2023-12-14 翻译熊 6628

America’s Buried History of White Slavery


Shamu says:
@Anon That was a leftover from British colonial rule, which in the most important sense actually never ended in Canada. People who needed farm labor, or at times logging or even small mine labor or sticking shelves and cleaning, would buy such orphans. They were not adopted for love of family, and that was not on the adopting families. They too were poor and easily ground into dust by the WASP system. They required cheap labor to maximize survival. So the easiest way was to adopt an orphan or two and work them even harder than their own children were worked.
And the propaganda that still wants that buried is the same propaganda that is itching to promote any lie that Catholic orphanages murdered no telling how many children, especially Indian children.
Anglo-Zionism is the heart of the problem.
And you can bet that every auction, there were paid actors for the Government whose job was to drive down the prices. The Yankee or Saxon trader historically has the same reputation as the Jewish trader: lying cheat of the worst sort.


anon[209] · Disclaimer says:
@Anon Holy shit. Blacks were bid on higher and higher.. while Whites were bid on lower and lower. It just can’t get more fucked up than that. Can you imagine what all was done to these kids? Stuff like this makes me loathe Whites much more than Jews. Jews didn’t do things like this to their own. At least they had the fucking decency to circle the wagons to outsiders even if they inwardly treated each other bad. Whites are fucking traitors.


Son of a Jedi says:
Makes painful reading


gidoutahere says:
@Son of a Jedi Indeed. During the “Civil” War ships from Ireland would dock in the New York Harbor and offload Irish teenagers which were promptly attired in unx Army uniforms and sent to the nearest battles. Lincoln hung quite a number of these boys as “deserters”. See the great actor Anthony Quinn’s biography. Quinn’s father slipped away from this draft and headed west on foot and didn’t stop until the people turned brown. Quinn’s father married a Mexican woman who went into California to birth Anthony so he could be an American.


Observator says:
thousands of the contracts would have survived and our museums would be full of them
Very good observation. As a rare book dealer, I have seen and handled many colonial era indentures (the word is simply the archaic term for contract) regarding land sales and rental, but never have had or heard of one dealing with servitude. Supposedly, the tradition was to burn them on completion of the term, but still, at least some would surely have survived.
The American colonies began as private commercial ventures, chartered by London stock companies, financed by shareholders who expected a return on their investments. Slavery was fundamentally every capitalist’s wet dream, a system that legalized the theft of employees’ wages. Slavery for Africans became prominent because so many whites were able to run away and blend in with the communities they fled to, while dark skin could not be easily concealed. Old newspapers also contain many ads for runaway indentured servants that are little different from runaway slave notices. Interestingly the Constitution does not use the term “slaves” but rather “persons from whom service is due” which covers a lot more ground.


Emslander says:
@Observator I have to question this interpretation of the contracted servitude immigrants. Anything so pervasive as you describe would be subject to much litigation. In all the history and law sources I’ve studied for three university degrees, I’ve never seen a single case.
On the other hand, black slavery and slaveholding has been the subject of some of the most important legal precedents in the jurisprudence.


mermaid says:
There should also be a discussion about the Chinese slave trade and poisoning of a nation from opium which the same Khazars introduced into china. The current Fentanyl crises seem to be a payback from China. The Chine sllaves were treated much worse then the black and Irish slaves. And again: the Khazars were the perpetuators.


Thomasina says:
@mermaid There have been some excellent articles posted at this site on the devastation of the opium trade in China.
I have a hunch that the current Fentanyl crisis in the U.S. is being led and financed by the very same tribe of perpetrators that caused the opium crisis in China.
If China were solely responsible for the Fentanyl crisis and the U.S. government were truly opposed to this loss of American lives, you can bet this news would be plastered all over the Western media 24/7, but it’s not. They would have stopped this practice dead in its tracks if they wanted it stopped, but they don’t.
While no doubt there are some Chinese players getting rich from this trade, the facilitators, the powerful people allowing it to happen, must be making a fortune and don’t want to see it ending any time soon. It’s got nothing to do with “payback”, but everything to do with an easy way for the powerful to make money. This time it just happens to be American lives being lost.
When you read history and follow the money to the top, it’s the same thing over and over again: ordinary people suffer, their lives are destroyed, whole countries are destroyed, while the wealthy are laughing all the way to the bank.


Commentator Mike says:
@mermaid Indians and Sri Lankans were also kidnapped/cheated into slavery under guise of “indentured labourers”


Malla says:
Nobody was kidnapped, this is pure B.S. such practices would have been easily possible by a Mughal Government but not by a British Imperial Government of its time.
Indian migrants were brought to a magistrate’s office, where the emigration agreement is read to them, and, if they assent, is executed. They then proceeded from their district to the depot at Calcutta or Madras, where the conditions of service are again explained to them, and they were always at liberty to withdraw if they wished. The system of indenture imposed obligations and conferred rights both on employer and labourer. The penalties which either employer or labourer incurred for violation of the terms are set out in the agreement which the emigrant signed. The period of contract of an Indian emigrant who emigrated under the safeguards of the indenture system was mere five years.
A committee on this issue were impressed by the independent evidence as to the care and consideration with which employers generally treated their Indian labourers, but made a series of recommendations which were given careful consideration.
Indians went to the Caribbean because blacks after given freedom from slavery turned out too lazy and incompetent. Native Americans in the interior were more competent than blacks but were found “too proud” to work. Thus more industrious, hardworking and smarter Indian labourers had to be brought in. A few Chinese went too who were found even more industrious and hard working than Indians. Indian labourers were sent to Fiji as the natives were again lazy and incompetent. Indians have now taken over the economies of many Caribbean countries and the blacks screech and scream for being left behind and commit loads of crimes against Indians especially “muh dicking.” Indeed in Guyana or Trinidad, I do not remember, influenced by the Indian Independence Movement, the Indians there started an anti-colonial movement against Britain while Blacks supported continuation of British Rule to protect them against the more smarter and entrepreneurial Asian Indians. But now Indians run most businesses. similarly in Fiji, the native Fijians do not like Indian domination of their economy and one Fijian George Spreit even took over the country by a failed coup to kick all Asian Indians out.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ProudBLM says:
@Malla “Indians went to the Caribbean because blacks after given freedom from slavery turned out too lazy and incompetent“……Quote, This is a monstrous Indian LIE. You’re pushing nothing more than Indo Guyanese communist propaganda, after slavery ended the production of sugar actually exploded when the ex-slaves got PAID this was seen all over the W.I, agriculture work was the ONLY work these ppl knew for the past few generations, it was British planters who claimed in London that they didn’t want to be dependent on 1 ethnic group for their profits and began to try other groups until they found STARVING illiterate Indians suffering from constant famines and they jumped on board a ship going anywhere for the possibility of a FULL stomach, Indians in Jamaica Failed because Jamaicans would beat the shit outta Indians in public since the Jamaicans knew they were there to displace Afros economically & hinder their political rights hence Jamaica is a much better place than Guyana it has few Coolies to create political problems unlike Trinidad etc. Any black run Anglo Island state is STILL way better than any part of the pakistan & India, Bangladesh shithole and Indians NEVER started any “Independence” movement in the Caribbean stop with the constant gypsy LIES, You have been EXPOSED.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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