网友热议:美国人口众多,但 GDP 却高得离谱,原因何在?
2024-01-13 平平躺平 6302

GDP is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period by a country. The short answer is lots of money changing hands equals high GDP. The US has, makes, and buys lots of stuff

GDP 是一个衡量国家在特定时期内所生产的全部最终商品和服务市场价值的货币指标。简单来说,大量资金交易意味着较高的 GDP 水平。美国拥有庞大的生产和消费规模,买卖了大量的商品和服务。

Maybe you can explain GDP by PPP to me, too, while you're at it. I've always been confused about that


Nation X's GDP per capita is $1000.
Now say McD burger in US costs $5. But you can get same burger for only $2.5 in X.
Now the effective PPP of nation X is $2000. That means a US dollar in X has twice the purchasing power than in US.


Other folks explained this well but I have a short version of this that I like to use. GDP per capita is how many hamburgers you can buy on vacation (equal costs for all countries) PPP is how many hamburgers you can buy at home (local price differences factored in)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you have ever heard of “brain drain,” or when talented people leave undesirable places to make their lives better…
They move here


The United States is indeed the richest major economy with the wealthiest citizens in the world. Literally almost all major innovations in past 40 years originated there and the high standards of living attract the best and brightest to move there while causing brain drain in other countries

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What attracts people to go there is not the standard of living, but the salaries. And a lot of these people also leave after making some money there, and go back to their more comfortable countries


The US does serve as a key talent flow destination but it’s important to recognise that the true picture needs to account for the fact that it’s really four countries — the US, UK, Canada, and Australia — that serve as the collective epicentre of talent flow into the OECD (source).


Anglo Sphere >>>


It’s been the epicenter of the world’s economy for a long time. It’s absurdly productive and innovative. Not sure why this would be a surprise.


Plus now we’re a petrol state.


We’ve been a petrol state since oil came on the scene in the 1870s.
1870s-1950 the US held close to a worldwide monopoly, producing the majority of the worlds oil for the better part of 7 decades.
The US has produced more oil in its history than any other country BY FAR.
We have a diversified economy so we’re not the classic “petrol state” . Some may nitpick that.
It is, however, inarguable that the US’ early oil monopoly and generally high levels of production throughout history have shaped its history. Most people do not understand the gravity of that. It is a massive reason why mass adoption of the automobile happened here before everywhere else and to a greater degree. Oil was significantly cheaper and more available here for decades.
Building an economy on cheap oil that became reliant on it is a huge reason that oil is subsidized today.

自 19 世纪 70 年代石油出现以来,我们就一直是一个石油国家。
19 世纪 70 年代至 1950 年,美国几乎垄断了全球石油生产,在长达 70 年的时间里生产了世界上大部分的石油。
我们的经济多元化,所以我们不是典型的 "石油国家"。有人可能会对此吹毛求疵。

Oh, and all the biggest major oligarchs in the world are there. And oil. And massive defense spending. And pharmaceutical companies. And massive tracts of agribusiness. And a huge slice of the worlds finance industry. Did I mention the oil?


Technology and geographic advantage.
We are always going to be a an ocean of food, surrounded by vast mountain ranges of mineral that sit atop of lake of oil and a navigable river system.
And the dirtiest of secrets...if the world goes to shit in the fires of wars and geopolitics...we benefit.


A shitload of oil helps a lot. (US is the no1 producer)


Pretty easy to point to this shift during WW1 - the world banking/finance essentially moved from London to NYC during that time.


And devastated every other world power while the US was basically unscathed. Refugees also left the old world by the millions and never returned.


because after WW2 it was one of the very few places that wasn't bombed to shit. it was also the only industrialized place in the world that was not only functioning but profited immensely from the war, while other countries such as the UK were drowned in debt to the US from the war.


Also to add that the US dollar is the world reserve currency (commodities are largely priced and sold in dollars). That means in essence America gets stuff for free from the rest of the world.
And don’t forget that the US government runs massive deficits (which are paid for by the rest of the world), which has the effect of increasing GDP. The deficit currently sits at around $1.7 trillion.
And add to this that the US military is how the US maintains its dollar hegemony. This spending is precisely why high tech industries blossomed there in the 20th century - thus putting them at the front seat of global innovation.
Tons of other reasons too but the US wouldn’t have such a high GDP per capita if it weren’t for the US dollar being so widely accepted (whether by force or by virtue).


1.Military and other goverment spending
2.Economic activicy done be foreigner inside US
This is also why Qatar GDP is so high


The USA has the largest contiguous chunk of good farmland in the world. Overlaid with that chunk is the best river network in the world. Along its coast is the greatest amount of safe harbor real estate in the world.
These are the things that generate wealth. We have more of them than anyone else.


