2024-05-07 Aya Shawn 7237
@Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investorApr 19
China has a long history of purchasing military aircraft.
In fact, Chinese people do not prefer Russian products. They always buy what they think is the best choice.
Before 1979, China generally belonged to the Soviet bloc and was a country within NATO restrictions. It was impossible for them to purchase fighter jets from the United States. At that time, China's technological level was still relatively backward, so the only option was to purchase and license the production of Soviet fighter jets. For example, aircraft such as MIG21 MIG19.
From 1979 to 1989, relations between China and the United States eased, and relations with the Soviet unx were worse. They no longer had access to the latest fighter jets from the Soviet unx. But the United States began to open arms sales to China.


Lockheed Martin displays F16 in Beijing
During this period, China purchased many Black Hawk helicopters from the American Hughes Company. The Americans also transported F16, Chinook and other military aircraft to China for display, hoping that China would buy them. Grumman had planned to sell F14 to China too
But China was too poor at the time, and their budget couldn't afford these American goods.

洛克希德·马丁公司在北京展示 F16

Chinese J8II fighter jet in Grumman workshop
They chose to hand over the Soviet aircraft they built to Grumman for upgrades, which would be cheaper.
If the relationship between China and the United States can continue until China's economy takes off, then it should be normal to see a large number of F16s and F35s in the Chinese military.
However, after the collapse of the Soviet unx, Sino-US relations were severed again, and all cooperation was terminated.
Fortunately, poor Russia, desperate for Chinese money, re-established relations with their Chinese comrades. This caused China to turn to Russia again. This time they purchased a large number of SU27 fighters and later SU30 fighters.
These purchases occurred in the 1990s.
However, after the 1990s, China's own aviation industry has developed rapidly. They not only copied the SU27 aircraft, but also successfully upgraded it. At the same time, its self-developed J10 fighter jets, J20 fighter jets, JF-17 fighter jets and other products have also been successfully mass-produced.
By the beginning of the 21st century, China basically only imported some aviation engines. No more large quantities of fighter jets from any country.
After 2010, they rarely even import aircraft engines.
China has now become an independent aviation power. They develop and produce fifth-generation fighter jets themselves and have begun exporting them to their allies.


@Elliott J. Schuchardt
Great summary! Funny how nine of this information appears in the Western media.


Its funny that they buy russian shit and brag that they are so great


@Russ Jereza
comments like these… lMao


@Sam Stall
I suppose if China bots keep saying the CCP has a fifth-generation fighter, some people will believe it. But seeing is NOT believing. That J20’s engine exhausts are totally exposed, meaning they glow like candles on infrared sensors. And those forward canards are basically radar reflectors. BTW, while the CCP fiddles with the J20, the U.S. if working on a sixth-generation stealth fighter.


@Os Jose
The USA will never sell top equipment to China. They're potential enemies and so why would you give such a technology platform to be used against you?


Americans are not as farsighted as you think. They once armed bin Laden and Iran with the most advanced weapons. Learn history

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@Yunfeng LU
back in 1980s, USA needed China for their common foe -USSR. so upgrade China’s military power was quite logical , USA even gave China nato member level for military tech transfers. Only Japan and China had that privilege back then. of course, usa might never give their top equipment like F15, but second grade equipment like F16 was totally possible. in fact , China acquired quite military equpements from the west,(usa, france, italy, canada) like helicopters, surface to air, air to air missiles, artillery radars, naval guns , torpedoes, Chinese acknowledge that those opened theie eyes and learned a lot.


@D Strachan
Does China purchase fighter jets from the US?
When was the last time China did that? And where are these fighters now?!


Yep, a powerhouse. But how often they have to put in a fresh engines to their fighters?


@Ray Nieves
Two obvious reasons:
1-Russian jets were far, far cheaper than US hardware plus Russia allowed China to make copies up to a point.
2-The US was the natural nemesis to Communism that China and Russia (USSR) were, so for political and ideological reasons the Russians were the only real choice.


@Bora Tas
Very interesting history, I didn't even know the F16 ever went to Beijing for a show or that they were planning to sell the F14 and Chinook to the Chinese.
The damn military-industrial complex


Don't just focus on the Americans, the French even planned to sell their aircraft carrier to them, but they were short of money and ended up selling it to Brazil
In the 1980s, China was seen as a fighter for the free world and fighting against the Soviet unx


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