2024-02-05 驿路遛马 11856

Dr. Balaji Viswanathan
I have always had a positive experience with the Chinese. My experience with Chinese started in my college days - when I went to Singapore for an award ceremony and got a chance to interact with a number of students of Chinese origin.


In my Masters program in Baltimore, I developed close relationships with many more. One of them was an Indophile who would be there in every Indian event in campus. Both in my MS program and in my MBA program, some of my closest friends were Chinese students.


At Microsoft, my first mentor was a Chinese. And in one of my teams we had a Chinese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese-Canadian and me. It was an amazingly well-knit team. We used to joke about the alleged tensions that run between our cultures.


I thought maybe it is the overseas Chinese that are this friendly. Then in my recent visit to China, I was proven wrong. While the media in India [competing with the Global Times in China] was running jingoistic articles, I hardly found any tension in China.


People were polite and the policemen were friendly. When my teammate got lost in a street, the policeman gave a lift in his vehicle. In one of my bus journeys I was out of change and a poor gentleman paid my ticket with a smile. He didn’t know English, but shared a bond with me. When we met our suppliers they hosted us with sumptuous lunches [I could not accept that being a vegetarian]. A random girl in the street asked me about Krishna and was interested in our philosophy. I also found that getting visa for an Indian is easier than for an American or a Pakistani.


In short, this whole thing about the tension between Chinese and Indians is a fake thing. We get along so well in US, Canada and elsewhere. And we get along so well in China.The tension is between the two border forces trying to split their hairs on who owns a particular ridge and what did a piece of paper written in 1890 say.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At a time when we are talking about wars, it is time we start interacting people to people. Not diplomat to diplomat, not army to army, but common people to common people. Then you will find out how much in common with us. And how much there is mutual respect.
Make love, not war.


Siva NS
I'm living in Guangzhou, China for the past 6 months. Few observations:
There are more Indians in China (and not just the big cities like Beijing & Shanghai) than you might realize. Found this out on a new year party in an Indian restaurant.


2. Westerners are seen more in Indian restaurants than Indians or Chinese.

2. 在印度餐厅,西方人比印度人或中国人更常见。

3. Learnt about Tai Chi, which really is cool.

3. 学到了太极拳,真的很酷。

4. Get really strange looks from people in villages, especially young children, who might never have seen non-Chinese before.

4. 在村庄里会得到人们的奇怪目光,尤其是那些可能从未见过非中国人的年轻孩子。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5. Kids speak to you in English to practice their English, which they can't do with their parents who don't speak English.

5. 孩子们会用英语与你交流,以练习他们的英语,而这是他们不能与不会说英语的父母做的。

6. Public transport is amazing. The frequency of bus/train is really good.

6. 公共交通非常出色。公交车/火车的频率真的很好。

7. Want to visit a town that is 700kms away. How long would that take by train? 12hours, night train? Nope. 3hrs by train!!!

7. 想要去一个距离700公里的小镇。坐火车需要多长时间?12小时,夜间列车?不,只需要3小时!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

8. Crowd control in subways, amazing.

8. 地铁的人流控制非常出色。

9. Pinyin is still not the exact pronunciation. You think you have it right, but you are not.

9. 我汉语拼音仍然不是精确的发音。你以为你说对了,但实际上并没有。

10. People work hard.

10. 人们工作努力。

11. People smile.

11. 人们微笑。

12. People are kind and friendly.

12. 人们友善而友好。

13. Easier to bargain. Your skills honed in India comes handy.

13. 讨价还价更容易。在印度磨练出来的技能派上用场。

14. People in mainland China are much kinder & gentle than those in Hong Kong.

14. 中国大陆的人比香港的人更加善良和温和。

15. People take their health seriously.

15. 人们非常重视健康。

16. Chinese are blessed with natural fitness. They don't have to do any exercise and still remain very fit. A Chinese friend of mine explained it as 'it's in our genes'.

16. 中国人天生拥有良好的健康身体。他们不必进行任何锻炼,仍然能保持得非常健康。我的一个中国朋友解释说:“这是因为我们的基因好”。

17. China is not that different from India.

17. 中国与印度并不是大不相同。

18. That longing that if only India also grows as fast as China.

18. 如果印度也能和中国一样快速增长,那该多好。

19. The appreciation people show when you use Chinese words, xie xie!!

19. 当你使用中文向人表达感激之情时说,谢谢!!

