 6 年了。话虽如此,我还认识说得比我差很多的人呢。尤其是打滴滴等的时候,你不用说多少中文就可以轻松过关。

Plus Chinese is probably the most difficult language to learn for speakers who grew up in countries which used solely a Romance or Germanic language. I lived in Italy and learned a phrase using my phone on the way to the restaurant, tried it a few times and the staff there (who recognised me, as I'd been a few times) helped me improve my pronunciation. Recently I was told by an Arabic speaker I have a Saudi accent when using Arabic phrases, which I thought was hilarious because I'd never considered I had one. I've used French in Morocco and north Vietnam, and I'd say my level is slightly above 'survivor'. But Chinese? I've tried really hard when living there and just can't hear it or speak it. Hopefully I will return later this year and try again.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm not sure I'd put Mandarin above Arabic or Russian on a difficulty scale... But if you've got Arabic phrases and a solid accent with it more power to you.
I certainly found various ethnic minority languages in China harder to learn than Mandarin, but that might have been due to lack of resources.


Speaking Mandarin is arguably easier. People get all caught up on the tones, but every accent uses tones in a different way. My tones are AWFUL but people understand my chinese. No one says anything...except my husband's dad


Plus Chinese is probably the most difficult language to learn for speakers who grew up in countries which used solely a Romance or Germanic language.
It's harder to learn, but I've also found that China is a harder place to get around and do things without learning the language. There are plenty of countries I could picture myself living in without learning the local language, but I don't see how people make it work in China.


Exactly and I think it's because of all the security . I've been to countries where I didn't speak the language and had a great time . You just scan your subway card and go on the subway .you don't really need to talk to anyone and many have kiosks to even buy food . You also need to show ID in China to do almost anything and they rarely ask for it in most other countries
I feel like in china it's hard because of the extra tight security . Like you have to go through security to go on the subway and there is a good chance security might confront you one day . Then you won't know what to say . I left my card for the turnstile at my Chinese apartment complex once . I tried to make gestures with securityand they didn't understand and thought I was an intruder . I tried to communicate with them through an app but they still didn't understand ..I then had to put my friend on the phone to explain to them . Also my apartment complex has electric barbed wire on it's fence .. so no way I can climb it haha. In USA they just let you walk into the complex with no issue .I had the key to my room but not for the one to go through the turnstile ...


I've lived here for years and there's exactly one time I've had to speak to anyone at a subway station. I agree you need the language to function but China is so highly automated that I don't really get what you're on about.


I meet a lot of people who have been here 10+ years and can't speak/read/understand Chinese, for some people it varies. They can get by but that's it but some people don't know many words at all. I also wondered, if they don't have a Chinese partner, how they can do things. On the flip side I taught a Chinese woman in the UK who had lived there 9 years and also couldn't speak English. It always amazed me how she got by.
I have nothing against people who can't speak Chinese but one time I met a guy who lived here for 15 years and couldn't speak a word of Chinese and always corrected his Chinese wife's English. He corrected my husband's English one time and I was so mad about it. So glad I don't see that guy anymore!


WeChat image translation. The multiple translation APPs available. General body language. Pleco is a good resource as well.
What I don’t understand are the people married to Chinese and neither speak the other’s language. They literally communicate almost exclusively through WeChat. It is extremely odd to me… I haven’t determined if this is a sign of true love or desperation.

有微信图片翻译。有多种翻译APP可用。可以使用通用的肢体语言。 Pleco(注:一个英汉词典APP)也是一个很好的资源。

Wait, like the the Chinese partner doesn’t speak English and the foreign partner doesn’t speak Chinese? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a thing. That’s wild.


I’ve met couples like this. Both partners are usually losers and taking what they can get.


I'm pretty good at sucking at Chinese.


Depends what your obxtive is but I've known guys who hire an assistant. Generally a new grad, typically a local young bilingual female. I know what you're thinking but you're probably wrong. The relationship is strictly biz. They help arrange housing, online shopping, delivery, find food, get a job, find legal help to review leases and employment contracts, do banking related stuff, arrange trips, pay utilities, etc. Instant cred when doing any sort of business related interactions.


From what I've observed: routine, apps, translate features, English signs, friends lol. Some people come and don't want to participate in the local culture or try to connect with others, so if you don't prioritize it you can still definitely survive (especially in larger cities). Many foreigners like this also often stick to expat bubbles and stay in international circles, so if they can't communicate or know how to do something, they're sure to get help from other foreigners. I'll never be fluent, but I feel like speaking the language makes life way easier (and more rewarding) in a foreign country.


I’m surprised by some of these comments! To be honest I don’t judge anyone for not learning, I find I’m exhausted on my days off and don’t have much energy for studying. But I agree with you that living in China without Chinese feels really difficult and I can’t understand how some people manage. I’ve been here a year and a half now and the small amount of Chinese I can speak makes a huge difference – being able to say stuff like “I want this” “do you have __” “where is ___” “that’s my ___” “can you help me” are a hell of a lot better than nothing.

我对这里的一些评论感到惊讶!老实说,我不会根据有没有学习中文而去评判任何人,就我而言,到了休息日我已经精疲力尽,没有太多精力去学习。但我同意你的看法,不会中文的人在中国生活真的很困难,我不懂有些人是怎么在这种情况下过下来的。我在这里已经一年半了,我会说的少量中文而且会产生巨大的不同——能够说出诸如“我想要这个”“你有 __”“___ 在哪里”“那是我的___”“你能帮帮我吗”之类的话总比一句都不会好。

I'd love to have even survival Chinese like that, but have not yet found a way to learn it. Do you have any tips?


