新光子芯片突破:速度提高 1000 倍,是真的吗?
2024-04-01 辽阔天空 9419

新光子芯片突破:速度提高 1000 倍。是真的吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anastasi In Tech


00:00 - Intro
03:16 - Lithium Niobate
05:56 - How does this chip work?

00:00 -引言
03:16 -铌酸锂
05:56 -这种芯片是怎么工作的?

This is absolutely HUGE. Photonics needs way more coverage. Great breakdown of the paper!


This lady can easily be a professor in practically 99 percent of the Universities of the world! In one compelling video she bring so much "light" to the basic understanding of the world of photonic chips.
As Einstein once said to the effect, if you cannot explain something simply so that a six year old can also understand it, then you do not know it yourself!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I remember writing a paper on optical computing back in the late 80's. There were high hopes back then. Not much has happened in this space since that time. It's encouraging to see some progress.


I ran an optical switching startup in the late 90's. Met several times with the NSA to explore optical computing. Nice to see it developing.


It is funny. Your comment bought to mind Stephen Wolfram's idea of "computing" (where pretty much anything that exists dynamically is doing that). Actually, IMO, there have been huge advances in photovoltaic and photonics in the last 20-30 years. Your high resolution TV and display screens are examples, as are solar power and Starlix and other satellite networks interconnected by lasers, not to mention bio-medical applications, GPS, all sorts of sensors, etc. Google says China is first in this field - but that may be for applications. Numerous universities (Colorado at Boulder, Stanford, MIT, University of Rochester come to mind) are doing most of the world-class research in these fields IMO.

这很有趣。你的评论让人想起了史蒂芬·沃尔夫勒姆(Stephen Wolfram)关于“计算”的想法(几乎任何动态存在的东西都是这样做的)。事实上,在我看来,在过去的20-30年里,光伏和光子学取得了巨大的进步。你用的高分辨率电视和显示屏就是例子,太阳能、星链和其他通过激光互连的卫星网络也是例子,更不用说生物医疗应用、GPS、各种传感器了。谷歌表示,中国在这个领域是领先的,但这可能是针对应用方面。在我看来,许多大学(科罗拉多大学博尔德分校、斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院、罗切斯特大学)正在这些领域进行大多数世界级的研究。

I remember pencils and paper. I miss the good old days


Well, actually there's been a lot of progress, just not as general purpose CPU computing, but in fiber optic communications switching (it's pretty much right under everyone's nose). :)


@davestorm6718? Correct. Been all-optical switches in comm's networks for over 20 years now. And, optical compute is far different than optical switch.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

TBH as a programmer, I don't understand your domain well enough to understand everything you teach.
But I am curious, and the main takeaway for me from your presentations in general is that it's very inspirational. You have a very good way of explaining things. Thank you for that!


Don't worry, the people who do understand will develop a frxwork or library for you to connect up to, if needed.


This is an amazing way of injecting a lot of data into a silicon microchip so you can actually have faster processing. Heck, we can even bring back ring-loops as memory, store it at the GHz range inside a loop of optic fiber. Terabytes of memory faster than DRAM.
Forget about using it for computing, just moving data and storing data are already amazing. Modern CPU/GPUs already spend most of their time just waiting for data to come to their caches. The rate at which computing can happen is severely restricted by memory and bandwidth speeds.

忘记用它来计算吧,仅仅是移动数据和存储数据就已经很了不起了,现代CPU/ gpu已经花费了大部分时间等待数据到达缓存。计算速度受到内存和带宽速度的严重限制。

You make a good point, this "chip" and similar devices might be better suited for data transfer and communications (not sure about "data storage") than for typical computing. At least perhaps for the time being.


I still remember the first time I allocated a Tb of memory on our HPC, the sense of power was awesome.
Still took half a day to process my data though :(


They are "storing" the data feeds in optical fiber BEFORE processing them.


Was looking forward to your take on this paper. Thank you


Your channel seems a bit ahead of its time. Keep up the good work, you're great !


This could be streamlined AI.


Complexity of systems increases the probabilities of errors and breakdowns.


SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) devices are conceptually similar. The interaction and coupling of different energy types. Resonators, couplers and transmission lines are designed into the system to accommodate each energy type.
Reliable low power laser emitters are readily available from the fiber optic communications industry.
For photonics to expand there needs to be a toolbox of active elements which can be simulated.
Much like the inductive, resistive, and capacitive components in electronics.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You remind of one of my old professors. She was an older woman and she was a wonderful professor and I'm very fond of her. She taught Data Structures and algorithms. Thanks for the breakdown of this. It's very clear and understandable.


Good to see a sober assessment of the developments. Eager to see systems that exploit the full parallelism possible with optical computing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Me no good at science. Your presentations are so clear, however, that even those of us without great scientific backgrounds can garner the gist of your messages. Really, really, well done. Thank you.


I'm super excited to see the analog computing applications of photonics, especially around the matrix multiplication arenas. I can see it being a game-changing step to the next revolution of tech


Thank you for another interesting video. I look forward to the day when the technology is perfected for photonics. I think it'll be history making.


This is crazy technology if they can master it, because of lights ability to be split into different wavelengths or colors this will significantly increase data storage and speed, it'll turn silicon valley into the stone age


In the blx of an eye...thanks again for a great glimpse at the future.Cheers.


