“了解到美国政府的真实面目真是令人难过。 ”网友评论“杰弗里·萨克斯:美国正在忽悠欧洲进入另一场战争”
2024-02-04 遐怪 8600

All necessary measures have been on the table for a long time. There is no need for a new international process but for concrete implementation under international leadership. The two conflicting parties are unable to find a solution on their own. The leadership should unquestionably rest in the hands of the United Nations, which should decide, as a first concrete step, to admit the state of Palestine as a full member. Following that, the war in and around Gaza should be ended as quickly as possible, with international peacekeeping forces monitoring and ensuring it.

所有必要的措施早已摆在桌面上。 不需要新的国际进程,而是需要在国际领导下具体实施。冲突双方无法自行找到解决办法。毫无疑问,领导权应掌握在联合国手中,作为第一个具体步骤,联合国应决定承认巴勒斯坦国为正式成员。此后,应在国际维和部队的监督和保障下尽快结束加沙及其周边地区的战争。

A crucial component of the Sachs Plan involves establishing a "UN Reconstruction and Sustainable Development Funds" with a proposed budget of at least 160 billion USD. It is intended to be primarily financed by a significant reduction in international military expenditures.

萨克斯计划的一个重要组成部分是建立“联合国重建和可持续发展基金”,拟议预算至少为1600亿美元。 其资金主要来自国际军事开支的大幅削减。

Jeffrey Sachs recognizes the need for a radical shift in U.S. Israeli and Middle East policy. He sees potential for this change, as the U.S. population increasingly disagrees with their government's aggressive foreign policy, supported by numerous opinion polls. He hopes that this pressure, combined with actions from the international community (given that a large majority of UN member states support the immediate admission of Palestine to the United Nations), will compel the U.S. administration to break free from the influence of powerful lobbies in Washington. From Europe, he hopes for a distancing from the growing dependence on the U.S.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In conclusion, it is a logical and well-thought-out plan, lacking only one thing: the necessary courage from the international community to finally address a concrete solution to the longest-standing unresolved international problem. The overwhelming majority of the international community is, however, ready for such a solution.


Professor Sachs is exactly right. It's really sad, horrible, what the US is doing to Europe, and making money doing it.


If the west has more scholars like Prof Jeffrey Sachs who can speak out bravely, the world would be more peaceful and all mankind would be more fortunate than present.
Many thanks to Prof. Jeffrey Sachs !


Excruciatingly painful truth for Europe's leaders. A call to its people to stop being cringing vassals. Thanks professor.


Europe has become a spineless embarrassment.


The more you listen to Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the more you respect him for his views, his practical solutions for the geopolitical ills, his person; God Bless him and his family, amen


He is 200% right, Europe is just going the wrong direction


Mr. Sachs is right - as always. I regard him a very important beacon in these dark times. Unfortunately, it only adds to the depression that this deeply competent man isn't being listened to. Has his clear and insightful speech in the UN had any effect? Does it matter that criminal politicians became unpopular? There are still here, Blair, Cameron, Rasmussen.
I deeply admire - and envy - people with hope and optimism. I urge Mr. Sachs not to lose faith, as I did.


I always enjoy listening to Professor Jefferey Sachs’ well-informed opinions. He is working tirelessly for global peace and development for all humanity.


Jeffrey Sachs continues to be a Voice of Reason in this chaotic, impossible and disheartening world right now.


So grateful for Jeffrey Sachs. A voice of truth, wisdom and sanity in these deeply disturbing times.


As a European, I can tell you truthfully that the public knows. This is why dissenting heads of state like Orbán enjoy increasing popularity. This is why the extreme right wins everywhere. There is a huge disconnect between the political dictum and the truth, and between the will of the people and political action. We are just powerless to help it.


Spain has taken the lead by refusing to go the Red Sea and stated against the atrocities of Israel. It's getting interesting here.


I'm in the UK and I wish our government would listen to this. But they've chosen to ignore the plight of the people of Palestine and follow Israel and America.


Mr. Sachs, Thank You for working so hard to stop these terrible wars and massacre in Gaza. I am a nobody and I have NO power to do anything to make the killing stop. I am Very Grateful to you for traveling around the World to speak with people who can make this killing stop. I send you strength, gratitude and the correct words to be heard!


What makes Prof. Jeffrey Sachs even more admirable when he stood up and spoke out against Israel's horrific crimes against Palestinians in Gaza as well as against the complicity of the U.S. government in those violations of universal human rights is the fact that surprisingly he is of Jewish lineage himself. Ladies and gentlemen, Prof. Sachs is very much a beacon of hope for all of us in this very dark time in the history of the world where injustices are rife and committed by Western powerhouses in contempt of world public opinion.