Whenever you need a word, quickly type it into google translate and it’ll bring up the word in pingyin. Listen and repeat once and twice and then use it. I’ve built up some basic vocabulary and phrases this way


To be honest I mostly learn from actually using it – for example, if I know I need to get a taxi to the train station in 10 minutes, I’d ask one of my Chinese friends/coworkers “how do I say, I want to go to the train station?” Then ask them to write it down for me on a bit of paper (pinyin and characters). I’d repeat it to myself a few times and try to ask without reading my piece of paper but if I needed it I could use it. After doing that a few times I wouldn’t need to ask any more because I had enough practice to be able to say “I want to go to the station” myself. Not only is using the language the best way to learn, but this also helps you to learn the stuff that’s actually useful. I think it’s also a really good idea to find a Chinese tutor (or someone who wants a language exchange) who can help you practice pinyin / pronouncing the sounds of Chinese. Once you can at least vaguely recognise and pronounce the different sounds, you will start to pick things up by recognising language people around you are using: for example, I kept hearing people say bu hao yi si after doing something wrong and I realised myself that it must be an expression of apology. This kind of "passive learning" will only start once you can identify the sounds – if everything just sounds like gobbledegook you won't notice patterns.
Sorry for the rambly reply – more than anything I'd just encourage you to try speaking, even if at first you're just reading aloud phrases from your phone notes. From my experience Chinese people are very encouraging and appreciate the effort :)

说实话,我主要是从实际使用中学习的--例如,如果我知道我需要在10分钟内打车去火车站,我会问我的一个中国朋友/同事“我想去火车站,要怎么说?”然后让他们在一张纸上为我写下来(拼音和汉字)。我会对着自己重复几遍,并试着不看我的纸片提问,实在记不住了,也可以用它。这样做了几次后,我就不需要再问了,因为我有足够的练习,能够自己说“我想去车站”。使用语言不仅是最好的学习方式,而且这也有助于你学习真正有用的东西。我认为找一个中文家教(或希望进行语言交流的人)也是一个非常好的主意,他可以帮助你练习拼音/中文的发音。一旦你至少能够模糊地识别和发出不同的音调,你就会开始通过识别你周围人使用的语言来学习:例如,我一直听到人们在做错事后说“bu hao yi si”,我意识到这一定是一种表达歉意的方式。这种“被动学习”只有在你能识别音调时才会管用--如果所有的声音听起来都像胡言乱语,你就没办法注意到。
很抱歉,我的回答很啰嗦--我只是想鼓励你试着去说话,即使一开始你只是大声朗读你手机笔记中的短语。根据我的经验,中国人很会鼓励你,并欣赏你的努力 :)

What’s even more jarring is that many of them are English teachers. They’re language teachers that refuse to study Chinese beyond the basics.


Because your job is to not use Chinese. My Chinese is good but i cannot use in the classroom, everyone at my job speaks English. If i didn't have a husband and friends how would I learn Chinese?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My point is that if your job is to teach languages that it’s shocking that you can live in a country and not learn the language.
How you do it is up to you. I studied Chinese mainly at home. I watched tons of street interviews, listened to podcasts, chat with people on Tandem and other apps - voice messages, video calls - and even had conversations with AI in Chinese with audio and text (Character.AI). When I was in China I talked to servers, taxi drivers, strangers in bars. I made up conversations to have with myself out loud while doing chores - and when I hit a gap in knowledge I’d look up the missing information.
At my school I was allowed to use Chinese to communicate with my coworkers and my students parents. I met student’s parents after work and also met my colleagues for sports and drinks.


I speak a little Chinese, I get around by myself plenty l and shock my partner when I go handle things completely by myself sometimes.
But I suppose the same could be said about a lot of people. It’s not only foreigners in China who never learn the language. Plenty of immigrants in other places who don’t learn the language of where they’re living. Tons of people in America don’t speak English you know.


I work 50-60 hours a week. After work and on weekends, doing more 'work' to learn Chinese is honestly the last thing I want to do.
I have also learnt 2-3 languages to intermediate level before. I am just tired of learning languages, to be honest. I studied Chinese to beginner level and then just got tired. So I speak some, but my Chinese is still crap.
Plus with translation apps and the fact that English service is everywhere in Shanghai, there is not much motivation for me at the moment.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Regarding the ubiquity of English in Shanghai...... last time I was there, I had reason to call the police for a wellness check on a disoriented senior. Stuck around after their arrival to make sure that they didn't need to ask us any questions I hadn't already answered on the phone.
They so couldn't conceive of a random foreigner being fluent and socially minded that they asked me which consulate I work at!


Lots of factors as to why people don't learn Chinese/ don't become fluent. I think a big part of it is where you live in China. Places like Shanghai/Beijing and probably Shenzhen/Guandong, you can easily get by with English and never need to know Chinese.
In my city not many people know English and most people will speak in the local dialect, which makes it even harder when you are just trying to learn standard Mandarin.
As others have said, laziness is a big factor as well as knowing others who already speak Chinese or relying on a wife/husband.


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