Atlantic and Pacific frontiers and what you said. History has always favoured island nations. This is what a well defended island nation looks like in the 21st century. I know, I live in Canada


And because of all those safe harbors it necessitates the most powerful navy I. The world.
And duw to that the US has it in their best interest to police the ocean to keep them safe. It's absurd how luck the United States got it was practically impossible for them to not become the uncontedted global super power


How on earth are you defining "best river network in the world"?
Average distance to navigable watercourse?


Longest navigable river system, interconnectivity to 28 states, the Great Lakes, Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico.


Sure, the Mississippi is great, but best implies some level of comparison to other countries.
Longest isn't sensible, as a small country doesn't need such a long navigable river.


Love it or hate it the answer is capitalism

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

European shocked the USA is rich as fuck


Just a tax loophole used by big corporations to avoid paying taxes. Its only paper money - none of it goes to the people


Because the money in the US famously goes to the people


Meanwhile all Americans cry about the "rich and greedy" corporations when in reality US corporations pay some of the highest corp taxes in the world


Ngl as an American I am shocked at Ireland. How?


Ireland is one of the only countries in the world that actively discourages others from using their GDP measurements. They typically use a form of modified GNIinstead.


Right but the modified GNI is still very high.


US companies create an Irish subsidiary and claim that their profits occur there so that they can take advantage of the lower corporate tax rate.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And then most of that goes to one of the British channel islands for even less taxes.


A lot of money goes into ireland and is written as 'made in ireland' by corpos, but it leaves the country equally quickly and barely anything of it is left there. Their gdp is meaningless. Apple, google, microsoft, everyone.
But it does contribute to the worst housing situation in europe.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I wouldn’t say the low tax rate is even in the top 5 contributing factors for the housing crisis


Fiscal paradise.


Corporations sell intellectual property to themselves to avoid taxes, and Ireland is the best country to do it from


GDP stats padded by US multinationals “booking” revenue figures there from other countries mostly in Europe


Ignore Ireland, it's just a tax loophole for big companies - it doesn't necessarily mean the folks there are any better off.


USA is business-friendly and innovation-friendly. Easiest place to start and grow a business.


United States is a highly entrepreneural country. Many startups and new billion dollar companies are located in the US even foreign companies choose to invest there
Even the best workforce in Eastern Europe and Asia are seeking careers there
As of the moment, it's impossible for a rich companies to bypass the US. They may not invest in the UK, France or Japan but we're sure will try their best to become a major player in the US


People in this thread are correct that there are many start ups and billion dollar companies here, but they’re not mentioning why.
I would argue that the reason for this is that the United States is a significantly better place to be rich than any other country. For better or for worse, European nations are better at taxing their high net worth individuals.


US is the only absurdly rich country which is not a microstate, It has not always been like this, 20 years ago the US was pretty much as rich as the majority If other rich countries, explanation is that in the modern Tech Economy, winner takes all, all major tech companies are American and they have almost 100% of their respective markets, the exception is for Chinese companies, which are also large, but not by far comparable since they operate only on China.


Norway, Australia and Switzerland are rich countries


Norway is not a microstate and it’s absurdly rich , thanks to oil.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Norway also has a population roughly similar to the Atlanta metro area. It’s very small, with a lot of oil money.
Despite that, median income is higher in Mississippi (poorest US state) than Norway, or UK or France.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You could probably argue it is a microstate considering it houses some 5M people, little more than half the population of Switzerland
Unless by microstate you mean stuff like Luxembourg or Lichtenstein


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What differentiates the USA from the countries you mentioned is that it has over 300m people and still ranks so highly on monetary statistics. Those countries' populations don't go past 40 million individually and collectively don't add up to 50 million.


Way too many reasons but as an entrepreneur, I’ve found that the American culture cherishes consumption to a pathological degree. In my country, if you tell people that you have debt because of your shopping, they’ll call you insane. But in the US, people casually have thousands in credit card debt
I’ve found it ridiculously easy to sell things to American customers. Americans, to quote my cofounder, will “buy everything at least once.”


Americans have some of the highest wages in the world, this also when combined with the fact most Americans pay less taxes than those in contemporary countries, means you have 300 million people all buying more things like electronics, cars, homes, etc than Europeans.


Bro its the US of A how can you be surprised? There are reasons why its no. 1


High productivity. When you work 50+ hours a week at one or many jobs, this tends to build up per capita income. When you work 35 hours a week and have a months vacation a year, productivity drops.

生产率高。当你每周在一份或多份工作上工作 50 小时以上时,这往往会增加人均收入。当你每周工作 35 小时,而且每年还有一个月的假期时,生产率就会下降。

Productivity is based on output per hour so that’s why French & Dutch have higher productivity figures in Europe because of their absurdly low working hours


Oil, internet and dollar. And worker protection.
If you use the median income (PPP) than the US is still ahead (24k vs 20k most western nations). But not as extreme as it's often depicted.
Without their oil and tech companies and the huge trade dominance the average citizen would actually be poorer than the average western European.
Germans are actually richer by median income (PPP) if we adjust the working hours. With a average of 1340 working hours compared to 1810 hours, the average American works 1.35 times longer, but only earns 1.2 times more.
And last but not least: many rich people. It's a similar effect to tax havens, that have a distorted GDP. The average American isn't rich, it's just that the really rich people are rich enough to live for millions.