Dutchman in Amsterdam here, European politicians and press don't dare to say a peep about the US blowing up our Nord Stream pipeline. Nord Stream is 9% Dutch, 9% French, 31% German and 51% Russian. We all need it for clean, inexpensive, dependable energy. A huge investment. A friendly multilateral undertaking.
Even our "environmentalists" are silent. Blowing up Nord Stream is catastrophic for the climate. The largest single methane release ever recorded.
A slap in the face from the US.
Pathetic that our politicians and press and environmentalists are too cowered to stand up for the people they are supposed to represent and to inform and to protect.


Because of much higher energy costs due to the sabotage, our elderly and people on a tight budget now have to decide between eat or heat.
Thanks State Department! Thanks Neocons! We won't forget this. Perhaps we need to find better friends. Perhaps we need to rebalance the whole situation and bring Russia into the fold.
Who's running the US? Have they no sense of consequences? Allies alienated. Enemies emboldened. Losing influence around the globe. C'mon, US! You can do better than this!
Who's running Europe? C'mon, Europe! We can do better than this!
Peace on earth and goodwill towards all people of good conscience.

谁在统治美国?难道他们不知道后果吗? 盟友疏远了。 敌人胆儿肥了。 失去全球影响力。 拜托,美国! 你本可以不这么贱的!

Professor Jeffrey Sachs I love listening to you. You are one of the few who have common sense and the courage to speak the truth. Thank you. May the year 2024 be favorable to you with health, so that you continue to raise awareness so that we do not fall for political lies. Pozdrav iz Slovenije


We have to clean our governments from curruption!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I agree with most of his reasoning, but the EU of the last 10-15 years mostly is the kind of EU that Washington wanted, rich but politically weak and malleable for Big Brother Uncle Sam. The EU has become more and more entwined with NATO, but in NATO the top dogs are the US and UK, none of which are part of the EU or even see themselves as "European" in any deeper sense - so mainland Europe really has handed over control over much of its strategic thinking and the choices about its own security to the Anglo-Saxons (more powerful because they have the military clout and are protected by the sea against any kind of regular land invasion). This has become more obvious than ever with the Ukraine war: the Euro elite is in on the side of NATO out of loyalty to the US, rather than because they love Kiev so much...
Honestly it's a kind of Stockholm syndrome of mainland Europe vs its controllers in London and Washington - and this clearly needs to end. I hope we will see some radical changes to the EU in the future (also, the current EU Commission, headed by Ursula and Josip Borrell, pretty much are Washington assets: there isn't much difference between their view of the world and that of Victoria Nuland)


Ireland has always been an Honourable Country with Great Humanity.
The EU knows this only too well.


You really know what the irony is of it all: Israel by itself is more respected and listen to by the US, than all of the EU, the UK, and the rest of it put together! For instance, Israel does not have to be a NATO member, to be the most respect NATO member for the US! Which European NATO member would ever get the backing that the US provides for Israel: none! It is even fair to claim that both the US and Israel are just the same thing! Israel is even more important to the US, than the US itself for itself!


There is another question European leaders must ask themselves before supporting the ambitions of Israel and the US for another war in the Middle East. That question is, how many more refugees from that war can we accept?


" If you do as the Americans say, your economy is destroyed, your standard of living drops, you are joining a war you
don't need to fight, against a country who really isn't your enemy ....... " -- US Colonel Douglas Macgregor.
This is a tragic that Ukraine lost an entire generation of young men , under the direction of the US & UK politicians .
Europe should learn from this and keep distance from its US counterparts !


America is making money at the expense of European countries


Professor Sachs is such a kind man and uses such reasonable language, I'm almost embarrassed by the angry thoughts I have about the world right now. He's a better man than me.


A flailing U.S. economy and elevated global tensions reduce the likelihood of prolonged inflation or higher long-term Treasury yields. All my focus right now is how to safeguard and improve my $2m portfolio from market changes based on the conflict in the middle east.


Von der Leyen does everything the US wants, even when it is bad for the EU.


European politicians are weak and insipid. Clare Daly is the only one I can think of who speaks out, but unfortunately she speaks to a nearly empty chamber.


As an European, I would not be so worried by a come back of Donald Trump. The US foreign politics is almost the same with Democrats and Republicans at the White House, but the laters arise a certain reluctance of European political élites. It happened in the case of Iraq invasion and it was also remarkable during Trump´s period. In fact, the machinery of US foreign affairs administration is nowadays interchangeable, dominated by members of neo-con think tanks ( many of them anti-Trump republicans), and, surprisingly, the conflict in Syria that is mentioned arouse with Obama-H.Clinton and was attenuated when Trump came to the White House ( a conflict which was on the way to become a US-Russia direct confrontation). So, what we should say to our politicians is : we do not expect you to be humanitarian, but at least be sensible. Otherwise we will have more refugees crisis ( with thousands of people trying to cross the Mediterranean, not the Atlantic), that will dive more fuel to the extreme right and will harm further our economy.

