2024-05-06 辽阔天空 7079

What do most Americans think of Indians?


Amy Barnes
What do Americans think about India?
I had a lot of misconceptions about India before visiting there. Like India is a bad country to live in, It's dirty and almost every member of my family warned me that don’t go to India Its too dangerous especially for girls. It made more curious to know about India, So I decided to travel to India for 7 days with my BF(He is Indian). I felt like I’m in heaven. Everyone was living happily and they treated me like I'm very close to them just like best friends. I had a visit Goa and It was really beautiful. I loved the beach especially there. There was nothing wrong and my views about India was changed.


Tanu Mittal
What do most Americans (from US) think of Indians?
Well, I am an Indian, and based on an incident a few days back, I can pretty much figure out what Americans think of us.
Scenario - At the checkout counter of a leading Apparel Store
Cashier: Ma’am would you like to sign up for our extra reward point system, which gives you extra points whenever you shop...blah blah blah.
Me: Sure, What do I need to do?
Cashier: You just need to enter some of your basic info and you’ll be done.
Me: All right.
I start filling out the details on his monitor. I reach the text box for email id. I fill out - ********@yahoo.co.in
Cashier: Isn't it wrong ma’am? It is supposed to be .com not .co.in
Me: No, it’s correct; here .in stands for Indian domain.
Cashier: Oh Okay!! So it’s like, India has its own Internet?? I can’t imagine that!!
Me: *Sigh* (I don’t know whether my reaction was for his dumbness or unawareness)
So I guess, we still are a third world country for them.


Matthew Heminger
What do typical Americans think about Indians?
I think most Americans don't think of Indians at all. If they did they probably think of them as the caricatures of Indians the have seen on television shows like The Big Bang or the Indian character from The Simpsons. They are pretty sure you are all Muslims and that Sikhs very strange with their turbans and daggers. A lot of them saw Slum Dog Millionaire and think most Indians live in qretched poverty. Most of the have heard of Ghandi and respect him greatly. Most of them don't know that India-Pakistan-Bangladesh were once one country and the horrors of the civil war. I think our general impressions are favorable but distant. I myself have been to India several times and know the truth. A country with so much potential and so many problems. I hope one day the world's largest Democracy will become one of the most prosperous and wonderful democracies too!


Henry R. Greenfield
What's the view about Indians in the US?
I am in India now, several cities, back after COVID, the other answers were flippant and tried to play to the famous Indians now around the world which while many, do not tell the real story. Or to mock Indians as “dorky”.
The 10 richest Indian Americans and I challenge you to know more than 1 of them.
Here is the reality about how how Indians are seen in the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK. These 4 places make up around 90% of the Indians overseas at any one time and all of these societies have changed dramatically as a result of different immigration laws that changed in each country, but the effect of which were almost ironically exactly the same. Which is; A MASSIVE GROWTH IN EDUCATED AND IN MANY CASES, RICH INDIANS AT ALL LEVELS AND A HUGE INVESTMENT OF CAPITAL AND IN THE UK AT LEAST A TAKE OVER OF VENERABLE INSTITUTIONS.
Yes, full caps, drama yes, over the top? No.


In the USA Indians are CEOs of some of the worlds greatest companies like Microsoft and no one bats an eye. Dr, lawyers even now diversity experts speaking on behalf of women of color.
Indians have a 5 to 1 ratio of masters/doctor degree students to undergrads in the USA and are the largest number increasing by 30+% in the past 2 years while China has dropped 25%. That means the best, the brightest, not the lets spend $250k in undergrad costs like the mainland Chinese.
Indians are not considered just good immigrants, they are the ideal immigrants. They blend so well you wouldn’t know who or where they are coming from just a generation ago if you didnt’ see their last names. Sometimes like Nikki Haley they obscure their in her case Sikh background by marrying a white man, converting to Christianity and adopting a distinctive southern accent to the point where she can be hard to understand. I am just waiting for yet another, y’all from her before I lose it.
Americans, Aussies, Brits, Canadians all get it, Indians blend in. Indians work hard, are smart, get the best jobs, know how to compete and are not afraid to run for office, to lead countries like the UK or cabinet ministers or Senators, Governors, CEOs, media personalities.


