2024-01-18 翻译熊 5389
Ronald Keeva Unz(生于 1961 年 9 月 20 日)是一位美国科技企业家、政治活动家、作家、出版商和大屠杀否认者。翁茨曾是一名商人,在进入政坛之前成为硅谷的千万富翁。他在1994年加州州长选举中作为共和党人竞选州长,并在2016年竞选美国参议员,但均未成功。
自 2013 年起担任《Unz Review》的出版商和编辑,该网站自称呈现“在很大程度上被美国主流媒体排除在外的有争议的观点”。该网站被反诽谤联盟批评为包含种族主义和反犹太主义内容,南方贫困法律中心将其标记为白人民族主义出版物。 Unz 还因资助VDARE和其他被指控白人至上主义的出版物而受到批评。——维基

Last month I explored the historical origins of the State of Israel and the intertwined expulsion of the Palestinian refugees from their ancient homeland. During this discussion, I emphasized the crucial role that the Jewish Holocaust had played in justifying and facilitating those momentous events of three generations ago. I read or reread more than a dozen books for my long review article, and also glancingly mentioned an additional one, which I’ve now digested as well. My main focus had been on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and The Seventh Million by Tom Segev only slightly touched on that topic. But his descxtive subtitle “The Israelis and the Holocaust” suggested a related subject of inquiry that proved quite fruitful.

链接:《纳克巴和大屠杀》(The Nakba and the Holocaust)

Born in 1945, Segev is generally regarded as one of Israel’s leading journalists, the author of numerous widely-praised histories regarding Israel’s origins and its various wars. Although his 1991 bestseller was controversial, the back cover carried glowing praise from such top Israeli figures as Abba Eban and Amos Elon, as well as important Holocaust scholars such as Prof. George L. Mosse and leaders of the Jewish diaspora such as Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel. I found it quite enlightening, though perhaps not entirely in the way the author intended. Even aside from its main theme, the first chapter provided some extremely useful information. Back in 2018, I’d drawn upon the shocking research found in the books of maverick leftist Lenni Brenner to publish a long article on the surprising relationship between the various Zionist factions and Nazi Germany, which spent most of the 1930s working together in a close economic partnership that laid the basis for the creation of the State of Israel.


Although Brenner’s documentary research seemed rock-solid and had never been seriously challenged, I’d always had a few slight doubts at the back of my mind. I had wondered whether such utterly astonishing facts could really be true and yet remained totally concealed for generations by virtually all of our journalists and academics, but Segev’s brief discussion completely put those concerns to rest. Segev is a very mainstream pro-Zionist Israeli writer and he probably despised Brenner, a radical anti-Zionist Trotskyite, never mentioning the name of the latter anywhere in his nearly 600 pages of text. But Segev drew upon the same underlying archival sources to fully confirm all of Brenner’s most incendiary historical claims and even added a few additional ones, though all of this similar material was obviously presented in a very different fashion.


By the 1920s the mainstream leftist Zionist movement was heavily influenced by Marxism and led by Russian-born David Ben-Gurion, who modeled himself after Lenin, but those Zionists still eagerly formed a 1930s economic partnership with Nazi Germany based upon an obvious commonality of interests. Hitler was eager to encourage the departure of Germany’s problematical 1% Jewish minority while the Zionists were just as eager to receive them, along with the huge infusion of financial and industrial capital they could provide. During this period, important SS leaders including Adolf Eichmann were invited to Palestine as honored Zionist guests and then published their flattering accounts of the successful development activities of their Zionist partners in Joseph Goebbels’ leading Berlin Nazi newspaper. Some Zionist leaders reciprocated, traveling to Germany for very friendly meetings with their Nazi counterparts, and they reported how well the Jews of that country seemed to be doing despite Hitler’s supposedly harsh new regime.


Indeed, Segev’s figures demonstrate the enormous prosperity of German Jews, explaining why the Zionists were so eager to arrange for them to relocate to impoverished Palestine. The Nazis agreed that every such Jewish emigrant could take with him the present-day equivalent of $200,000 in foreign currency, plus another $250,000 or more in German merchandise. These were huge sums for what had been the desperately poor society of Weimar Germany, and such Jewish wealth had obviously been one of the major sources of anti-Semitic resentment in that country.


