2024-05-05 Kira_Yoshikage 3574

What's a gift that is cheap but means the world to you?


A handwritten letter...I mean sitting down with a blank paper and writing down a short and sincere letter


As kid my best friend used to send me a letter when she was in summer camp each with a hand made bracelet.


I still have them all

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

and she send me an other one about a year ago for my 31st Bday and it's the most meaningfull gift I've ever recieved.


I read one of these from my now deceased grandparents yesterday while cleaning my garage. I had got something in my eye and had to take a break.


Same. I still had the letters my students gave to me.


I play in an 11-piece wedding band,


At last night’s gig, every single band member received a cash tip inside a handwritten note from the bride and groom thanking us for the amazing music on their special day.


Seeing that note meant way more than the folded $50 bill included with it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I agree. Surely after my grandfather passed, his sister let me read a letter he wrote her when my father was very young. I have never felt closer to my grandfather than when reading that letter.


The crow that i saved brings me random obxts as a present from time to time.


I keep them in a box and they mean worlds to me.




Your replies have been nothing but wonderful. It is absolutely mesmerizing to see people so curious about such amazing animals.


To answer some of y'all;


1: I did not befriend a wild crow from the get go. A baby crow was injured, i brought him to the vet that takes care of both my cat and my Doberman, after that point it became a weird tale of friendship.


2: No, i unfortunately will not take any pictures or videos as i refuse to share anything personal on reddit (at least to that level, Floki has become a part of my family and his privacy matters as much as mine). My past experiences (a stalker and more) were enough to give me a lesson. Nothing personal. Im sure you are all increbile people. Thank you in advance for respecting our privacy.


3: So sorry for not being able to give you an advice on how to befriend such animal. I was lucky/unlcuky to discover a baby crow that was injured and in need for care. Remember that they are wild animals and not pets. Im sure Floki is better off in the wild than being stuck in a farm house somewhere in USA.


4: I hope you all befriend such creature. They are smarter than you can possibly imagine and the presence of one near you is enough to tell you how irrelevant we are as humans compared to some folks in the wild.


Im NOT an expert on crows, i do NOT know how to befriend such animal.


5: It takes years to form a bond with a wild animal. Remember that crows are pack animals (Murder is what you call a 'pack' of crows, which is fucking cool). They shit, piss and refuse to understand human boundaries. Floki has been inside our house and he was not so kind with the carpet nor the couch. As the name suggests, they are wild animals, always keep that in mind. Whatever they do, it is because they are wild.


6: My dad has Norwegian ancestors, and he believes in mythology, according to him, Crows and Ravens are the messengers for Oden, the god of wisdom and royalty in Nordic Mythology. He respects the shit out of Floki and his pack.


Thanks a lot again for your well wishes. I am currently with Floki. . He is staring at the yard, keeping his distance with us. Still looks absolutely beautiful from where i stand. The moment he comes to my lap (he eventually will) , i will let him know about your good wishes.


Edit 2: He is on my lap, curiously staring at tne screen and gawking. I've told him about you. We Gawk you so much, i guess.


Edit 3: Floki is NOT a Raven. Ravens are larger and are more capable of imitaitng human sounds. Crows are a lot more compact. Floki says 'Cook-ah' when he is excited or Gawks loud. Ravens will straight up tell you to 'fuck off' if they heard it from humans around them.


Also keep in mind that a grown crow like Floki is more intelligent than a 7 year old human child.


Hand picked flowers, and a home cooked meal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm not a flowers kind of girl in general, but a sweet coworker once gave me a bouquet from her own garden. I loved it so much, I took several photos and (attempted) to dry them so I could keep them longer. My husband "dedicates" me a flower on his rose bushes every spring and I love that as well. It's never picked, but I save a few petals and press them (I'm no good at drying the whole thing still lol) and keep them around.


And hell yes to home cooked meals!!


If you want to dry them, just try and hang them upside down. I still have the rose the girl I danced with on graduation ball gifted me hanging from the side of my fridge


There is nothing in the world better or more meaningful than a ragged bunch of just-picked flowers clenched in a dirty, chubby little fist.


Flowers, if someone gives me flowers. No matter the size, colour or price, then I'll melt away from the warmness.


Especially if they grew them themselves. You know they were thinking about you and putting extra love in until the flowers were ready to be picked!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This will probably sound silly, a chocolate bar.


