2024-03-08 兰陵笑笑生 12712

Is there a reason/something I'm missing that explains China being SO bad/ranked so low despite having over a BILLION people to generate a team from?


it still blows my mind that China isnt even remotely good, 78th in th eworld - they have over a BILLION people to choose from and if u look at a team like Brazil they suceed largely cuz theres talent ALL OVER south america but since they're the size/population of about 6 avg SA countries combined so itd be like taking the 4 best players from 5 diff SA nations...its wild that China's not even remotely competetive in football with a population that big
i know ping pong is actually the 2nd most played sport in the WORLD behind football mostly cuz of how big it is across asia but still, from research i just did though def fact check me - it says Basketball is number 1 and Football is #2 (table tennis is #3) so its not unpopular there by any means, i just cant understand how a nation as small as Qatar can reach the Asia Cup Final but China is nowhere NEAR their level despite having thousands of times the potential players in their they just invest NOTHING in their international football program? Was there a time they were dominant?
Genuinely curious - thanks for any info!

我仍然对中国的足球水平感到震惊,中国在世界上排名第 78 位,远远称不上好,毕竟他们有超过十亿的人口可供选择,如果你看看巴西这样的球队,他们的成功很大程度上是因为南美各地都有人才,但由于他们的大小/人口相当于 6 个普通南美国家的总和,因此这就像从 5 个不同的南美国家挑选 4 名最优秀的球员一样......中国的人口如此之多,却在足球方面毫无竞争力,这实在是太疯狂了。

There’s a lot more to it than populations, Uruguay a country of 3m people is more successful than Mexico of 120m both are football mad countries in similar regions and cultures.

乌拉圭是一个拥有 300 万人口的国家,却比拥有 1.2 亿人口的墨西哥更成功,这两个国家都是疯狂迷恋足球的国家,也有着相似的地域和文化。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

This shit kills me inside every time im reminded, the worst part is that unlike China, us Mexicans actually care about football but we have some deep rooted issues in our organization that hold us back


And USA, a country of 340m people, are shit. It’s all about football culture.

还有美国,一个拥有 3.4 亿人口的国家,足球却是一坨屎。这都是关于足球文化的。

Ehh America are getting decent actually, like totally not even on the same tier as the Chinese


USA is not shit in football, they are not good like many football superpowers. However, they have qualified for many WCs and even reached the Knockouts.
They are also ranked under 20 by FIFA I believe.

我相信他们在国际足联的排名也在 20 名以内。

Tbh reaching the world cup in concacaf shouldnt be very hard if they didnt qualify 10/10 times it would be very embarassing


I agree they are bad but not shit. They can beat China def

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Nobody gives a shit about football in China.
I'm Brazilian. There's a saying in Brazil that when someone is born, you decide which foot they'll kick the ball with. EVERYONE plays football. You can go anywhere and find a group of people playing in in the street and they'll probably let you join. That's why we've got so many legendary players.


I think my country, Indonesia, is more tragic. We are so passionate about football and kids in every school play football before school, during school, and after school. We are a nation of 250 million people, the 4th most populated country in the world. Our fans fill stadiums in other countries whenever our national team play. And where do we rank, you might ask?

我认为我的国家印度尼西亚更加悲惨。我们对足球充满热情,每所学校的孩子们在上学前、上学期间和放学后都踢足球。我们是一个拥有 2.5 亿人口的国家,是世界第四人口大国。每当我们的国家队比赛时,我们的球迷都会挤满其他国家的体育场。

Lived in china and they were a lot more into basketball. I was there during the euros a few years back and there were only a few bars showing it into even the bar districts.
They really love Yao Ming.


Actually most Chinese football fans don’t watch games in bars. Large tournaments have always been free to watch in China.


non-football culture, on the other hand Mexico has hundred of millions of people that love football yet their whole history basically resume to winning against countries that call it soccer or some islands


And Germany.


Same for India. A billion people but there aren’t the fields and areas to play football, but mostly the interest.
In India, kids grow up wanting to be the best cricketer. In China, kids grow up wanting to be the best table tennis player. They have different focus.
It’d be like asking, why don’t China dominate at ice hockey? Or American football? Or baseball? They don’t really play it as much.


None of the other sports you mentioned are globally popular in the way football is. That’s why op is asking the question


globally popular
Irrelevant if you think about it. As a child, you're not exposed to global popularity. It's mainly local popularity (i.e what your teachers talk about, what your friends talk about). In a country that's no 1 in terms of ping pong, there's no surprise that many grow up wanting to play table tennis.
Ofc, football is slowly growing in places like China and India. But it's still far far behind compared to the leading sports in each country which are advertised relentlessly. So they view football the way you'd view ice hockey etc. on a recreational basis.
And as such, you end up with this phenomenon.


Problem in India is the caste system. Higher castes don't want to mix or touch people of lower castes so sports like cricket or badminton suit the higher castes as they can "avoid" being near other players when playing. However on contact sports like footy, rugby, hockey u don't find many hindus as they have to tackle, push, contact players who could be of lower castes (funny thing is hindus don't mind being touched/contacted by white ppl)!


More popular ≠ people play it. China has a massive fan base for football but it's mostly watching games instead of playing


They don’t even have a big football fanbase. Basketball is magnitudes more popular there.


