2023-12-27 翻译加工厂 14650
-------------译者:lilianliu13--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

If you travel into the suburbs of Hangzhou, you'll be greeted by a curious sight: a full-length replica of the Eiffel Tower, along with a knockoff Champs-?lysées from Paris to go along with it. There's nowhere else in the world that you could've found someone with enough money and a lack of common sense to build such a thing. Only in China, and I'm grateful for their strange decision.
In fact, there's not just a fake Eiffel Tower, there's also a fake England, Germany, and apparently even Wyoming. These unique property developments were all over the country, and I thought I'd go and check them out, starting with a fake London on the outskirts of Shanghai.

如果你来到杭州郊区,你会看到一个奇特的景象:一座艾菲尔铁塔的全长复制品,还有一座巴黎香榭丽舍大街的山寨版。 世界上没有任何地方能找到一个有钱又缺乏常识的人建造这样的东西。 只有在中国,我对他们的奇怪决定表示感谢。
事实上,不仅有假埃菲尔铁塔,还有假英国、假德国,甚至假怀俄明。 这些独特的房地产开发项目遍布全国各地,我想我应该去看看,先从上海郊区的假伦敦开始。

-------------译者:勇哥FK4E--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------






-------------译者:勇哥FK4E--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------


整个过程中,汤米的自尊心得到了彻底的按摩! "哦,你的中文说得太好了!""哦,你太帅了!"......汤米 "哦,停!......不,其实不要停"






对于那些被闪烁的灯光所迷惑的人:美国制造的相机/美国的照明设备的工作频率标准为 60Hz(当然,这可以在相机中更改),但中国使用的是 220V 50Hz 系统。因此,灯光在 50Hz 频率下闪烁时,由于与摄像机 60Hz 频率(NTSC)不同步,会产生混叠现象。这可以通过切换到适合您所处照明环境的频率来解决(在这种情况下,汤米应该切换到 PAL 50Hz)。
-------------译者:勇哥FK4E--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I love Hangzhou. I dont remember whether there was a high speed train from shanghai in my time. I always used to fly down. Last time I was there was shortly after they finished the Hongqiao airport. They rebuilt that airport - from being like a giant stalinist public toilet to brand new what it is today - in about 10 months.
I once had about 40 factory workers line up for a photo with me next to the lake one night. My mandarin was really bad back then so I have no idea why.
ps technically, Hangzhou was the capital of the southern song.

我爱杭州。我不记得我那个年代有没有从上海出发的高铁。我都是坐飞机去的。我最后一次去杭州是在虹桥机场完工后不久。他们用了大约 10 个月的时间重建了机场--从一个巨大的斯大林式公共厕所变成了现在的崭新模样。
有一天晚上,大约 40 名工厂工人在湖边排队和我合影。那时我的普通话说得很差,所以我也不知道为什么。
ps 严格来说,杭州是南宋的首都。

Damn those England town replicas look better, better maintained and cheaper than like 90% of the houses in England

该死的,那些英国小镇的复制品看起来比英国 90% 的房子都要好、维护得更好、更便宜

I love how you learn the basics in any language so quickly, but your Mandarin is so good this China tour is way more engaging even than usual. I really hope you can continue as planned without unnecessary interruption.

我喜欢你这么快就学会了任何语言的基础知识,但你的普通话说得这么好,这次中国之行甚至比平时更吸引人。 我真的希望你能按计划继续下去,不要受到不必要的干扰。

It is so enjoyable to see a foreigner speak the local language. And the locals are impressed. Great for international goodwill.

-------------译者:巧克力蛋高--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I am learning so much about China while watching these videos! I feel like I'm getting to travel the world each time I get to see one of your adventures! Thanks for all of this!


Your video is amazing! Not too much hate, also not too much praise. Just the pure reality, the good and the bad mixed together. There are always things you like and things you dont' like, that's the real world should look like.


