亿万富翁占领世界:5 位首富如何让财富翻倍,50 亿人如何变得更穷(2)
2024-03-11 IPmod 3913

The world's richest 1% own 43% of global financial assets, and the wealth of the top five billionaires has doubled since 2020, while 60% of humanity got poorer, according to a report by Oxfam, published to coincide with the World Economic Forum meeting of capitalist oligarchs and Western government officials in Davos, Switzerland. Ben Norton analyzes the findings.


While I do not endorse ridiculous CEO salaries and bonuses, one thing needs to be said straight. Those CEOs could be, in a way, likened to gold (rare, scarce, short in supply). Whereas the ordinary workers are more like iron (relatively abundant). One might argue, that iron is more useful than gold. However, the relative scarcity of gold makes it expensive. And no amount of iron can replace gold in some critical applications - which is the case of CEOs, too.
One way to decrease CEO salaries would be raising more leaders in a society. Sadly, quality leaders and leadership are extremely rare, and the best leaders are not even those with the highest salaries (those tend to be the most unscrupulous ones these days).
It's a supply and demand problem, which can't be solved by capping the price of gold. Only by mining more of it for cheaper.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

these 5 richest people could liquidate a part of their wealth then deposit one million dollars into each and every bank account of every person on the planet. How long would it take for the money they disperse to end up back in their accounts??


While I agree with the policy proposals at the end of the video, they are absolutely impossible under capitalism, especially in the US. The falling rate of profit shows that corporations need to extract profits in every way they possibly can, through usury rents, land rents, price gouging, etc, lest these companies lose money, power, and market share, and thus not be able to pay back their shareholders. Trying to get the capitalist class to regular itself, is an exercise in futility. The only answer is socialist revolution. There can be no real change under capitalism.


Perhaps humanity should redefine their concept of wealth. As a child I didn't realise that the world I was living in is heaven compared to the world I am living in now. Yet if I had a video of my childhood to show the world it would be defined as poverty level. Yes now I know the full meaning of the songs "My Illusive Dream" and "Life is but a dream". I can remember past/parallel lives where I am both rich and poor, happy and sad. When viewing through the multiple timelines of my creation, I realised that like everyone else have full power to create whatever I like.


Picking March 2020 as your starting point is looking for a reactionbas that was the lowest point in the market. I think you all have to understand thisbis capitalism
Tesla has no dividend and buy backs
Amazon has no dividend and buy backs
Berkshire Hathaway has no dividend and buy backs currently. LVMH is practically the same. The top 5 multi billionaires use wealth to compound more wealth. You either know how to or you dont.. but not in any criminal or shady way. And inflation actually helps the numbers move faster... make your own money and get over it


,there is no way that globalisation makes the world more equal!
Look at your own country!
Let alone the poor people in the 3rd world!


I dont agree with the "China has socialist system" thing. Though still its is clear than even this sovereign state capitalist economy is far better than neoliberalism.


In words, global trade has been benefiting economies. It's up to individual countries to set up a system to distribute wealth evenly.


The problem the US has, and it exists in some form elsewhere too, is that billionaires don't pay their taxes. They pay their huge salaries in shares in their own company, which they are not required to pay tax on until the sell them. The way US tax law is frxd, they are not required to sell those shares for ten years. So how do they live day to day, how do they afford their lifestyles? They get a very low interest loan from a bank, they can get such low interest rates because they have those shares as collateral.
The reality is, they are parasites.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My sister has gone hard right because she has some wealth and says she doesn't care about anyone, or their kids. We don't talk anymore because I am an evil athiests socialist


When one is so rich as using 1mln dollars a day for 400 yrs while lfespan is around 75 yrs.the wealth becomes ridiculous.


The free market globalization could have yielded great benefits to all, unfortunately, it has been controlled by the colonial predators with Darwinian beliefs, and their systematic exploitation has been going on for decades! China on the other hand provides an alternative for the world economy with her Confucius model of shared prosperity with the world!