And they are pretty bad at basketball as well. Used to be a powerhouse in Asia, but not anymore. Last three World Cups they either didn't qualify or were knocked out in the group stage (once as a host). Their only victory was against the Ivory Coast.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Another reason probably is because China hasn't truly had a footballing superstar come through (at least, not in the current, digital age).
All it takes sometimes is one superstar player to galvanise an entire nation's interest in a sport.
Its a self-fulfilling cycle of mediocrity at present but if and when China gets another hyped player like Dong Fangzhou who actually fulfills his potential, I think we will see a stark improvement in the coming 10-15 years. Remember, when Dong came through the hype was unreal - the Chinese do have an interest in the sport.
Unfortunately it overwhelmed Dong who didn't have the mettle and it was all for nothing in the end.

目前,这是一个自我实现的平庸循环,但如果中国再出现一个像董方舟这样被炒作的球员,并真正发挥出他的潜力,我认为我们将在未来 10-15 年内看到明显的进步。请记住,当董方卓横空出世时,炒作起来的氛围让人感觉到不真实--中国人确实对这项运动很感兴趣。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

A lot of those people would live in cities that don’t have enough fields to support the sort of growth you might expect with such high populations. Snooker has grown massively in China but each game only needs a 12ft table, games like that probably lend themselves more easily to a dense population.

这些人中的很多人都生活在城市里,而城市里没有足够的场地来支持如此多的人口增长。斯诺克在中国得到了长足发展,每场比赛只需要一张 12 英尺的球台。这样的比赛可能更容易适合人口稠密的人群。

I'm not sure that it, because surely there are still hundreds of millions still living in rural or smaller towns where there is plenty of space for a football pitch?
Here in the UK we have a heavily urbanised population on a relatively small amount of land but still make plenty of space for all kinds of football pitches because we love it. Our densest cities are full of football pitches and 5 a side cages.
It must just be a general lack of interest in playing or for providing such facilities.


If you live in a rural Chinese town (still very big by UK standards) you're quite unlikely to be in a position where you can choose playing football as a career. The opportunities are just not there.


The exact same reason as India.
Like India having cricket as the dominant sport, there's also a love for basketball in China.
However there is an extremely underlooked issue imo. China's insistence on cultural individualism. This is why China do so well in practically every single individual sport, such as athletics or racquet sports, while at the same time being practically terrible at every team sport out there.
When your culture teaches individualism and competitiveness from a young age it's then extremely difficult to instill that culture in a team sport.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

When are people going to realise that CULTURE determines how successful a country is when it comes to developing players not population.
Culture. Culture. Culture.
China has zero footballing culture.


I read a comment once that somehow China just doesn't do well in team sports. Those they excel at are ping pong, diving, swimming, badminton, gymnastics. All individual sports.


By that logic China should be the best at literally everything.


I live in Yunnan, China, home to the Naxi ethnic minority whose national game is football. There's not the infrastructure or interest in high-level competitive football to impact national levels.
Football is casual and a past-time rather than a drive like when I grew up in the UK. The PE teacher at my school used to play for Yunnan Flying Tigers who were in the second division of China: I play 9-a-side on weeknights with 2 others that played in the team against players that used to play professionally while there was that option here. All 3 of these guys coach kids on a weekend, but it's just football training rather than grassroots clubs that play in a grassroots league.
There's not even a Sunday League 11-a-side competition for this whole city.
There 's a lot of talent here (from the expros to even the ex-military 50year old group I kick around with for fitness sometimes are sometimes better than I'd find at similar levels in the UK), but there's not the drive for competition, kids, adults and old guys play for casual fun most of the time and most wouldn't wanna move away from their home cities/provinces so chances to improve and chances for exposure are ridiculously limited, but they're happy because football is just another thing in life that they love, not the only thing.

整个城市甚至都没有周日联赛的 11 人制比赛。

China is so dominant in several other sports that there’s where all the funding currently is. And consequently, that’s where all the kids’ and families’ ambitions lie. I’m sure they could put together an insane football program that could be successful within 10 years, but I think there’s not enough justification for it right now. Don’t forget they’re also an economy that focuses heavily on tech and manufacturing, and it’s a work-focused culture in which sports is not a hobby — if you wanna do it, you start from young, join an academy, get real good and make it a career.

中国在其他几项运动中占据主导地位,目前所有的资金都集中在那里。因此,这就是所有孩子和家庭的抱负所在。我确信他们可以制定一个疯狂的足球计划,并在 10 年内取得成功,但我认为现在还没有足够的理由。别忘了,他们也是一个高度关注科技和制造业的经济体,也是一种以工作为中心的文化,在这种文化中,体育不是一种爱好--如果你想从事体育运动,就必须从年轻时做起,加入学院,取得真正的好成绩,并将其作为职业。

Having a lot of people doesn't automatically give you good footballers. People need to actually play and train from a young age and have good coaching etc. to become good players.
Pick 50 random people off the street from any country, get them to play football, and you'll likely have a shit team. Change that to 500 or 5000 people and the chance of them being good has barely changed.

从街上随机挑选 50 个来自任何国家的人,让他们去踢足球,你可能会拥有一支糟糕的球队。如果把这个数字改为 500 或 5000 人,他们表现出色的机会几乎没有改变。

First, China has to become competitive in Asia, and that can be achieved in ten to twenty years. It has to start at the youth level, though. Patiently. Japan may be a good model to follow. But is China interested in getting the long process started? It doesn’t look that way.


Culture influences sports. It’s why england is good at football and rowing(the sports they created), and why Jamaica is good at track, and why almost all of the nfl is american, or why India is so good at cricket. I could keep going but I don’t need to.


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