所以,我们应该对我们的政治家说的是:我们不要求你们人道主义,但至少要理智。 否则,我们将面临更多的难民危机(成千上万的人试图穿越地中海,而不是大西洋),这将给极右翼注入更多燃料,并进一步损害我们的经济。

Realistic approach of the professor . There are people in the USA who speak the truth & have a realistic approach .


He is so absolutely correct. Look at Finland, for example. The politicians have all lost their minds here.


What a fine man you are, Mr. Sachs.


No country in the world has a right to exact a regime change on any country.


Thank You for this. Sooo important that Europeans understand, sadly very few do, and still believe the system, media and politicians are the same as they have always been, and trust the media, which is why they are getting away with it so far.


Excellent interview giving hope for a better, safer & more equitable future for mankind. Palestine needs state recognition first and foremost!


Very thought provoking and a positive discussions ...


Europe politicians also support the israeli politics. The change in their reactions about the war came only after israel killed enough people that gave them the feeling they took their revenge successfully. I will never forget their hypocrisy, never


Spot on analysis by professor Jeffrey Sachs


Timely critical analysis and discussion by forward thinking minds.


The main question to ask is:
" Why Israel has such a firm grip on American government, regardless who is in the White House?" Can anyone answer this simple question?


My best professor Mr Jeffery and former Australian Paul Keating this two man very wise person


Russia is European,
USA is not


Why is it that American foreign policies have mostly harmed the world. The present crises in Middle East also reflects this reality in a much greater way than ever before.


The psychological impact on the countries that were involved in the Cold War still continues today Japan and the European countries lost their back bones


It is so nice to listen to an intelligent and logical person.


Our EU politicians are easy to fool.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Overfunding the Military while neglecting funds in Education are key factors in how empires falls.


Prof Sachs is truly deserved of the Nobel Peace Prize. If ever someone that deserves this Nobel prize it’s him. But that will never happen as the Nobel Peace Prize has become totally political!!!


Another good show.
If Americans want their democracy back then it is extremely important and very long overdue for them to force, as the host Firtz Edlinger says, "the U.S. administration to break free from the influence of powerful lobbies in Washington." These lobbies have been taking the US to self destruction on many paths, on never ending wars through the arms/weapons lobby [the military industrial complex] the guns lobby and the Israeli lobby.
Ended on the right note too. "The Palestinian issue what is in history a colonial problem. It's one of the last unsolved colonial problems and it's more than 100 years after formerly colonialism was ended. It's time to deal with the remaining .. Israel Palestine one and this should be one of our ambitions to put this forward absolutely. This is right and it makes it possible to solve also" Colonialism has usually been, and this case too it can be, effectively solved only by dismantling it.


If the European Electorate including, that of my own here in Britain, don't Wake Up and change their Voting habits....they deserve everything they get. Simple.


I think there's more awareness in the USA about the disastrous state of US policy. The Europeans are not sufficiently used to thinking for themselves


Professor Sachs: do not wait for European politicians to get their act together. Europe is part of the US, it's done. We need to move on from the political system.


You’re so absolutely right! Living in Europe i see this after ww2.


If you are waiting for European leaders to do any of that,you will wait forever.


Except Sachs also blaming the US for Putin's invasion of Ukraine, he's right on the money on multiple fronts for me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sigmar Gabriel, former head of the SPD, said that the US/UK needed to do more to take care of the refugees from their wars in the ME. When he lost his job as foreign minister, he was given a job at the Atlantic Bridge thinktank. Today, he's spreads negative news about Russia.


Im from Europe an I agreed perfectly with you Prof. Sacks


To understand this, one must understand that the same people (the Anglo-American financial bankers) who control US congressional politics from the City of London created a project called the European unx. The US policy of perpetual war is obviously not good for European citizens, but it does serve the EU's cause.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Perfect, thanks so much from Germany! Important & true!


The world is tired and has been tired of the US for a long time now Prof...


us is very generous to the leaders of the vassal states, the amount that those leaders are receiving probably is unrefuseable to the extent that they compromise their souls to the devil, so for them it doesnt matter if the decission is good or bad for the nation, what is important for them is their personal income, its a once in a lifetime opportunity. Former Philippine president Fidel Ramos, cccording to the rumor has 6 malls in India, it takes billions to construct a mall, omg.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All we can do is " speak out" .We don't have arms but we have words! And sometimes words can be more powerful than arms!


I ve been saying this for a while and people think I am out of my mind

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

TRUTH falling on DEAF EARS


Voice of reason, resurface of common sense, and the good old “calling a spade a spade,” a buffet of once cherished global value.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s so sad to learn about the real face of American government. So sad! I thought it was an entity that stand for freedom and humanity.

了解到美国政府的真实面目真是令人难过。 好难过! 我曾认为它是一个代表自由和人性的实体。

Such a breath of fresh air


They might have decided to but never took any steps to do so


Europe has no one to blame but themselves, they didn’t want to spend on defense and the rest is history.


很赞 13