20. Public smoking, especially in closed spaces like restaurants. Glad this was banned in India.

20. 公共场所能吸烟,尤其是在餐厅等封闭空间。很高兴这在印度被禁止了。

21. Hey, I know that mobile brand!! It's available in India too on flipkart!

21. 嘿,我认识那个手机品牌!它在印度也有,可以在Flipkart(印度最大的电商平台)上购买!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

22. Apple (not the fruit) is a big deal

22. 苹果(不是水果)很重要。

23. It's ok to make kids walk and not carry them everywhere.

23. 让孩子走路而不是到处背着他们是可以的。

24. Most of the children are being raised by their grandparents while the parents are busy with their career.

24. 大多数孩子都是由他们的祖父母抚养,而父母忙于事业。

25. You see a lot of old, very old people, and they are fit.

25. 你会看到很多老年人,非常老的人,而且他们身体健康。

26. The government destroys good roads and builds them again, just to create employment. Believe me, true story.

26. 政府会拆掉好的道路,然后重新建造,只是为了创造就业机会。相信我,这是真实的故事。

27. Flights are almost always delayed. People take it for granted that flights will be delayed and they plan their schedules accordingly. Hello Air China!!

27. 航班几乎总是延误。人们理所当然地认为航班会延误,并相应地安排他们的计划。你好,中国国际航空公司!

28. You get a lot of greens (leafy vegetables like spinach, coriander leaves etc) in the markets. But boy it is tough to get Mint (pudina).

28. 你在市场上可以买到很多绿色的食物(像菠菜、香菜等绿叶蔬菜)。但是薄荷叶很难找到。

29. You are vegetarian and will have trouble in China! Don't believe it. People here eat more vegetables than a lot of us.

29. 你是素食者,在中国会有麻烦!千万不要相信。这里的人吃的蔬菜比我们很多人还多。

30. What about all the 'Chinese eat snakes, frogs, lizards, cockroaches' hoopla. Don't believe any of it. They eat more of Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Sheep, Cow, Pig.

30. 那些‘中国人吃蛇、青蛙、蜥蜴、蟑螂’的喧嚣声,怎么说呢?不要相信其中任何一个。他们更多地吃鸡肉、鸭肉、火鸡肉、羊肉、牛肉、猪肉。

31. And by the way, my regular lunch place does server frog & dog among other meats. I trust the chef knows which meat I order for.

31. 顺便说一下,我的常用午餐地方提供青蛙和狗肉等其他肉类。我相信厨师知道我点的是哪种肉。

32. Yes, it is common to find dog meat 'curry' in restaurants. I hear this is more common in the Canton region.

32. 是的,在餐馆里常见到狗肉‘咖喱’。我听说这在广东地区更为常见。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

33. No, I haven't tried any exotic meat in China. I say in China. You can't hold against me that one time I had crocodile spring roll in London. OK, let's not talk about it.

33. 不,我在中国没有尝试过任何奇怪的肉类。我说的是在中国。你不能因为我在伦敦吃过一次鳄鱼春卷而责怪我。好吧,我们不要谈论这个。

34. It is easy/common to get Snake, Frog or Turtle meat. Just go to a meat market or a super market, see which snake/frog/turtle appeals to you (they are alive & kicking (ok, not so much kicking) in a water tank). Point your finger at it and you have your meat for lunch ready.

34. 很容易在肉市场或超市买到蛇、青蛙或乌龟肉。只需去肉市场或超市,看看哪条蛇、青蛙或乌龟吸引你(它们在水箱中活蹦乱跳)。指着它,你的午餐肉就准备好了。

35. The variety of fruits & vegetables available is refreshing.

35. 提供的水果和蔬菜种类繁多,令人耳目一新。

36.Places with 'Halal' sign brings images of Briyani & Kebabs to your mind. Not in China. But the 'pull noodles' that you get in these places is a killer. Pull noodles with potato, chillies, onion..yum yum.

36. 有‘清真’标志的地方让你脑海中浮现出香气扑鼻的印度香料米饭和烤肉的画面。但在中国不是这样。相反,在这些地方你可以尝到的‘拉面’才是绝妙的。拌有土豆、辣椒、洋葱的拉面,美味极了。

37.Chinese while speaking English answer your implied question and not the actual question. A typical conversation:
a.Me: Hi XXXX, would you mind translating this food menu for menu to find omlette? (expecting answers like No, No problem, Let me do it...)
b.XXXX: Yes
c.Me: (In mind voice:) oh, does that mean he minds doing it for me, so he won't do it?
d.Learning: XXXX answered the 2nd part of my question, which is 'translate the menu'.
e.To be kept in mind when someone is saying Yes or No.

37. 说英语时,中国人会回答你暗示的问题而不是实际的问题。一个典型的对话:

很赞 14