2024-03-20 侧对飞雪 6224

题图:2023年6月 25日纽约市“骄傲游行”。

Over 28% of women in the youngest US adult cohort identify as LGBTQ, most of them as bisexual, according to a Gallup annual survey published on Wednesday.


The polling agency began asking Americans about their sexual identity in 2012. In that time, the number of adults who identify as something other than heterosexual has gone from 3.5% to 7.6%.


“Overall, each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it” to identify as LGBTQ, the pollster said.


More than one in five Americans in Generation Z (born between 1997-2012) identify as LGBTQ, up from almost one in ten millennials (1981-1996).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In the 2024 survey, 28.5% of Gen-Z women checked one of the LGBT identity boxes, mainly ‘bisexual’ (20.7%), with lesbians accounting for 5.4% and transgenders for 2.1%. Among men of the same generation, 10.6% identified with the rainbow flag, with bisexuals (6.9%) outnumbering the gays (2.8%).


By comparison, only 5.4% of millennial men and 12.4% of women identified as LGBTQ, the survey said. Older Americans were more likely to identify as gay or lesbian than bisexual or trans.


Overall, gays and lesbians represent slightly over 1% of US adults, compared to bisexuals at 4.4%. Bisexual is the dominant identity in the LGBT camp, with 57.3%. Gallup did note that there was some overlap between identities, as the survey allowed for multiple categories.


The results were based on a telephone survey of more than 12,000 Americans aged 18 and over. While 7.6% said they identified as one or more LGBTQ groups, 85.6% said they were heterosexual and 6.8% declined to answer.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The current US government has gone all-in on supporting alternative sexual identities, both at home and abroad. By contrast, Russia has banned LGBTQ “propaganda” and targeting of minors. However, as President Vladimir Putin recently pointed out, Russia is “quite tolerant towards people with non-traditional sexual orientations,” believing in a “live and let live” approach so long as people don’t flaunt it – and leave the children alone.


lol who cares. america deserves to collapse. they allow degenerate ideology to fester thats what you get.


My wife is buy-sexual. I only get sex if I buy her something.


To @moparman :
Nothing is free in life.


Almost 50% of Gen-z american women are confirmed idiots .... so where is the surprise?


I live in North America, perhaps Russia should bomb us.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

To @Phog :
Do not forget bombing Canada - especially Ottawa.


It's disturbing. I live in South America and things are nothing like that here.


It is fun while you are young but youth fades and one day you find yourself old and alone with no children, no family, no real friends.


@Dima Poliakov
Only an idiot believe that they are genuinely LGBT.
I knew that when this propaganda campaign was launched, ALL the kids with mental issues, lack of self-esteem, lack of roots or belonging, depressed kids, mistreated kids, abused kids, disoriented kids would find in the LGBT fabricated identity the perfect excuse for their mental explanation and they would incorporate it and make it theirs in order to locate themselves somewhere and at the same time become part of a community that can live off victimizing itself and be the center of attention.
What these kids need is not that, but a GULAG where they will learn the real meaning of survival and all their mental digressions and drifts will be cured.


Western men and women are narcissistic and hate each other.


@Junk Camel
in other news, 30% of GenZ women are fat and ugly


@Kuei 12
When no men want to be with obese, rude, tattooed, loud-mouthed, overly-fakeuppped, drunken women, women must seek alternatives.


To @Kuei 12 :
Some women are still looking for Sugar Daddies and sperm donors but not help mates or fathers.

(Sugar Daddy指的是对年轻女子慷慨大方的好色阔佬)

@Brian Tomlinson
Did you say 'women'? I dont think te definition applies in this case .


It's the great sign of the western civilization end .


George Orwell warned us about this.


About 95% of fat and ugly american women are declaring themselves LGBTQ. of course they would chose that rather then be recognised for what they really are.......fat and ugly.


@Joe show
Ugly women need to belong to someone/something too.


And there we have it. The true purpose of the American public school system is to indoctrinate the young into the LGBTQ+ lifestyle while producing "adults" that are infantile and consequently very stupid.


And they're going to win a future war?


To @Ernesto1 :
They might identify as winning.


The modern day Sodom&Gomorra and Pompeii combined.


@Night Wind
To be fair, if we look at the average American Millennial or Gen-Z male, the numbers aren't surprising. I read a study that the average 20-year old American male today has lower testosterone levels than 70-year men had in the 1980s.


To @Night Wind :
You nailed it! It’s amazing how the media suppresses this fact.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A recent survey of American employers indicated that over 90% of Gen-Z don't show up for their scheduled job interviews, and over 83% don't show up for the first day of their employment. They are also the majority users of social media, gaming and porn sites. Zionist plan for America is well underway.


To @TangoBravo :
When employers prefer illegals, even with totally made up experience and education, why would the employees even care.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They may be females, but I would hardly call them women.


@burning pile
If your girlfriend has male genitalia, that makes you ...


@Dermot Mckenna
To @burning pile :
It depends on who the pitcher is and who the catcher is!


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