I do think Elon Musk reinvests in his companies and innovates. Not sure how much of his own money, but definitely his company’s are on the cutting edge of manufacturing and production.


That's the beautiful thing about capitalism .
There is nothing stoping a person from starting there own business from the ground up like I seen a young 21 year old kid do start his own trucking business making over 6 figures a year.
Me I make my own wine and brandy and trying to start my own business .
Reason why our country the U.S makes a lot of money cause a lot of top inventors come from the U.S.
First person to design the internet , build a car and airplane , make top tobacco and alcohol is here in the U.S
If countries wanted to up there value they should be incentivising people over there to start their own car manufacturing business and incentivising people to be inventors instead of boo hoo whining and complaining about it .
Not to mention 21% of white folks are poor and living in welfare while 22% of black folks are also poor and living on welfare so it isn't a black or white issue .
Also another thing to consider , the top earners in the country are the job creators.
And the top earners in this country are already taxed at over 100% rate which already isn't fair.
Also there are companies that allow you to be a share holder in the company working there as an employee , meaning you get a percentage of the profit and earnings if the company does good.
so stop making excuses for the people who don't do so good.
If you want to be rich start your own business and start inventing things instead of making excuses for people who don't .
And just want to blame the people who actually build things.
Also there is a lot to pay for in order to keep a business up and running .
Business taxes they pay into a year , money for your employees to have medical , dental insurance, and life insurance ,
Money you spend every year for your company to be bonded liscensed and insured .
Also it's good that companies invest into their company you think there just doing it for themselves , when a company invest in itself they can expand their business and also create more jobs that we need more of.
Wall mart did it expanded their business and created more jobs , upped the wages and benefits also to their employees .
Also explain to me how Africa is one of the most richest countries in minerals and assets .
But there military capabilities is still third worldish.
No one there starting businesses in building military weapons and armory, and improving goods to make a profit out of it.
Also you are not considering currency and trade value .
All countries back the currency up with something we here in the U.S.A back all our currency up with Silver and gold which has higher trade value then a lot of what other countries back there currency up with .
So our exchange rate is higher then most countries with the exception of the U.K. which is higher then ours.


The greatest income inequality is seen in communist, socialist and Marxist countries. Period. End of story.
What degrees do you have from where?


HMMmm…..world poverty has decreased steadily in the last two decades with a slight spike during coof (UN stats)….all human wellness indicators are improving worldwide; education, health care, etc, with Africa lagging behind, mostly because it’s population is growing so quickly….world population will peak at 10 billion in 2050, with 5 B in Asia, 3 B in Africa and 2 B in the rest….all these people can probably live equitably on a sustainable human planet if each has a Carbon footprint of 1…..so that means a major readjustment for most people in the West, 40% of whom are obese…stop blaming oligarchs…. what does it mean that 5 people have 99% of world wealth anyway?…… who would they sell all this fantasy wealth to if they decided to cash out?

嗯..... 在过去的二十年里,世界的贫困率在稳步下降,在合作期间略有飙升(联合国统计数字).... 全球所有人类健康指标都在改善包括教育、医疗保健等。非洲落后主要是因为非洲的人口增长太快.... 世界人口将在2050年达到100亿的峰值,其中亚洲50亿,非洲30亿,其他地区20亿.... 如果每个人的碳足迹为1,那么所有这些人大概都能在一个可持续发展的人类星球上公平地生活.....,因此这意味着大多数西方人要进行重大调整,因为其中40%的人肥胖。不要再责怪寡头....,5个人拥有世界财富的99%到底意味着什么?......,如果他们决定套现,他们会把这些虚幻的财富卖给谁呢?

Very good and enlightening video. Thank you so much. I am beginning to more and more understand the evils of Western imperialism and capitalism. I'm a firm believer in entrepreneurship & private ownership but the exploitative and obscenely consumptive nature of Western capitalism is gross. Can anyone explain how China succeeded while Russia failed when they are both communist. Was it corruption or just foolish mismanagement of the economy?


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