If the main Zionist groups cooperated with Nazi Germany on purely utilitarian grounds, their right-wing Zionist rivals had more ideological motives since they had modeled their movement after that of Mussolini, and always regarded themselves as fascists as did their bitter opponents. Many of these Zionists even considered Hitler’s notorious anti-Semitism as a mere political blemish rather than as an insupportable obstacle preventing their admiration. In 1933 a leading Zionist writer ranked the German dictator among the world’s “shining names,” alongside Mussolini, Ataturk, and the various other right-wing heroes of his movement, while another Zionist figure had loudly declared that “Hitler saved Germany.” Even after World War II began, one of these Zionist factions led by a future prime minister of Israel repeatedly sought to enlist in the Axis Powers, hoping to join the military alliance led by Hitler and Mussolini.


One of the interesting points made by Segev is that although a large majority of ordinary Jews around the world were intensely hostile to Hitler’s regime, the leadership of most of the different Zionist factions quietly became fierce competitors for German patronage, with those that lost out then sometimes hypocritically denouncing the Nazi affiliations of their more successful rivals. These bitter words led to the 1933 assassination of one of the top mainstream Zionist leaders in Palestine at the hands of his right-wing critics.


Although this Nazi-Zionist partnership was controversial at the time, it obviously became much more so following the Axis defeat and the concerted Allied effort to demonize the Nazis through the Nuremberg show trials and other propaganda spectaculars, so the newly established State of Israel made every effort to hide this dark secret of its recent past. When those 1930s historical facts later threatened to leak out in the mid-1950s due to the legal problems of an important Israeli political figure, the man was assassinated, and Segev suggested that Israel’s government had probably arranged the killing in order to permanently shut his mouth.


After that rather surprising first chapter, the bulk of Segev’s narrative shifts to a very different topic, namely Israel’s tangled relationship with the Holocaust, the deliberate extermination of some six million helpless Jewish civilians by Nazi Germany, mostly in the gas chambers of various World War II concentration camps. On these basic facts, the author’s views seem absolutely conventional ones, and at several points he notes the bestial cruelty of the diabolical Nazi plan to erase all Jews from the world. But although references to the Holocaust, gas chambers, or the most famous concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Treblxa, Sobibor, and Dachau are sprinkled across a large fraction of all these pages, Segev largely avoids discussing the details of that industrial slaughter, apparently assuming that all of his readers are thoroughly familiar with the standard narrative account produced by modern Holocaust scholarship, which began in the wake of Raul Hilberg’s seminal 1961 volume.


Ironically enough, Segev notes that as of the date of his writing, Hilberg’s classic work still remained untranslated into Hebrew, probably because it had reported that all those many millions of Jews had willingly gone to their deaths, shepherded by their own community leadership and without ever showing any signs of active resistance.


However, Israeli society is unusual in that such a substantial fraction of its founding population consisted of postwar Holocaust survivors, “the seventh million” of Segev’s title, individuals who had themselves passed through the various Nazi death camps. Therefore, their gripping personal accounts seem to have provided much of the understanding of those momentous events for the Israeli public, including Segev himself, who was born just weeks before Hitler’s suicide and the collapse of his German regime.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Perhaps because Segev’s first chapter documented the close Nazi-Zionist partnership of the 1930s, which might disconcert his readers, he preceded this discussion with a Prologue that recounted the utter horrors of the Holocaust that soon followed chronologically. He focused upon the books of a particular Auschwitz survivor named Yehiel De-Nur, who had spent two years at that notorious death camp, and although the name of that writer means little in America these days, he became a celebrated postwar author in Israel.


Although all of De-Nur’s several autobiographical volumes were published under a pseudonym and his true identity remained concealed for many years, his works constituted some of the earliest Holocaust literature in Israel and were hugely influential in bringing the horrifying details of that catastrophe to Israeli popular attention, with a special literary prize established in his honor, awarded every two years by Israel’s president.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indeed, Segev explained that he and most other Israeli teenagers of his generation first learned the extremely disturbing details of the Holocaust from De-Nur’s books, so when he managed to arrange a personal interview with the author, he did so with great trepidation. De-Nur’s writing had always emphasized the sadistic acts that were a daily part of life at Auschwitz, including the widespread sexual abuse of young Jewish boys and girls by their Nazi captors, and Segev describes the works as considerably pornographic.


According to Segev, De-Nur had been a young Yeshiva student in pre-war Poland with huge literary pretensions, desperately trying to get his writing into print when the war came along and he ended up at Auschwitz. De-Nur later claimed that Eichmann had personally condemned him to that fate so he served as a leading witness at the 1961 Eichmann trial, with his testimony ended in a fainting spell, supposedly reflecting the unspeakable personal memories that still haunted him even decades later.

奥托·阿道夫·艾希曼 (1906年3月19日 – 1962年6月1日) 是纳粹德国-奥地利人,党卫军军官,大屠杀的主要组织者之一。)


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