Bottom line, Americans get it, Indians the real Indians not Native Americans are in fact now as American as apple pie.
And guess what, all you have to do is drive a bit around India and on every other corner there is an “International school’, engineering degree schools are so ubiquitous that you know they are not trying to get jobs in India and if they do, they are looking for a transfer to the USA under several preferential scams where their companies such as INFOSYS jamb the system with up to 100s of thousands of apps to make sure their guys get the VISAS.
The Indians know the US system better than the US, same in Australia, UK and Canada and there are about 1.4 billion or more of them ready to get on those planes and take over whatever they want.
Do Americans get that? Of course not, they are to busy arguing about Christian evangelical values or abortion while the Indians take over. Well what can you say, they did in the UK now the USA is next then Canada and finally Australia.


What do most Americans (from US) think of Indians?
One of the limitations of my knowledge, as well as most others, probably even the knowledge of Indians, is that I only know a sext group.
I worked in Information technology from 1973 though 2001, and more and more Indians worked side by side with me starting in 1990. They are hard workers of course, as most people who come here to work on whatever type of work visa are. I realize that I know a very sext subset if the group. Good sense of humor in every case, I know because I seek that out. Fairly outgoing. At least at work they didn't keep to themselves. Some were vegetarians, perhaps larger than the amount in the average population.
Responsible. And education is important to them regrading their kids.
Again, good to remember that I know a small and sext group.
If you're looking for a blonde woman to date, however, you probably want to look elsewhere.
What else, ummm my sister rented out a room to an Indian couple and they became like family. Nice people, and great sense of humor.
There is no way I can describe a country of a billion when I know only a sext group. I love the food.
I do know that they have a caste system and all that, but I have no first hand knowledge.


Abhishek Karadkar
What is the perception of Indians in the US?
Nice question. Having seen the consistent bombardment in Hollywood and media about the image of India, as being a poor country, with elephants, cows, snake charmers, the Maharajas etc, I would like to debunk this false myth shown for decades. Having stayed in the US for 5 years, I can say that the image of Indians in the USA is very positive.
Americans consider Indians good at maths, science and hence proven by our success in STEM fields like engineering, medical and computers.
Indians are seen as IT folks to such an extent that Americans often assume all Indians either work in IT or are good at computers or coding etc. I was often asked by Uber drivers, or in restaurants etc if I worked in IT.
Indians are considered to be geeky or nerds, though not all Americans see this. But seeing the consistent success of Indian American kids in Spelling Bee or other competitions , except sports, they perceive Indians who like their kids to stay home and study, rather than usual Americans who allow their children to play and consider sports as a career.


Indians are looked upon as someone who are always close knit with their family and Indian traditions. They assume Indians prefer arrange marriage, always listen to their parents and relatives, and are conservative. They see Indian girls are shy and often wear decent clothes unlike some Americans who are not shy to wear some revealing clothes as well, depending on occasion like parties or at bars.
Indians are also seen to be pretty conservative like going to temple, wearing traditional clothes or dating Indian girls only. Though this is not true as the young generation is pretty cosmopolitan, but this image is due to the older Indians who do not get used to American life style even after staying for years in the USA. Like for ex: Older Indians will prefer to wear sari or even Kurta/loongis even when it’s very cold or hot climate. Americans are very practical when it comes to clothes and they wear clothes as per weather outside, but Indians are seen to be sticking to their own attire, irrespective of the climate.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indians are also seen to be as practicing Hindus or Muslims, as vegetarians and someone who would never convert to Christianity. I had seen many Christian church missionaries coming to my house, and inviting to attend the church. I even visited church for sometime, and they tried to preach the Christian religion. But they never forced me to proselytize. This might be because many Indians are very strict in avoiding such things, and even avoiding conversations with them. Hence, converting Indians to other religion has not been much successful in the USA.
However, all Indians are not Hindus, and not all eat Veg. Also, not all Indians are teetotalers or even just accept arrange marriages. This misconception needs to go away amongst Americans.
Finally, Indians are perceived to be very peaceful, loving, studious, intelligent, hard working and honest people in the USA. That’s why we see so many CEO’s in Tech industry and many Indian-Americans as successful.


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