I think the next age of innovation is sort of dependant on breakthroughs in Material Sciences, it is the key that will unlock a whole lot and every thing will just fall in to place and we will move faster and much further.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Photonics is very intriguing. It’ll be very interesting to see how it goes.


I remember when this sort of thing first appeared decades ago. My thought then was that it may be fast but it still needs to interface to regular electronics at some point ant that would be the bottleneck.


Imagine photonics and quantum computing...


I learn a lot from you! thanks for posting these videos!


I remember University of Crete, in Greece, had breakthrougg research on this type of computing, 20 years ago.


There have been recent breakthroughs in
1 AI
2 Quantum
3 Photonics
Now imagine an AI running on a Photonic Quantum computer!
It would make all our existing computers as useful as handheld calculators.


Doesn't even need to be entirely photonics. Specially if later we develop a way of fusing photonics and electronics.
You can do a lot of computing in parallel, so the latency in electronics wasn't a problem, the problem is always the von-newman bottleneck, the bandwidth at which you can inject data into a silicon chip.
For ex, H100 TPU can do merely 3.35TB/s of data transfer internally. It does 51 Teraflops (FP32) but because it can only transfer 250GB/s from memory, it doesn't get even closer to that.
The H100 has 456 tensor units, if you could feed data without ever having to wait a single clock cycle, you would need at least 153TB/s.
But if your chip can do 1 multiplication per clock cycle (*1) at 3.5Ghz, that would at least consume 0.336 TB/s for a single unit, or 153TB/s total.
So if you could feed data at the rate it can consume, you can easily do 50 times more computing. You can do 2.5 Petaflops instead per chip.
(*1 - tensor cores in the volta actually have 5 stages, those at least use 5 cycles per "instruction", I'm considering 3 floats inputs)
But there's no way to inject that much data into a silicon chip, the die size would have to be huge for the amount of pins it would need to have. Maybe some IBM mainfrxs can do that. 150TB/s is a lot of data.
Now with photonics, that's a possible optimization, far away (aka, in the same server, but not on the same PCB) you can have terabytes of RAM in parallel feeding data to a microwave emitter and then to a light pipe and then to a single microchip. (it would still need to have another back-converter to microwave and a receptor to feed the data to the silicon above, but that would be flip-chip interconnect instead)
Also you can now make it even denser with much more tensor units and remove all the cruft used for managing caches, you don't need caching or even registers, its pure computing, data in / data out.
You can even do crazy things like active cooling inside a microchip if you don't have so much die size being spent on interconnect or cache.

例如,H100 TPU内部只能进行3.35TB/s的数据传输。它可以进行51 TeraFLOPS(FP32)的计算,但由于它只能从内存中传输250GB/s的数据,它甚至无法接近这个速度。
所以如果你能以它可以消耗的速度提供数据,你可以轻松地进行50倍的计算。每个芯片可以进行2.5 Petaflops的计算。
(*1 - Volta中的张量核心实际上有5个阶段,至少每个“指令”使用5个周期,我考虑的是3个浮点输入)

Handheld calculators are still useful Especially the ones that use solar for power. I still have mine from decades ago, that works, using LCD and a small solar panel.


I don't think a photonic quantum computer would benefit from many of the advancements in classical photonic computing.
I could be wrong, but I imagine quantum vs classical photonics is a whole different beast.
But yeah, photonics could certainly speed up AI if it gets good enough, and quantum computers make AI go crazy, but that's probably further away. We'd probably have to relearn a lot of what we know about training classical AIs too.


i believe they have a long road ahead Anastasii but i think they might have a few good innovations, theoretically it is exciting easyer to understand good job !


The problem with all forms of analog computing is storing results for multi step computations or to use those results later. We can easily do this with digital circuits. The problem with analog computing is that you need to convert the analog signals to digital to store the result, then convert them back to analog to process further.
The additional hardware and power consumption to do this conversion greatly out weighs all the benefits. There needs to be a breakthrough in how we can convert or store analog results in order for this technology to be beneficial.


I have been saying photonics is the ultimate in processing for 20 years, finally good to sees it's starting to take hold.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

so photonic chips are becoming more possible, interesting. we do indeed need a new breakthrough in technology in order to get more significant improvements per generation. feels like we are hitting a ceiling past few years


i used to design ring resonators, tapers and couplers.


The big problem here is not the chip - it is manufacturing. The idea is amazing, but they need to get the whole chain up for fabs to implement that in mass, then someone designs the chips. The later is quite easy - but the supply chain for the whole fabs will likely take years. There is a hugh push - you can sell those chips VERY expensive for some time, because - at the end - you are 1000 times faster, AND you also use a lot less energy (the later being money spent and infrastructure requirements


Thanks for the video. Photonics may be useful in the future, but as you explained, this technology must go through considerable development before it is ready to replace electronics. I've been able to watch the progress of lithography, including several promising technologies which never reached large scale commercialization.


Very cool, photonics is very exiting now that we are are approaching the limit for silicon.


Anything we can do to lower power usage for AI will be good for the planet. With photonics I question if the logic density can ever compete with what has been achieved with silicon gates. I'm not sure quantum computing will be the next big thing, since I think the next big thing will probably be discovered using AI, and it will come up with an approach we haven't even considered before!


Actually, It's much faster than 1000 times when you start breaking it down into different colors....yet future, but we will get there.


很赞 5