I remember about 60% of USA's GDP comes from the domestic demands which means they normally purchase and consume much more than other countries, at the inflated price. They have oil, tons of goods and services to export but always report a big trade deficit...


The US had massive unproductive economic sectors that inflates its GDP.


The greenback printing machine and a very strong military also help a lot explain that.


Despite a lot of the doom and gloom, the United States of America is still insanely good at producing wealth. It should not have as much inequality as it has but it’s still not as unequal as other countries and even so, its poorest state (Mississippi) is still richer than most countries.
China is slowing down and the U.S. actually has a chance to revitalize itself this decade to keep being the top economy in the world for the rest of the century.
Its economic model is just too good at producing wealth and more countries should copy the good they do as much as they can. They’re a democracy and capitalist and that makes them very productive. Most of their citizens are productive, innovating, creating, trading, working.
The U.S. can learn some good things from Europe and other countries (like healthcare and better cities and urbanization) but overall, they’re better than most at everything else.


Surprised non of the top comments point out that the dollars value is artificially inflated due to its reserve status. So in GDP (nominal) terms it's unfairly flattering to the US.


Vast land area, vast natural resources, extremely defensible position with no countries who could even hope to threaten them militarily without triggering MAD, institutions and culture that encourage relatively free movement of people and resources, institutions that favour innovation and improvement in technology, science, production, extraction, transportation, and everything else that makes an economy tick. Additionally, due to the high quality of life and incentives for innovation and ambition, they are a magnet for the worlds highly educated and talented people.
In summary, and in no particular order:
Natural resources


US big country. Much land. Much cattle. Much river. Very industrious. Many immigrant. Big home market. Many company. Much capitalism.


Don't forget that the United States has the so-called unrestricted money printing machine called the Federal Reserve and can support such because USD is the world's reserve currency, thus its government budget deficits can be financed by foreign purchases of US Treasury bonds, so this is the reason why the US is insanely rich, GDP per capita wise, relative to its population size.


It's in fact fairly flattering. The US has earned that status by being the world's largest, strongest economy for 150 years. And it has been the only truly comprehensive superpower in world history (the USSR was a malfunctioning joke by comparison and largely a paper bear). China is the only nation that could potentially rival the US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And now, the EU and China both have a larger manufacturing output than the US.


And? Is that supposed to mean anything? US economy is still quite a bit larger than both (over 25% larger than the EU combined, even some 30% larger than China) The reason for the apparent lower industrial output would be that the US has rather switched to that sweet sweet tech industry.
(Though I would like to ask your source about the EU manufacturing output vs the US, China is quite obvious of course)
And if our data tells us anything, the EU has no chance whatsoever catching the USA in terms of economy. China might.

然后呢?这能说明什么吗?美国的经济总量仍然比欧盟和中国都大得多(比欧盟的总和大 25%,甚至比中国大 30%)。

With all its flaws, the US has a culture and structure that somehow seems to allow innovation to flourish, more than almost any other country. And the result is the huge economic impact of the goods and services that is produced by the country that are wanted by not only Americans but much of the rest of the world.


The GDP does not indicate wealth. Fuel burned uselessly in a traffic jam increases the GDP. Having cancer or diabetes increases the GDP. Owning a weapon, digging a hole increases the GDP, as does filling it back in. Cutting one's own hair does not. All unnecessary expenses or if everything is expensive make the GDP high.


The upper middle class in the US is insanely prosperous. Great for them. The lower middle class not so much compared to the EU. One in five lower middleclass Americans will experience medical bankruptcy during their lifetime, they work much harder and longer – and have less chance of providing their kids with a good education. Having said that, all Europeans admire the US on several levels, and we depend on it to be a beacon for the free world. In this context Trump with his 'America First', Putin-filia and flimsy policies is really bad news.

美国的上层中产阶级富得流油。这对他们来说很好。与欧盟相比,中下层阶级就没那么幸运了。每五个中下层美国人中就有一个会在有生之年遭遇医疗破产,他们工作更加辛苦、时间更长,而且给孩子提供良好教育的机会也更少。尽管如此,所有的欧洲人在多个层面上都钦佩美国,并依赖美国作为自由世界的灯塔。在这种背景下,特朗普所秉持的 "美国优先"、"普京主义 "和脆弱的政策主张对于国际社会而言确实是个坏消息。

There are some huge hidden taxes of the U.S. compared to other countries. There is a comparatively weaker social safety net. Homelessness is a bigger problem in the U.S. compared to many European nations. Healthcare and post secondary education are two others. A minor issue in the U.S. election has been forgiveness of university-related student loans. Something like 15% of American bankruptcies are related to healthcare.
If you factor in every American's budgeting and costs associated with these three contingent expenses, Americans aren't very wealthy.


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