Cool tour around these replica towns
Though small correction at 20:53 is that the metro pole says no digging without permission as the metro tunnel is underneath.


They failed to replicate all the crime.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I would love to visit China someday. Love the culture and love the food and Chinese people are so friendly! On my bucket list! Thanks for these great videos

我很想能有一天去访问中国。喜欢当地的文化还有美食!而且中国人真的超级友好!去中国已经列入我的人生目标清单了!感谢这些视频的拍摄! -------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I like how you travel confidently through China since you speak the language really good and folks all around complement you for that lol. I like watching your videos man. Keep the hard work and I would definitely like to join you on one of your trips throughout China.

我很欣赏你怀着自信穿越中国,由于你中文说得好周围的人都在称赞你 LOL。 老兄我喜欢你的视频。继续努力! 我绝逼愿意参加你的中国之旅

Your friend said exactly what I said a few weeks ago. Theres definitely less people around now than in 2019. My town was always busy, roads all blockedwith cars, but since 2020 the roads are a lot emptier and less people around. Im in the Uk.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I like how you show us around, and you tell us some history about these places, definitely appreciate that.


I thought these places were like theme parks, with miniature versions of European cities/countries.


Definitely did not expect anything remotely close to this madness!

-------------译者:一路 向北--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I never realized China was so beautiful. I spent a year in Russia and thought China might reflect the same austerity. Man, was I wrong. Bucket list stuff, now. One love from Boca.


Damn I need to visit China asap to boost my confidence. I can’t wait to see you travel all the way through China, so excited!


Fascinating. As a Brit. at first glance I would almost have been fooled by that London area.


Faux Paris was a bit bleak, but fake London looked quite lively. On the surface, the Tudor-style buildings are well designed. Are they tofu dreck? But a 90-minute rush-hour drive to Shanghai centre would be too much.


Hey Sabbatical. I really enjoy your videos. Extremely interesting and they allow me to travel vicariously through you. I was hooked with your Africa series and I continually look forward to reach and every upload

-------------译者:wtmk--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Kinda wild to see a version of the Eiffel tower without all of the annoyed French that complain on all of the tourists, trying to take selfies with it

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

During Song Dynasty… coz of the emperor fled to Hangzhou from Northern foreigner invaded… he then temporarily settled in Hangzhou…. later he changed the name of this city as Linan (meaning Temporary safety settled down) ; after the war was ended…. After he returned to the capital palace…. Then Hangzhou was name again…. there was still a town by the name of Linan, just beside Hangzhou… now become suburbs of Hangzhou.


Anyone else think the house is expensive? I’m saying this as someone who lives in California so needless to say I’m used to being sticker shocked in the other direction when I see things from other countries. I thought he was going to say like $1500 a month tops. I guess China is much more expensive in some parts than I thought.

-------------译者:lilianliu13--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I think this is a great idea if you want to keep people from traveling. You get the culture, kind of, and never leave your country.


Another reason for these crazy projects... Small property developers trying to bank on mass expansion to the out lying areas of major cities. Buying up these big plots of land were dirt cheap. The central government started to get wind of this and came out with certain policies to force developers to develop the land within a specific amount of time or they have to give it back or get fined. Cheaper to build a theme park then actually build apartments I guess.
Another thing they didn't see coming was the sudden decision to develop the surrounding third and fourth tier cities after the development of the high speed rail networks. Instead of the burgeoning suburbs model... The central government in a way gave the greedy property developers the finger.

另一个让他们始料未及的情况是,在高速铁路网开发之后,他们突然决定开发周边的三四线城市。而不是新兴的郊区模式...... 中央在某种程度上对贪婪的房地产开发商竖起了中指。

Love this touring and your talking with ordinary Chinese! Just as I remember it, the Chinese people are very nice and hospitable!

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

You are lucky to have a ticket for the shanghai-hangzhou HSR, people are complaining recently that every train on this line is full everyday!


很赞 27