Sometimes you just want to drift away while munching on a chocolate bar. I've been struggling a bit since March and I just want to sit down and eat a chocolate bar then take a good nap.


something homemade


You know what really means the world to me? It's this tiny, beat-up old journal my little sister gave me for my birthday one year. It didn't cost much, just a few bucks, but it's filled with her doodles, little notes, and memories we've shared together. Every time I flip through those pages, it's like taking a trip down memory lane. It's not about the price tag, it's about the love and thoughtfulness that went into it. That journal may be small and cheap, but to me, it's priceless.


Anything random that says, "I saw this and thought of you." It can be a meme, a video, whatever. Someone I used to be closer to recently texted me an old music video that she said reminded her of me. It was completely out of the blue and I was blown away.


Pretzels. I don't make much money these days, somedays I have to skip eating to save money. So food has become very meaningful to me.


It's almost my birthday, and all I want is a big bag of salted pretzels. It can be sticks or twists I don't care. I just love me some pretzels and I really hope to get some for my birthday this year even though I know people won't gift it to me because they think it's too cheap.


That's the problem sometimes, people will often gift expensive while beautiful and meaningful stuff. While there are some more personal and emotional gifts to be found much cheaper. Of course other person won't easily know this unless you are close friends.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am a normal functioning relatively successful human in my mid-40s and have an honest to god archenemy. I could go into detail, but the important part is we happen to have the same friend circle but absolutely despise one another.


A few years ago we had a huge secret Santa and she got me. She crocheted me a small squid with a card saying "I will crush you." It is far and away my favorite gift ever and has been on my monitor since I got it.


I think this is the start of the archenemy turned soul mates love story


This is like Professor X/magneto level. This isn’t some ho who ruined your life, this is like “no one gets to kill you but me” level stuff and I love it!


My step daughter who is now 13 writes me a letter and puts it in the mailbox every year for my birthday for the past 4 years. It’s the most beautiful gift I ever get.


A handwritten letter or a homemade card - it's like receiving a piece of someone's heart.


Cost was nothing, but it's worth was priceless, plus it earned me a bunch of jobs


I work as a handyman. A clients grandson, who was about 5 at the time did a drawing of me doing a bunch of jobs. I then used it to explain "what it is I do" on a couple Facebook posts for a large local community page. It got me hundreds of jobs.


I went back and, with the parents permission, gave the lad some money.


nothing much, just hanging out with me, snacking, and even if the gift is just a book or something, I still appreciate it. Maybe it's because I've been lonely for so long that I easily relent


I don't know if this counts as a gift, but hugs. I love hugs so much that if someone told me they didn't have a gift for my birthday but they had a big hug, i would accept without hesitation.


flowers, even the ones picked up by the side of the road, so thoughtful and kind and considerate. so simple but so beautiful


Christmas 2015, my eldest daughter (8 years old at the time) gave me a pack of playing cards from Sports Direct that cost 80p which was the last of her pocket money.

2015年的圣诞节,我的大女儿(那年8岁)给了我一包从Sports Direct买的扑克牌,80美分,是她口袋里最后的零钱。

That was all I got for Christmas thar year. They are one of my most treasured possessions, and they still have not been opened.


One year when my parents were having some financial troubles my mom still wanted to send me a birthday gift so she wrote a bunch of her recipes on cards and mailed them to me, probably my favorite birthday gift I've ever gotten.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My boyfriend (now husband) bought me a watermelon for my birthday. I don’t like cake, so my family, him and I, cut the watermelon. It was a yellow watermelon also, that was the first time I was eating a yellow watermelon.


When I was 5, I went on vacation with my family to New Orleans. I got my grandmother a tiny duck statute thing from a gift shop. When we got home, I remember gently wrapping the package to mail to her across the country, and eagerly taking it to the post office with my mom.


She called me the day it arrived in the mail with so much joy in her voice. She even came to visit a few months later, and brought the duck on a visit.


She passed away when I was 6, and while we were cleaning out her home, I found the duck, on her bedside table, carefully packed it up, and put it in my backpack to bring back home.


Over 30 years later, that tiny duck sits in my bathroom, and it’s my most treasured item. If our house were to catch fire tonight, I have no doubt, my husband would run in there and grab the duck before anything else.


When my sister and I were both in our 20s, neither of us had much money for gifts. I was in medical school, and in her art class she had done a pencil drawing of an anatomical skeleton model as one of her assignment.


She frxd that and gave it to me. It is currently hanging in my office at the hospital, 20 years later, right next to my anatomical skeleton and my family photos.


Told my daughter I wanted nothing for Christmas. Didn’t need anything. She got me a jar and wrote on it Jar of Nothing. Attached a really sweet note and it now sits in a place of pride in my home bar.


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